How can I deal with a child on the bus bullying mine?

How can I deal with a child on the bus who has been bullying my kids? the bus driver wont do anything with no “proof” but at this point my child is scared to get on the bus and idk what to do


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I deal with a child on the bus bullying mine?

Contact the school. If that doesn’t work contact the other kids parents


Call the school and speak to the principal. Or send them an email. Our schools take bullying at school or on the bus very seriously.

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Get a little camera that your child can carry with him on the bus. Somewhere he can just hit play and record. Something that isn’t visible unless looking for it.


Contact the school or the bus company.


Go round to the child’s parents,if my child was bullying I’d want to know about it


I tell my son if someone is picking on him he has my permission to do what he needs to stand up for himself. Of course that’s after I had called the school and nothing was done about it even after that. Now he’s 10 and in 5th grade and nobody messes with him because they know he isn’t scared and will back himself up.


Teach your child, or have them taught, how to defend themselves effectively. I abhor violence, but it is sometimes necessary to use it in order to establish and secure one’s space to breathe and live as a person.


Teach them how to throw a solid throat punch…


Ride the bus with your child

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The school does not employ the driver - the transportation department does. Contact your school district’s transportation department and file a report of bullying. Make sure to say your child or children are being BULLIED as most schools have a no tolerance policy against it. They’ll launch an investigation (but you should demand one if they don’t). They may be able to pull the bus’s video footage for proof.


Happened to my daughter in 2nd grade 2 5th grade boys were bullying her. I called the school said “if you’re not going to do anything I know what stop they get off at maybe I’ll go have a talk with their moms.” Next day the boys were moved to a different bus.


Yup, teach them self defense and have them throw hands. :ok_hand:


It only happened once to my kid, I emailed the principal that night with how upset I was he called me and it was resolved, go straight to the principal make them do something. A kid should never be afraid to get on the bus or go to school.


Contact the principal first and let him know the bus driver won’t do anything let him handle it if nothing is done still go to board of education would be the next step. Best of luck to you and your family


I tried going thru the school & they did nothing. Contact the parents & teach your kid to never start anything but they sure are allowed to finish it.


What kind of bullying? Most of us were bullied when younger. I know these days are worse. But maybe there’s a way to stop it with some coaching. I’d say get more details.

Even if the driver doesn’t have any proof you can ask if your kid can sit next to the driver sit far away from the bully , while you make a complain to the principal or the district ( document everything) also I was ask for a meeting with the kid parent as well


Call school find out who the kid is, the bus driver to many distractions no way he can figure out what’s going on. School administration has to find who it is.

Get on the bus with a baseball bat tapping it in your hands, walk up an down saying nothing, show them who dfuck they are messing with… or maybe call the school, failing that result to option 1.


Call the bus yard and complain or the school


Teach them to start no shit but take no shit!
Kids need to be taught how to defend themselves…. And not let a bully push them around….
My son had one until he finally stood up for himself…

Go above them to the principal and transportation department

I would get on the bus and yell at the kid.


Yeh so there was a kid bullying my son everyday on the bus. So when my son got off bus i followed bus til the child got off. I talked with hos parents🤷‍♀️ sorry not so sorry


Call the school and talk to the principal. My daughter was being bullied in the bus, so I called and the principal watched the videos to determine who was bullying her.


Our kids were being bullied by the bus aide (not the driver the one that rides along) so my husband called the bus driver and had a conversation with her. Told her the kids love her but we’ve been having issues with her aide for the past few years and we’re done. We told her we were filing a report on her (the aide not the driver) and she was very nice and understanding about it. Said she was going to have a conversation with her. She hasn’t messed with our kids again since then


I’d ride the bus to school with my kid. Most drivers don’t have time to deal with this, and most busses don’t have aids on board. I’d also contact the bus company and the principal.


Tell your kid to pull back and hit the bully in the nose as hard as he can. You can deal with the punishment but that bully will think twice in the future!


Call transportation director and principal


Not taking the bully side.
But would you want your kids punished with no proof

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You tell your child that when said bully starts their shit, to go on ahead and rock their socks… I told mine that if that day came and I had to come pick them up because they busted the bully right in their mouth, I’d take them out for ice cream.
That’s why Bullys do it more and more. Kids are afraid of getting in trouble for standing up for themselves

go to transportation and the school principal we had same problem n a stop was put to it quickly


Tell your kid to tell the bully… Either leave me alone or my Mom is going to follow the bus to find out where you live…


You need to contact the school and let the principal or school social worker/counselor know. Back in the day they use to have conferences with both sides of parents and children involved. Idk what they do now.

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My best friend is a bus driver she said she can’t drive and deal with the stuff that goes on and legally she’s not supposed to that’s why they have monitors call the bus company and let the school know of the problem that’s what I had to do

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Find out the bully’s parents name and inform them of what’s going on. If it won’t stop beat up the parent :rofl::rofl:


Tell your kid to fight back.
Had a kid keep pushing my daughter, eventually she pushed her back and the kid quit.


I don’t know where you live but we live in Massachusetts and my daughter actually had to change schools mid year because it was so bad and no one would do a thing about it not the bus driver not the school no one. His life has been wonderful ever since she switched! I just wanna say it’s absolutely ridiculous that you have to change schools in order to make your child be safe and happy


Get on that bus and chew some kid’s butt.

We went to the Parent as we knew them they love in the same neighborhood not much happened I finally had to call the superintendent after the principle of the school wasn’t doing anything

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Does the bus have cameras? Our school’s busses are all equipped with cameras.

I would confront the parents and also talk to the school. Also, i would be documenting every time your child says they are bullied…date and what was said/done.

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There should be a place on the county website to file a bullying report. Also, email the principal to make sure there’s a paper trail

Go on them neighborhood pages and say I’m looking for so and so parents whose kid who goes to blah blah blah pls DM me and put your reason and 9 out of 10 times they reply… speaking from experience and the mom was thankful that we didn’t have to get the damn school involved…

Hire a bigger kid to get on the bus with your son and take care of the issue!

Call the bus company

Literally every single bus has cameras now. I’m assuming there’s no proof for reason. Drive your kid to school…

I put my kid in karate to learn self defense,and give her confidence to stand up for herself,because unfortunately us parents can’t always be there,and the the adults that are,can’t always do something,or the rules aren’t always fair,so it helped for us

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Tell your kids to stand up for themselves. Go to the principal go to the bus superintendent etc

First tell the school have them talk to the kid. If it doesn’t stop tell your kid to end it. Someone gets smacked in there mouth they will stop. If it doesn’t stop have a conversation with the parents yourself


Definitely call the school and speak with the principal. I went through this with one of mine and the school handled it super quick.

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How old is your child? Old enough to use a cell phone to record the bullying behavior? There is no denying proof positive.

Teach your kid coping techniques and sign them up for a self defense class.

As a bus driver myself there absolutely can be proof. He/she can pay attention more, watch the video & definitely separate the kids until they figure out what’s going on.


Start with the school , then let the parents know you will will get this stopped one way or another .

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Send them with a recorder hidden on them

Have a bigger kid beat his a@#


Bullies are bullies until someone bullies them back. That will stop it


Depending on your state there may be a way to file an HIB report. Report to the school, the transportation department, the superintendent, the principal, the board of Ed and if you can, also speak with the parents. I would probably try to find alternate transportation for awhile if the bullying only occurs on the bus

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Go to the head of the transportation department. If the bus has a monitor he/she is not doing his/her job. Coming from a retired bus monitor.


Police report. Let the school know you mean business. Otherwise they will run over you with " where’s proof and no bullying aloud here". Tell the principal you will also talk to CPS about neglect. Stand firm and don’t let them bully you.


I went and talked to the office and they took care of it the first time I wish it was that easy for everyone, it seems schools are caring less and less bout bullying… I talked to office and if it happened again I was going to be waiting at the bus stop to talk to driver then I was going to talk to principle personally… if you have time plan it out, but hopefully the first time talking will help

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Teach your child self defense.


Go to the admins at school. Request that they look at the camera. The drivers don’t have access to the cameras to see what’s going on and it’s hard to catch them bullying while trying to safely drive.


Call your transportation office they are the people who handle the buses or the bus company


This is the reason you need to teach your children self defense.


Call the school and alert them to the situation. If it happens again and the school hasn’t put any plans in place, demand the aggressor be removed from the bus. If the school says no, go to the superintendent or school committee with the threat of a law suit.


Teach her how to defend herself. They won’t bother her anymore once she puts someone in their place. Sorry but sometimes that’s the only way w bullies. :woman_shrugging:


They should have cameras on the bus. Don’t let them get away with this. Go to the school.

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After we all know of kids, as early as elementary, having attempted/committed suicide because of circumstances that begin like this… I’d definetely find a way to get her contact information, confront her (respectfully but firmly), and if she had ANYTHING else to say to me other than something along the lines of…

“I’ll speak with my child about this and this WILL be resolved… I apologize. Please let me know if any other issues arise and THANK YOU for letting me know”; then I’d have to “respectfully” whoop that a$$ and I mean that. If it resulted in lawful consequences, I’d happily accept the consequences.

Don’t be like me though…

I just cannot STAND a parent who is in denial and thinks their child can do no wrong. That’s why these kids get away with being SO disrespectful. A lot of these parents need a reality check.
That’s just the world we live in now.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t let this go, if it’s the last thing you do. Fight it. No kid deserves to live in fear like that.

Tell the School/bus driver You will be riding the Bus Daily if this isn’t taken seriously and resolved!!!


Talk to your principal.


I know it seems a little extra. But my daughter was bullied by a kid on the bus for over a year. Scratches here and there. Numerous reports made. Constantly crying. Finally, I had enough, and one day my daughter got off the bus with a black eye, and I stood in front of the bus till she could finish telling me what happened. So I took my happy little ass onto the bus, and told her that if she ever lays hands on my kid again. I’m 1. Going to her mom’s house (her mom was the same way when we were growing up) and then I’ll file a police report. Then I told her that if my kid so much as has one hair out of place, I’m her new bus seat buddy for the duration of the school year.

3 years later and now they’re pretty good friends lol

You can’t do a whole lot about any others actions but you can teach your child. How to react and how to handle

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You tell your child to defend themselves, period.

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Most buses have cameras now.Call bus transportation and file a complaint either they will see if there’s cameras and hopefully put a monitor on that bus if there isn’t one already.He can sit by the monitor.Dont let it go even threaten to take your story to your local news station if something isn’t done to stop this.


Schools and bus driver don’t do shit these days. 1step. Tell the teacher then tell the principal. Then the school officer. Then call the transportation. Then call the bullying hotline. Report it and how the school isn’t doing anything about it. Call the police if nothing isn’t done right away. Put a restraining order on the child. I, however, called the ambulance to the school and blocked all the traffic so noone can leave until they handled wtf was going on.

I would start by contacting school administrators immediately!

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Report it to his supervisor, and school, police report too. Enroll him in self defense classes. He has to stand up for himself. Stay strong :muscle:. If school doesn’t do anything for you. Get a Lawyer.

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Get on the bus with them!!!


Where are the cameras ?

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Have your child sit close to the bus driver.

Get them off the bus. I changed my job and my kids school because of this


If school does nothing then take it to the media!! That will usually get a fire lit under their tails! Nothing like public embarrassment or shaming!

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Talk to your child’s principal. Email is best because you have record of what is said by both parties. You can include the head of bus garage in the email to, their emails should be on the schools website or call to get it. Document, document, document! If a conversation happens by phone then send an email to recap what happened per that phone call and who was part of it.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, hang in there and fight for your baby. I took my baby out of her “home zone school” and put her at a different one due to bullying issues last year in school and on the bus. She’s thriving and doing so much better.


You speak to the principal and whoever is over the buses at the school. At my kids school the vice principal is over the buses and handles anything like that.

Find out the kids name… locate the parents… deal with it. My kid got bullied one day thankfully I knew the mom and told the kid I knew his mom & I had no prob texting her. He soon backed off and has been great to my son since when seeing him

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Take your kid to karate and then let him go. Bullies won’t stop till they get a dose of their own medicine.


Tell the kid to sit at the front close to the driver

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Call the Principal the School needs too know. Tell there teacher.


The first rule of fight club: you do not talk about fight club

Call the school and speak to the principal. This is something I worried about happening to my kids. But I have 6 children…no one really wants to mess with someone who has 5 siblings.

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I had the same thing happen. I told the bus driver. The next day the kid did it again, so the next day after that I drove to the school and told them they needed to handle it. Now they have assigned seats and my kids come home happy. If not I’d get my kids off of the bus and drive until the kid got off and would have had a nice talk with their parents :wink:


Go to the school Make bus driver put your child behind him on the bus. Don’t let it go. I see it all the time and it needs to be stopped. We refuse to allow my 11 year old granddaughter ride the bus.

Teach them how to stand up for themselves


I called the principal when this happened to my 3rd grader having a 7th grader digging nails into her skin, broke her nose. I said she will now be carrying bricks in her back pack. Next time she gets touched she has my full
Permission to swing until that boy is knocked out.


Meet the bully at the bus when he or she is getting on or off and look him in the eyes and tell him you will rip his **** face off if he don’t back off . Or teach your kids to defend themselves!!!


My kid will step up and I’ll defend him himself when those times happens - put your kiddo in boxing or martial arts so he isn’t scared - and can defend him self not saying make your son a fighter at all - but I have had to talk to the kid personally and when I did that his mom got a hold of me so talking to his parents - with the principal or teacher!

Our school gives us the number for transportation. I had an issue last year with my son being bitten by another bus rider. They took care of it that day