How can I get 3my son to stop screaming?

My 21 month old constantly screams and it’s so frustrating. He thinks it’s funny. He’s my youngest of 3 and my older two didn’t do this. Any long car rides he’ll just scream for fun. He’s too young to discipline and we’ve tried redirecting, distracting, firm NOs, nothin works! Any advice? His screaming really bothers my oldest who hates loud noises. He cries constantly and that makes my youngest think it’s a game. I just don’t know what to do to make it stop. Help!


21 months old is still practically a baby to me. I’m not sure if people misread or maybe I’m just different… But anyhow, it’s a stage, it’ll go away. Tell your older one to ignore it and after no reaction it’ll stop eventually.


Next time he does it tell him that he won’t get to go the next time. If he continues that day find a sitter next time for just him. IRemind him why he can’t go. Kids are smarter than you think. Then when he is allowed to go again if the screaming starts remind him that he won’t get to go the next time.


I stopped reading at “too young to discipline”


Have you tried fidget toys? Look into bilateral sensory stimulation. Teaching them to tap/clap on their legs helps reengage the two parts of the brain. Hope this helps… Goodluck!!

Also why are we trying to discipline??? Maybe try and find out what he’s trying to get out of it!! Sounds like a sensory need!! Please tell Dr asap! My son went through this and has adhd but we thought autism at first cause it was constant screaming for no reason.

My son was like this, he still is. He has adhd odd. Your child might also have this. But too young yet to get diagnosed. But from 6 months old till 5. I knew something was wrong. He wouldn’t listen, he got spanked he thought it was funny :joy:. There was no point in trying to punish him everything was a laughter to him. He’s 11 now.

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How is 3 too young to discipline? It’s not always spanking or harsh punishment. Now’s the time to start teaching them what’s right and wrong. 3 year olds aren’t dumb. He knows it aggravates you but you won’t do much so he keeps doing it. You’re the parent. So parent!!!


When he throws a fit copy him. Haha he will see ypu do it and be like wtf. Hah. But honestly they downt understand at that age… Just be patient and react less and talk him through it or let him feel it. Lol


My mom said squirt bottle lmao :rofl: every time he screams give him a Bit of water for hydration …


Ignore it! Kids are really smart yes even at that age they do stuff because it gets a reaction out of you! Ignore him completely, turn up the music continue singing along to the music like you can’t even hear him scream once he realizes that doesn’t work he will stop! And get the oldest some sound canceling headphones or ear muffs


Time out. But also remember your oldest will have to remember he had a younger sibling. I see a lot of parents cater to their oldest when it comes to little things that bother them and it really kills the relationships between the parent and the youngest and the siblings themselves. Your oldest cries that much? Sounds like you need to also have a big boy or girl talk?

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My son did this at that age. It was a sensory thing. He eventually was diagnosed with adhd at 5.

Try getting your oldest noise cancelling headphones?

Discipline does NOT mean not mean hit or spank… u need to Discipline him! He does understand


Get ear protection for the one it upsets… and give the screaming one their own area if they want to scream that is fine but none of us want to hear it so do it by yourself…when your done feel free to come play…in the car ear protection and music… ignore it… give attention and compliments when they don’t scream…my daughter hated the screaming from my toddler when he was going through that and ear protection is a life saver for children triggered by loud noises.

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My son learned the word no around 1.5-2 years old. He definitely isn’t too young to discipline (no I don’t mean you have to spank him) take away the things he likes to do time out is very effective. Could be a sign of ADHD or something more serious though you should talk to your pediatrician.


At almost 2 he’s old enough to discipline. But, since he thinks he’s playing a game I am not sure discipline is the answer.
Have you tried ignoring him?Literally, 100% ignoring this behavior. It sounds like it’s an attention seeking thing and as long as he’s getting attention from anyone he’s going to keep doing it.
Give the other kids some headphones and turn on some music. The older ones have to understand that ignoring him is the goal. Ride down the road listening to music and don’t acknowledge he’s in the vehicle unless he’s making good behavior choices.


When he screams completely ignore him. Maybe get those headphones they have for young children to block out the sound so it’s not so bad for the other kids. If no one gives him attention when he does it then he will probably get bored of it. He wants the attention from it.


Maybe go the opposite way, play the quiet game with him. Every time he quiets down give him a piece/taste of his favorite fruit or veggie. Kids like playing games even that age should be able to grasp the concept. Get everybody involved. Lots of praise when he gets it right. Also maybe get some noise muffling/ canceling headphones for your older child.


Not too young to discipline. Make him sit on a time out chair or don’t give him treats like cookies etc. Lots of ways of making known the behavior you expect. Kids are smarter than some people think. They know your moods, if your mad or if you are out of patients.


He is not too young to be disciplined. That starts at birth, if not kids turn into little monsters that you can’t control later on. Spray bottle and every time he screams spray him. We put him in time out. Sorry your other child is having a hard time with all this. 


I would carry a timer. When he screams stop the car in a lot and get him out and make him stand on the sidewalk and explain that we don’t scream in the car. Show him he has to stay 2-3 minutes (1 minute for each year of age). Make it boring, and hang o to him. After 3 minutes, ask if he is ready to use his indoor voice. If yes, get back in the car. If not, set the timer for 3 more minutes. Rinse and repeat until the habit is broken.

If someone can watch him at home while you go out, tell him he can’t come until he stops yelling in the car or indoors. Be sure to get your other child a treat for behaving while you’re out and show it off to the younger one. Tell your younger child if he stops screaming


So my 4 year old is extremely Loud. Irritates my 7 year old. Hell wimper and beg me to make it stop. Hell just scream for fun. I tell him that the police will come bc of how loud he’s screaming and I won’t know bc I can’t hear anything. Lol it usually works temporarily. The other thing ide say is the coin rewards system. If you can’t discipline for whatever personal reasons (to each their own) then reward the good behavior. Use the word WHEN and not IF so there’s no room for confusion or disputes WHEN you stop screaming, you can have a coin. WHEN you stay calm we can trade your coin in for a treat or a reward.


Idk I have 3 girls ages 16, 12 and 6 and NONE of them screamed their heads off in the car and are pretty well behaved kids even today. I by no means at all do not mean road trips or car rides have never been a handful because yes certainly they have been. As for it happening every car ride maybe you should bring it up to his doctor. Have you tried calming noises in the car and a little battery operated low light in the dark? I had a light that attached to a pack and play that had all different noises from rain to outside at dark noises of crickets etc it was a LIFE SAVER and it hooked right onto the car seat too which is why I think I didn’t have too many issues with my kids. Idk how to help but at 2 he can definitely be disciplined at age appropriate for him. Such as no cartoons for 5 minutes or do not take him with you if you don’t have to no story before bed no extra play time etc…kids that age can definitely learn and need a lot of guidance too. You are leading his way Momma not him. You got this.:pray::pray::two_hearts:

He is old enough to know that he shouldn’t be screaming. Screaming means I want my way


He may be autistic… that can be one of the signs… but I agree, try not to give him a reaction because that just makes it that much funnier


Try to whisper to him. It works when your eye level and whispering and he might just whisper back. I’m sorry but this is totally normal behavior and maybe get the oldest some noise canceling head phones? Maybe just ignore the screamer? The spray bottle might just work too. :thinking:

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No reaction is still a reaction.
Maybe try headphones for other little one to use on tablet for his games/music/shows during car rides or at times when other is screaming.
Could give screamer a plushy pillow that u allow to be yelled into?


When my kids were young… 2,4,5,6 if they misbehaved in the car we turned around. Or I left the store, or friends n family. And it’s never to early to discipline. I do time out with my grandkids. 2 n 4. Time out in silence is my method.


He’s a toddler. This is what toddlers do. Y’all just have to learn to ignore it and use a firm but low tone. This is developmentally appropriate.


Try and not give anymore attention than absolutely necessary— he is NOT too young to discipline- even 2 yr olds need some sort of discipline-


It’s very hard , I’m going through it with my grandson that is close to that age . With my own boys I just put them in the pack n play or crib and left the room for 5 min . And then come back and talk with them . And kept it routine , and it did eventually stop.
I get ya it is very frustrating. I also will whisper so they have to stop to hear me as well.


He’s not to young to discipline. If you don’t discipline now it will get too far out of hand. Gently put your hand over his mouth when he screams and if that doesn’t work timeout and taking you away that he likes. You’re the parent.


Redirect. Ignore. Depends why he’s doing it because as stated it could be a sensory thing. My girls scream all the time usually during play. Depends on the kind of scream. I’ve been trying to get them to stop the ear piercing one at least. Especially since it upsets the baby.

Jeesh idk cuz I still have to tell my 7 yr old not to scream multiple times a day lol its a very high pitched scream too. It gives me anxiety n makes me Wana rip my ears off!


Don’t react. He’s doing it for the attention. Completely ignore it and invest in noice canceling headphones for your other kids.

Honestly try ignoring it. He may know it bothers you and he gets a reaction so if no reaction it’s not fun anymore


Developmentally normal. I just talked lower after the screaming. But over reacting makes it worse.


No wonder he screams you do not discipline him.Make him stand in a corner,take away his things he will learn.


Maybe a little pop to the mouth not hard just a tap to get his attention and tell him no. After a few times I’m sure he’ll get the message, as long as he thinks it’s funny and a game he’s never going to stop… NOW B4 YOU ALL JUMP MY ASS … I SAID A LITTLE POP. YOUD BE SURPRISED HOW SOFT YOU CAN DO IT TO GET THIER ATTENTION… ESPECIALLY IF NOTHING ELSE HAS WORKED.

Who is in charge? Not too young for discipline. Start taking stuff away that he likes. Also try screaming back. That sounds childish but sometimes it works.


My 5 year old screams too not like a tantrum type screaming just screams for the heck of it. I know how you feel.

Just ignore it and don’t respond to it , maybe it’s their way of getting attention from you

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Definitely not to young to discipline. Put him in timeout


If I didn’t have discipline at 3 years old, I’d scream too!


I bet it isnt for fun. If it is crying (not just abnoxious screaming), then something is wrong.

He is not to young to discipline! That’s your first mistake


Have you mentioned this to pediatrcian?

He’s 3 there’s ways to discipline he’s old enough, start now time outs, take favorite toy away, tell him not ok. They need to learn it’s not ok.

Join the crazy. Put on silly songs. Music they love is a very helpful distraction.

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3 is still old enough for time outs. 3 minutes. Usually you start them round 2

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Get headphones. It’s probably a phase. Or scream back at him even louder. :woman_shrugging:

Use a ‘time-out’ chair. Give your child one minute for every year of his age. ( E.G. 5 years old = 5 minutes.)
Use a timer. Start the timer when they stop screaming. If they start screaming while the timer is going, stop the timer and begin again once they stop screaming. Explain what you are doing, every time…’oops. You started screaming again so I’ll have to stop the timer. I’ll start it again when you stop.’
Be consistent! SO important.
If the problem continues, make an appointment with the child’s doctor.


Get a spray bottle and when he screams- yell no and squit


Just scream at him and be even louder each and every time lol

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Ignore or walk to another room ,where they cant see u stress is all I can say after 6 little shits lol xxx

Sounds like you should check with Dr

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He’s too young to discipline?!? What?!


He is not too young to discipline. Discipline starts from birth. Discipline eats teaching. Punishment needs to be part of Discipline. Teach him how to act then punish when he doesn’t.


Stop addressing it. The quicker my kids realized they don’t get a reaction, the quicker they stopped doing weird annoying :poop:

He is not too young for discipline. You need to try different things and figure out what works for your child in regards to discipline. But by not disciplining him, he knows he can get away with whatever he wants, whenever he wants. That behavior will follow into adulthood if you do not do anything.


Too young to discipline? WTF?

Get his hearing checked he may only hear his screaming

Annaliese Erin Parent Coach

Ear plugs, headphones etc. try ignoring and see if it works

Too young to discipline? Gonna have a hell of a job when you do start… you’re the parent…FFS

“He’s too young to discipline”
You must be joking? :woman_facepalming:


Ummm…stop being a full blown idiot and get your child into the Dr???

Screaming 24/7 is NOT normal. Stop being a lil shit that thinks a 2 year old is doing something to ‘spite’ you and actually be a parent and get your child medical care!! :woman_facepalming:t3:

Insted of being upset with the one screaming, reward the ones that aren’t screaming for their good behavior with a lot of praise and a treat for having good behavior. The screamer will be upset for not getting a treat, but you remind them how they can earn one next time. Each time he starts screaming remind him that he doesn’t get a treat if he behaves that way, and the cryer will get rewarded for putting up with it. He will be so proud of himself when he gets the treat, he won’t want to scream every time. Right now its about upsetting the bigger one for him, if the bigger one gets rewarded then it takes the fun out of it… I suggest buying a box of fruit snacks or a package of oreos. The treat has to be something they really like for him to want to behave to get it… Goodluck momma💕


Like scream or crying? My now 3 yr old used to constantly scream- high pitched out of nowhere cuz he thought it was funny, till I flicked him in the mouth. It’s been a good 6 months with outbursts maybe 2 or 3 times n then I give him the look n he stops.

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Mine screams to let me know that there is a need that isn’t being met. If you can tell he’s doing it at certain times under circumstances it seems reasonable to conclude that he’s found a fun little game for himself. It’s developmentally appropriate but that doesn’t make it any easier for the rest of the house. There’s some great advice in this comment section, if he’s playing a game rewarding the other two for their behavior consistently will make him want to work for the same reward. If the biggest isn’t crying and he’s not getting the response he wants he’s more likely to chase the fun of earning a treat like the big boys. Stay strong mama, the twos are not for the weak.

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You should watch supernanny! This is common but her technique works! She would say that discipline is age appropriate!

Have you considered your child may have a sensory processing issue? Or possibly be Autistic? Screaming like that is possible that he’s seeking sensory input and isn’t getting it elsewhere, so he’s learned that the sensation of screaming feels good. My son used to grunt ALL DAY and it was super annoying. We discovered he had sensory processing disorder and got him a buzzy toy. He stopped grunting and instead started using the buzzy on his chest to mimic the sensation of grunting. Turns out he was seeking the vibration his body created by grunting

Well your 1st mistake is thinking he is too young. Are you not teaching him to talk? Talk to him and tell him that’s annoying and we communicate by talking not screaming!!!

I would get the bigger kids some headphones and ride it out.

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  1. Stop laughing
  2. Make no response
  3. When speaking with him, get down on his level and WHISPER

Go home. Stop whatever you are doing until he stops.

Splash water in his face every time.

WHISPER!!! Don’t yell at him…lol

Don’t judge this child by its siblings

Have you had his hearing checked?

Hold his /hers head under water for moment 

Duct tape works very efficiently. Amazon has some on sale now in pretty colors. I highly recommended it!