How can I cope with my mental health while pregant?

I am pregnant with my 3rd baby but this time, compared to the first two, I have been struggling mentally. I have zero emotional connection to this baby and I’m always angry and irritable. I’ve never felt like this before, it’s like I’ve gone through a complete personality switch and I feel so alone because I’m terrified to tell anyone, even my parents. I don’t want to take medication, but I also don’t know how to cope with the mental issues and I am worried about how they will affect me when the baby is born. Has anyone else gone though this before? What did you do to cope? How did it affect your mental state post partum? I just feel so alone. I need to know I’m not…

Talk to your OB. I was on anti depressants, and it’s ok to not be ok. Talk with your partner, hopefully they are listening to your concerns and you can get some support from them. They might not understand but still voicing it helps sometimes. If not you got this, and it’ll all work out in the end.