How can I stop my child from waking up in the middle of the night? she is 8 months old and having issues staying in her own bed…we had her in my room for the first 4 months in a bassinet but she quickly outgrew that and I did not want to make that a habit…any ideas? she seems to wake up to want a bottle…or is this still a normal thing at that age?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get baby to sleep through the night?
Totally normal at that age
Start giving her some rice cereal before her bedtime
Look up sleep regressions. Babies have them around 4 months 8 months 18 months. It’s very normal.
Totally normal feed da babe
I honestly think it’s normal at any age for them to wake up at least one time a night. We as adult wake up at nights.
Is she too hot or cold, wet, so many reasons…
The best and only advice I can give is…wait. yup, that’s it, just wait. I know it seems you’ll never sleep again right now, and how exhausted you are, but be patient, mothers are superheroes. Just wait a little longer momma.
Totally normal .
Try to not let her nap after 5-6 ,give her a bath before bed , you can use one of those calming / night lotion for babies and/ or the oil for her to be relax, try to feed her a snack or a bottle with cereal or pure mixed with the milk so she doesn’t get hungry
Normal, give her a bottle for how, to young to wean.
Add rice cereal to bottle. Less naps during day. Nice bath before bed. That should help. Do not give melatonin. Patience.
Normal every chiild diffrent my boy is 2.5yrs old n only started sleeping thru night n hes been his own room fof ages but use to wake 1nce still
Totally normal. Around 8pmish I’d bath her feed some nice warm rice cereal and a nice warm bottle apply some lavender Oil to the bottom of her feet apply socks of footed pj’s and she should hopefully be ready for a good night sleep by then. If not, play some white noise or soft soothing music and just rock her until she’s asleep - no talking. Same when she wakes up - no talking or engaging in the middle of the night. That way she stays dreamy and should fall back to sleep easily after her butt change and new warm bottle. The calmer you are and the sense of surroundings are the easier it is to sooth them back to sleep.
For the lavender Oil they have baby strength at local CVS pharmacy on the infant isle or at Walmart in the infant isle. Not recommended for under 6 months and can only go on the feet. It contains a carrier Oil so it won’t hurt the baby. I’ve used this on all of my children and I’ve raised 7. Now I have a granddaughter who sleeps beautiful because she was Sleep training from a young age. Don’t get me wrong some nights are a horror due to illness. But other than that, this is amazing training habit.
Happy parenting
It’s normal for her to wake. Many do not end up sleeping through the night until older.
Normal. Let her be a baby.
Give her water in the bottle. A blanket she likes, something to self soothe
Milk in a bottle at night is so bad for the teeth
Check out Dr. Richard Ferber’s book.
There are so many outdated and possible unsafe comments on this thread . Do not take any medical advice (what to feed a baby) unless from the baby’s pedi as what is safe/ok for one baby might not be the same for another. It is completely normal for a baby to not sleep through the night still at that age. You can try sleep training if it works for your family (it did not work for me, I can’t handle CIO), but it is normal for a baby to be hungry in the middle of the night at that age. It stinks at the time but it wont last forever and they are only little once. In a year from now you may not even remember the sleep difficulties (just keep thinking about that).
Yes it is normal for her to wake up for a bottle. Usually by 2 they start to sleep through the night but every baby/toddler is different. Good luck mama, hang in there. You got this
My baby is same she’s 11months never slept through she wants botles through the night
I got a memory foam mattress pad for my daughters bed and to this day she loves her bed lol but still she’s gonna be 3 and gets up once or twice a night
Fan for white noise
Room darkening shades/curtains
Protein snack a few hours before bed to keep child from being hungry.
She’s a baby fgs… its normal if your concerned its not normal or somethings not right go speak to your baby’s doctor/health visitor xx
A snack before bed is a good idea. Cereal will usually do the trick. That fills the tummy and keeps them from getting hungry again. Rice cereal is what I gave my kids. Worked like a charm. They also liked it when I would crush Graham crackers to a powder and mix it with warmed formula. That was their favorite. It doesn’t take much Graham cracker. Just a little bit.
My daughter is 9 months old, she still wakes once a night for her bottle. I’m not going to add anything into her bottle but her formula. She is a baby and this is typical behavior for her age.
If you have concerns on what is going on with your daughter, bring it up at her 9 month check up. Talk to the doctor and discuss what is best for your child.
It is 100% biologically normal for babies to wake up throughout the night, even the first 2 years. Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep is a great group.
Babies still need to eat at night, so give her a bottle and rock her back to sleep.
Babies wake up because of survival, prevents SIDS, they are hungry or thirsty, need help regulating their heart beats and breathing.
Sleep is developmental, when her body is ready she will sleep through the night.
It’s 3am and I am up…
I get paid over $ 144 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 18111 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. M0re Info.
My daughter was 3.5years before she slept through the night.
Before you have kids you should do your research, obviously it’s normal bottles are they can have at that age so they tend to he hungry more its common sense
Normal, my little boy didn’t start sleeping until he was almost 3!
It’s pretty usual to still have a night feed. You can try giving banana or millet porridge before bed. Maybe also try a later bedtime as mine used to wake up when we came to bed.
It’s completely normal for that age.
Some kids sleep through the night early and some, it takes longer.
My daughter (now 3) was sleeping through the night around 5/6 months old. My son, currently 5 months old, still wakes about 3 times a night to eat
Yes it’s normal, give her the bottle change her bum and she will go back to sleep. If she falls asleep in your bed take her to hers without waking her up.
My son was a pretty sound sleeper but my daughter, not so much. She will be one in a week and still wakes up at night for a bottle regardless of how much or when we feed her before bed. She was also a month early as well
She’s a baby. That’s normal
Your baby sounds normal. Please don’t give cereal or anything but a bottle at night. Only 1 of my 4 slept through the night before the age of 2.
You may need to wait until baby is ready and maybe limit the amount of naps and how long in the daytime. That is how I got my kids sleeping through the night with shorter naps and a lot of playtime and not going to bed so early. My kids went to bed at 9pm not like some mom’s I knew right at 7pm I found it was too early and too much time lost to have reading time and playing with toys…It worked for me because when I slept through and it was 9am I rushed in my sons room he was sleeping away with his little butt in the air, just made me giggle…
You ladies are so lucky my 2nd didnt sleep through until he was 5 yrs old and even then without fail would be up 5am every day
My daughter is 41 n still doesn’t sleep at night.
My little one is 4 years old and she still wakes up at night sometimes…. At 8 months i honestl did not even think of trying to get her sleep all night. So Yes it is very very normálne and it is still going to be normal For very long time
my son never slept thru the night until he was 9 months old & after he cut his first tooth, He would wake up every 3 hrs, & I gave him a small bottle & he would go back to sleep, But once that tooth (top one !!) broke thru, the next night & the rest of the nights, he slept 12 hrs
8 months? Wow… add some years onto that
My daughter will be four and still wakes up between 2 and 3am for a drink and to use the bathroom! She has been a wake up once in the night kid since the day I brought her home as a preemie.
If she’s waking because she’s hungry then there isn’t anything you can do except wake up and feed her.
My Eldest child is 7 and still wakes lmao as does my 4yo. And my 9 month old twins. They never wake at the same times. Girl strap yourself in
Reading these comments I feel so blessed to have 2 under 3 that sleep throughout the night
She’s a baby. Of course she’s going to wake up for a bottle in the middle of the night.
My first was a wonderful sleeper right from the start. My second didn’t sleep through the night until he was 4. Good luck x
I mean… do you sleep through the night?
We have these crazy expectation for literal babies we can even hold ourselves to…
It is a very common thing for some and most little ones. If you think she is hungry fix her a bottle soothe her and put her back in her bed. Yes it sucks getting up and maybe dad could help some and y’all rotate? My youngest didn’t sleep through the night until 3 or 4. She always played her self to sleep and that alone took 2 hrs. Listening to her on the baby monitor back then was hilarious!! You got this mama
My oldest woke once a night to eat up until 1 1/2 then he would sleep through the night. My youngest is 6 months and he is up 3 times a night to literally just feed and falls right back to sleep. He does sleep in his crib too. I think each child is different and it’s just normal. Feed change by don’t have any other interaction. Back to bed. That’s how she will learn but she will still wake up to feed and that’s normal.
Keep her up and active, as much as possible during the day.
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18551 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
Perfectly normal. At 8 months it’s likely baby still needs milk in the night.
Both my children never woke up for bottle at 8 months. They did the odd time if they were sick, sleep regression, or something was off with them.
I have an 8 month old right now and shes been sleeping through the night since before 6 months. Yes it is normal to want to have a bottle in the night but as long as she’s fed enough during the day with bottles and solids she is ok to go without a feeding during the night. At some point it’s more of a soothing thing for them and if you make a habit out of it they will continue to do so. She could also be going through a sleep regression.
Mine didn’t sleep through the night til 3 years old
She’s 8 months, it’s normal. Feed her.
Also in case you are considering moving her to her own room, it lowers the risk of SIDS keeping them in your room the first year. Every pediatrician we’ve seen in any of our kid’s first year would remind us to keep the baby in our room until at least 12 months.
Milk in a bottle until 12 months is not bad. After a year, depending on teeth growth, it’s not bad. If your baby is a formula baby, don’t give them water, it can actually over hydrate them and kill them. Breastfed babies I’m not sure how that goes but I would talk to your pediatrician. They should be on formula/breast milk for the first year.
Feed but keep lights low and don’t talk. Mine slip all night by 6 months!
If she’s waking during the night she more than likely needs a bottle, she’s waking from hunger more than likely. Totally normal for that age
Uh normal, she’s hungry? My 9 mo old still wakes up once a night.
She seems to wake up to want a bottle because she wants a bottle.
Normal to have a bottle at 8 months in the night
My 16 month old still wakes up at night, be reassured this is normal. Sleep won’t be the same for awhile. Is it breast milk or formula in the bottle. Breast milk is easier to digest, so babies become hungry faster. It doesn’t matter what you feed them (I did both) just might help to know. Also, babies get growth spurts that causes them to be more hungry and mess up their sleep. In the first 2 years of life is when they experience the most rapid growth, so don’t expect sleep to normalize till after their 2 years old. I suggest that you look into sleep regression, It’ll go over a variety of reasons why babies aren’t sleeping well and when they typically happen.
You cant.
Babies sleep when they do. If they are not tired you can not make them sleep.
Normal, feed your dang baby.
Normal , they cant feed themselves .
My 4.5 month old sleeps throughout the night. She gets 32 oz of formula and about 8 tablespoons of puree during the day. We give her a bath every night at about 7:20 or 7:30, and in her bottle before bed we put 2 tablespoons of her baby oatmeal. She sleeps from 8pm to 7am, and if she wakes up in the middle of the night, we put her paci back in her mouth and she falls right back asleep.
This is normal feed the baby some babies like my oldest will wake up through the night until 12 months or longer my oldest is two and still wakes up at night to come into bed with us
Bottle & diaper change I’d say.
Neither of my boys slept through the night until they were about a yr and a half
Well my kid is almost four and still gets in bed with us around 3am every morning. Welcome to motherhood. You’ll forever be tired.
Try some scrambled eggs for evening snack with a cup of warm milk??
You can’t stop her from waking up… she’s only 8 months old. Jesus
She’s still a baby. Feed her some milk ffs
If they wake up crying and you always come with a bottle they will always wake up crying. Just because they are a little does not mean they aren’t smart. Definitely get that extra bit of food before bed to top off the tank 
It’s very normal to still wake to eat at that age. My kids were 13 months and 20 months before they stopped waking to eat. I fed them in their room, still dark, minimal disturbances to the room, then right back in bed. Set a good routine with feeding and getting back in bed and stick to it, the first few days might be rough but they will get used to it and it will make nights easier for you.
5 kids and this all sounds normal. Feed baby in just enough light to make bottle. Keep everything as quiet as possible. Feed, change, burp, lay down. If fussing after that pat baby on back or butt. Currently my 9 month old has to have butt pats. Let baby know you are there. And let her drift off. Probably a growth spurt. But keep it calm and quiet and baby will get used to it.
It will happen when it happens on its own
It’s normal. Most do. My first 2 slept through by 3 weeks and 7 months. My third (2.5) still wakes up sometimes. Side note: why do people bring up the “do you sleep all night?” argument…believe it or not, some of us actually DO sleep all night.
Welcome to parenthood, it’s all downhill from here.
Every kiddo is different. My older three slept through the night after we started them on baby food which was usually around 6 months old.
At night time for dinner I would mix baby food with rice cereal until it was clumpy then I would add in breast milk until it was smooth (if you’re not breast feeding making a regular bottle of formula is just as good too). After every 4 bites give a drink from the bottle, after doing that, burp baby especially if he/she isn’t sitting on their own yet and continue until that belly is full. That should help baby sleep through the night or at least condense it down to waking up once in the middle of the night.
I would feed my little this mixture, warm bath, lotion down then read a book out loud while rocking them to sleep, and once they fell asleep from a food coma on top of relaxation putting them in their own bed was easy. Also I put a tv in my kids room right off the rip bc the sound of the movie and such made them feel comfortable and they sleep with sound on so you don’t have to be quiet while they’re asleep.
But only do that mixture for dinner bc if you do it for all the other meals then little will go back to waking up in the middle of the night multiple times.
Put some baby oatmeal or cereal in bottle so baby can have a nice full belly and hopefully sleep through the night
Have you tried giving her some cereal ? Ask your doctor first, but that’s what I’d sugg.
It’s normal for babies to wake up at night. Unless you sleep train I guess. Maybe feed baby more during the day. Try a white noise machine. My 10month still wakes up in the middle of the night a couple times. Just for soothing. I don’t mind though. He’s only a baby for so long. Best of luck.
My four year old sometimes still wakes up during the night and comes into my bed. He never slept through until he was well over 3. He was breastfed til he was 3 so I think that played a big part
I put cereal in the bedtime bottle.
It’s normal for some all children are different.
I had all 4 of mine in my room until they were 2 years old
depending on age of child and how comfortable they feel in a dark room, i would try a night light , and make sure that he’/she’s well fed before bed
Make sure baby is well fed so they don’t get hungry in the middle of the night. baby cereal works well.