How can I deal with a child on the bus bullying mine?

Do they not have cameras on his bus?

Talk to the school and call transportation for sure


You go to the school board and talk to the transportation director & the superintendent. Don’t call, show up. MAKE them hear you. Momma bear that ass.

If your child has a phone have him record the incidences if he/she can. Ask that your child be placed near the front of the bus may help.

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Most buses have cameras.

School buses have cameras. You might want to call the school and ask if they can get the bus company to check the cameras.


I had to start driving mine

guessing your buses do not have cameras on them ?

Call the bus company if they say their is nothing they can do, remind them they are responsible for your child’s safety and you can take legal action against them if it continues


Call the school, call transporation and also contCt the teacher


Have there seat moved, ,call the bus company ASAP.

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I would instruct your child to sit right behind the bus driver


Call the school. Report the incident. Safety to and from school. Have her assigned to the front of the bus. Doesn’t have to be front seat, maybe with a friend


Keep your kid at home till the school takes care of this, and if they don’t homeschooling might be better.

You get on that bus and u let that bully know that this crap will not continue


My grandson had this problem. His mom contacted the school, and the school told her to contact the “bus barn”. They gave her the number to call. She contacted the bus barn. They pulled footage from the on board camera, shared it with the school officials, and the bullies were suspended from riding the bus. Of course, that doesn’t mean the bullies won’t act up in school, but at least the kids are safe on the bus.

When something like this happens, teachers are alerted to watch for continued bully behavior. But teachers can’t be watching every child 100% of the time. My suggestion to you is to enroll your child in some sort of self defense classes, so he knows he can take care of himself if he has to. This is the world we live in. He won’t be afraid if he knows he can defend himself.


You get on the bus with him and loudly let the bus driver know you will not tolerate it and it would be in the bully’s best interest not to make you get on the bus again…. Worked for us


Buses have cameras on them. Do not call the school go into the school and talk to the principal

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Call the transportation department. Explain what is going on and ask them to pull the video. After that is done they will send video to school and the appropriate disciplinary actions should be taken.

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Get on that bus mammma and show who’s boss!!!


Doesn’t the bus driver has an assistant with him , they do over here .

Times are different nowadays. But back when my little brother and I went to private school, we had to take the public high school bus because we started around the same time as them. My brother was in kindergarten and being bullied by a high schooler-being thrown into the window, backpack emptied out, pushed around, ect. We knew the bus driver really well. She let my dad on the bus one morning and he pinned the kid up against the window and told him not to touch his kid again. It never happened again and later in life the guy actually apologized. Can’t do that anymore though.

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Ride the bus & sit as close as you can to said Bully & ‘Kill em with kindness’…

Put it in writing. To the principal, the bus driver and the teacher. If it doesn’t stop then send the letter with a letter informing the school board you expect action.

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Call the bus company and school because if bullying on bus they probably bully at school

The bus driver can’t do anything especially while driving 30 kids. You need to call school and speak with the principal. This happened to my son and I ended up just doing drop off and pick ups but my schedule allowed me to.

This is just 1 of the reasons why I don’t want my great granddaught to ride the school bus. I take her and pick her up.

Contact the school (transportation ect) and see if the bus driver can make sure they are separated on the bus in the meantime. Something can deff be done

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Talk to transportation. You can also talk to the principal if the kid goes to the same school. Have your child give a list of names, as witnesses, and the name of the bully. They should be able to investigate just based off that. Our school system will ban a kid from the bus. Each of my kids has to sign a bus agreement the first day of school so they can be disciplined appropriately. I’ve had my own kid suspended from the bus for a few days bc they stood up to a bully bc the driver can’t always see or hear what’s going on with so many kids on the bus and they didn’t tell anyone what was going on.

You could also ask the bus driver to move your childs seat to sit behind them so they feel safer.

My niece was having a problem on the bus bus driver wouldn’t do anything so she told the little kid that her aunt said to tell you if you not leave me alone that she’s going to meet you and your mom at the bus stop after school one day and if it isn’t resolved there’s going to be problems the little kid never messed with my niece again :person_shrugging:

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Stop putting them on the bus first. Sending a child in to “combat” is abusive. Figure it out but don’t force them to be around their abuser.


And why doesn’t this bus have video?

My grandson when thought the same thing go the principle if don’t work go the superintendent it stopped when I done that

Tomorrow morning when that bus pulls up make a quick announcement and let them know you don’t play about your baby!!!


Go to the school principal and she/he should have them pull the cameras. And if he don’t have footage they should make him start turning it on. The school has every right to watch them cameras.


I walked my ass right on the bus and spoke to the child myself. No one messes with my children even if it’s a child.

My younger sister started 1st grade and came to me in the 3rd grade when a kid bullied her. She pointed out
who the kid was and after a FLURY of my crynolin skirt, saddle shoes, pony tail and fists IT ENDED.

I was shown later with bandades on my knuckles with my proud sister finished 1st grade in a different school to prevent her from coming to me.

Whoop their a** n their moms

Ask the bus driver to move your child’s seat

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Like are they just saying mean things? Or actually phicicaly harming them?

From personal experience bullied won’t stop until you hit or retort back, just make sure that your kids isn’t the one to start it no matter what is said. I do suggest jujitsu or some self defense class, as mama you need to bring it up and fight with the school and bus line and possibly demand a bus monitor. Make sure your kids understand that some ppl have a lack of things in their lives and believe bullying will make them feel better and they weren’t taught better behavior. Wish best of luck with constant arguments with the school

Find out what school the bully goes too find out their name speak to the school principle tell them, like I did if they don’t sort it you will sort it with the bully at the bus stop stand firm. I did that and the school sorted it the next day the bully apologized and never did it again.


So you walk on the bus mama. It’s not a crime go in there and say what tut need to say


Bus should have cameras. I would go speak to the principal and if that don’t work I would go to school board!


Get on that bus tell the driver that kid flipped you off and point them out worked for my kid


Tall to transportation. Busses have video cameras. Ask to view them and show this proof to both the driver and transportation team.


When my daughter was being bullied I immediately went to the school principal. Due to the fact the bus driver wasn’t doing anything I went to the school districts transportation department as well as the bus company (our districts buses are outsourced) The next day the kid and parents were called into the office. The kid was removed from the bus (its a privilege to ride the bus not a right) the bus driver was fired due to not doing his job.


Call the school. You have to be your child’s best advocate. If the school won’t help can you find out the bully’s parents phone number. I went through this. I called the mother and told her all about her kid threatening my kid. I said if your kid keeps it up, I will sue you. I won’t put up with anymore of this shit! She had her kid call me and apologize and he told me he would never hurt my son. I balled him out. Nothing happened ever again. Good luck! It’s tough for school aged kids anymore.

My son was a little asshole to a kid on the bus. The child told the school and the school called me. They normally would t they would just talk to the one being a jerk. But I’m that mom and my son can be tough he likes to argue. He’s not mean to other kids. Anyhow i can’t do anything if I don’t know.ive made that super clear to the school. He was making the child feel uncomfortable. So I did the mom thing with my little jerk. (He’s on the spectrum social settings and cues is not his thing. He didn’t understand he took it to far. Until someone said something.most is educating my evil boy and helping understand in his a way that he gets) when he realized he made the kid uncomfortable he felt so terrible. He said mom I’m gonna say sorry. I like him I thought we were both fooling around. And he hasn’t done anything like that since Point being have your child tell the kid to stop and if he doesn’t have him go to the principal. Or you call them and request they tell the kids parents. Because a parent can’t discipline or guide if they don’t know. Also you keep a record because if he isn’t telling anyone but you and you are not calling the school they won’t consider it bullying unless it’s consistent. Also they can suspend the other child from the bus for a few days. I bet his parents would def make sure he cuts his crap. Unless it’s learned from the parents.

On the other side my son was bullied last yr. Everyday we did the right things and nothing changed for months. I told my son to pop the kid. Which he did and guess what the kid stopped. I don’t condone violence but when you are following the chain of command and nothing is happening you may need to resort to a bitch slap.

Talk to the school, and the district office, talk to the supervisor of the driver. My daughter was beat up so bad on the bus she ended up in the hospital and had a severe concussion. Please take care of it before it gets that bad.

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Get on the bus and pull the kid up or go to the bloody mother

Call the bus garage/depot… if that doesn’t work start calling the school and work your way up to the superintendent… don’t stop until the issue is resolved… you have to advocate for your child(ren) no one else will.

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Tell the bus driver to put your child in the first set by her

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Time to go see the principal

Go to the school and report this child. The schools are suspo to have a zero tolerance for bullying.

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Get on the bus with your child. Show him how to use video on phone. GO to the transportation supervisor. Fire the bus driver. I don’t k own a single driver that would allow this. My husband was transportation supervisor.

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I taught my kids. Never start a fight but dont be scared to finish one. Bullies bully you because they they think youre weak. Fight back and the bully stops…

Do not tell your kid to deal with it or talk it out. Talking does nothing.


My sister is a bus driver and runs Butler buses for the Vt. School system. Have the bully removed from the bus is what my sister would do. Have a meeting with the school board and the bus driver. And tell them what’s going on and ask for the bully to be removed from the bus first time a week next time for the year. His parents are not going to like it and maybe teach him to keep his mouth shut and hands to himself


Can you ride the bus ?? Next, teach your child to scream. If he’s touched, let him scream. If it’s “just” words, practice replies… then… if it continues, talk to the school, or parents.

You call the superintendent, that’s what I did and it stopped

Bullying is against the law in Indiana just call the cops 

The schools won’t do anything. You need to teach your kiddo how to stick up for themselves :wink:

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Teach your child how to stand up and protect themselves. Bullies only prey on the weak, teach them how to put a stop to it.

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Teach your kid how to stand up for themselves.

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Teach your kid to fight.

Call the school. They will very quickly handle it