Looking for some advice. My 11 month old son is on this kick of smacking and pulling hair. I know he doesn’t understand what he’s doing and he’s just expressing frustration but does anyone have any advice on how to curb it? He smacked my pastor’s wife in the face at my grandfather’s funeral Wednesday.
Following because if you’re old school it was belts and switches, hands and sandals.
I’m sorry.
But this is funny. Haaaaaaa. I mean it’s not funny but I understand because my 2 yr old thinks it’s ok to pinch or scratch when he gets mad.
Maybe its just me but in my house if you hit you get hit back 11 months old or not they gotta learn some how i dont go for that they dont know what they are doing if they big enough to hit bite pinch they big enough to get it done to them
Spank him and give a time out
Ummm you just need to nip that in the butt fast… Some times a little smack on the hand or butt to let them know not to do that… And kids are smart he knows what he is doing
I give mine a light flick to his hand, and tell him that’s not nice. He gets a super pouty lip and then usually lays his head on me. Ha.
Babies understand a firm tone and a time out by 6 months old, I know it’s hard to get past the cute baby face, but early discipline really is key
Do it back to him and he will stop
God says spare the rod spoil the child , bible says if you do not punish your child you do not love your child but if you love your child you will punish them. PEOPLE SAY KIDS DONT COME WITH INSTRUCTIONS BUT THEY CLEARLY DO ITS CALLED THE HOLY BIBLE
Good luck, hes only 11 months lol
I grab my 8 month hands and tell him no.
To each his own… but a swat on the hand, hard stare, and firm no worked for me!
Look him in the eye and firmly tell him no. Don’t yell but a firm no and be consistent. My son is only 9 months old but he understands no and starts crying when I tell him no. They do understand
At 1 my son had a hitting phase that lasted all of 4 days. Hutting everybody he came in contact with. Everytime he hit me, i tapped the back of his hand. He quickly learned after 2 or 3 painfully taps that it wasnt fun anymore. He stopped after that
Pop his butt,he won’t feel it thru his diaper but it will hurt his feelings & get his attention .
Okay so with my daughter i would lightly tap her back. She’d freak out and stopped after the second time. My son i tried it because we’re having the same issue and the the sucker started hitting me repeatedly in the face and laughing so with him i tell him firmly no thats a ouchie and set him down. It seems to be working. It doesnt help his sister play fights with him though😔.
My son when he was around 2 y/ O got a habit of biting so his nursery person bit him back! I wasn’t pleased with her action but he never bit another person😳
Give him a little taste of what he’s doing! Then ask him how’d that feel, do you like it! Then exolain nobody else likes it either and it hurts them when you do it!
11 months they can understand more than you think Grab his hand and firmly tell him that’s not ok and time out for him
Teach him to speak. Its all he’s doing… Trying to tell what he feels. Dont hit the baby.
I would say since he is so little he may not understand he is hurting you. Maybe when he does it say ouch really loud so it startles him and maybe he will stop. He is really to little to punish he wouldnt understand it.
You know there is research that once they hit 9 months old they learn how to manipulate. Babies are very smart, especially if they have older siblings. My 13 month old is way smarter than both the older to were at that age, and she has been very very smart, to smart for her own good since 6/7 months. She does have a problem with hitting and kicking . Has since she was a few months old. I’ve just recently started popping her hand when told no. Sadly with mine she just looks at me smiles or laughs and does it again ( that’s with anything) not referring to the hitting and kicking. But she is a stinker. Everything her brother did after a year i.e. throwing everything out of his crib and stuff she has been doing since 6 months.
Discipline is not abuse.
Firmly tell him “NO” and walk away and make it clear you are ignoring him for a few minutes. That stopped my son from pulling my hair.
Do it back (not hard) and he will stop.
With my daughter I would put my hand over hers, say no thank you, put her down and walk away for a minute or so. She realized pretty quick that hitting meant that I wouldn’t be paying attention to her and quit.
Smack him back! Break him now or you will regret it
Take his hand and grab it firmly not hard but push it away with s change in voice tone and say no no that hurts.
I use to grab my babys hands and tell her no. She eventually stopped. All kids/babies go thro this
For us I always tell him No that hurts and we don’t hurt other people. I will hold his hand and redirect. My son also now says sorry he is 21 months and we have been working on it for months. We do not do spankings or time out in my house because time out doesn’t help them work through the behavior. They are little kids with big emotions they need help just like adults do.
Babies and kids know more than people give em credit for. What kind of reaction is he getting when he does it? He may enjoy whatever that is… Don’t make a huge deal. Correct the behavior, remive from the area, talk to them that its bad behavior and they don’t get to do whatever it is they’re doing if they hit. They will understand.
Say, no, that hurts. Then take his hand and rub it on your face and say gentle, while you rub his hand gently over your face.
My 11 month old does the same thing with snacking in the face. Hes does it since he figured out his hands. I smack his hands and tell him “no, that hurts!” He thinks it’s funny so I smack his little but not hard but enough to get his attention for him to stop laughing. Kids are very smart. He knows what hes doing. I’ve tried rubbing his hand on my face saying be nice. That didn’t work…so I started smacking his hands.
Every parent is different.
My son is about the same age. I usually do a light slap of his hand and a firm “No. Not nice.”
They are very little and are learning. Repetition and consistency will help the most.
Sidenote: the amount of people saying to punish an infant is concerning…
I did it back to my son (before anyone tries bashing me, it wasn’t hard) and my boy stopped
Do it back. He has to understand that doing that gives someone he loves a ‘booboo’
Time to slap him back as hard as he slaps others, same as for hair pulling, don’t hesitate or you’ll be sorry or embarrassed.
My daughter use to do that. I smacked her hand and she never did it again.
Maybe smack him back once to let him see it hurts and say no no no .
Really? I see all these comments saying to slap him back! Wtaf?? He’s less than a year old, show him how to interact with others gently.
Smack back the hands so they feel what they are inflicting. Do it now the first time. They will remember, if you wait till 2-3 then they think its a game, also as you wack there little leg as they kick, yell, ouch, that hurt, and look sad. Give them all the info. For them to learn how it feels. Taught my little kids as soon as they tried. One lesson with a light smack and its over. You’ve taught them. Good luck.
Do the same back to him, just hard enough to let him know it hurts. Tell him ( he will somewhat understand) even at his young age that is how your behavior (kick, hit etc) feels. .
I put my 11 month old in her crib and let her calm down
Honestly I grew up with spankings so I would swat my childs butt not hard just to get their attention and say no. I know not everyone does that and thats ok. When my children started to bite i put some black pepper on their tongue again not alot just a couple of pieces. Be consistent with whatever you choose. You let them slip once and eventually you will have a losing battle.
Tap his hand and tell him no in a very stern voice. And yes you start to tap hands when they start being mobile and can get into every little thing.
Doesn’t make anyone an idiot for not parenting the way you like.
Slap him back… he’ll stop.
If was mine I would smack him back stop letting him get out of control every one love babies but no one likes a mean bad baby no matter how cute they are what they really do is talk about you an tell other people how bad your baby is an this is the truth no matter how mean it sounds
My 19 month old is bad about this kinda stuff or pinching. He will even get mad and pinch himself if he cant reach someone…
Pop his hand and tell him no. Be vigilant.
I used to take my daughter’s hands and run it gently down my face or stuffed animals saying “be soft” in a near whispery voice.
It took a little bit of correcting her by doing that when she’d start hitting but now she’s 3 and when she’s getting wild with animals or toys I say “no, be soft” and she’ll whisper it back and follow that petting motion.
I’ve heard that if you shake babies they settle down
You snack his hands!!!
Ok, here’s the thing about babies, they don’t understand what pain is to others unless they experience it. He’s at an age where no means nothing. One smack is not abuse, and saying don’t is better than no. When put together, i.e. a quick tap on the hand with a stern voice saying don’t while dead staring curbed all 4 of my neices and nephews and my daughter. If they try to retaliate, hold their hands dead stare with same tone saying don’t.
Your Little Boy, does not want people up in his face.This is what he is proving. Protect him from people getting in his face.
Smack back. And go away all you oh you’re reinforcing violence with violence people… dont care. I’m not beating the kid, just a small return whack so he knows it hurts people. Actions speak louder than words right? Act now or raise a jerk.
And sorry but “he doesn’t want people in his face” then Express yourself positively… that can be taught… smack again tho and you’ll wish you hadnt.
You don’t reinforce no hitting or smacking with hitting…gees!!! It teaches to hit. Holding his hand and reinforcing no hitting many times over. He’s 11 months old not 11 years. There is no understanding of reason yet. Teach kindness.
He knows what he is doing you have to put a stop to that immediately or it will get worse. But don’t use violence to stop violence. Take his favorite toy away or skip dessert.
Say “gentle touch” as you take his hand and lightly touch your arm. Doing that shows them how to touch nicely, since hitting is not nice. Model the behaviors you want from them.
Gentle slap on the hand and a resounding NO always worked for me. Also explain why it‘s wrong to hit, you’d be surprised how much they understand even at that age.