Switch to 1% and make sure she is getting enough food to eat (not saying she isn’t), but just make sure she isn’t still hungry and milk is filling her up. GOOD LUCK!
What the H***is wrong with people on here ? It’s an 18 month old baby . GIVE HER THE MILK.
Each time you give it to her add water to it if your useing whole milk start out half milk half water do that a couple of times then a little bit more water than milk she’ll eventually either not want as much or just take water it does work I did it with all 4 of my kids just got to stick to and not give in my kids actually ask for water now before anything else
Have you tried giving her a snack high in protein before bedtime? If our 3 yr old doesn’t have a snack she wakes up hungry in the middle of the night.
My kids are milk drinkers, their doctor gets on me all the time about how much milk they consume, heck my 5 year old, still has to have his warm … I give them 2% & sometimes put some extra water in it. I’d rather them drink milk than juice & who is it really hurting? They eat food and love their milk. So the worst that’s gonna happen they grow up and drink it I mean just brush there teeth and all will be good. My 2 year and 1 year still want milk in the middle of the night. Some night they sleep but nights they want it. I wake up thirsty and drink my water bottle, so they want milk. They are babies, let them be little, they eventually out grow it, my son stopped about 3 he’s 5, but he still has his warm cup before bed and when he wakes up .
Wats her eating like in the day.
Maybe she is hungry…
Milk is needed for bone growth and brain development. Don’t stop giving her milk and don’t add water. Just make sure she is also getting solid food during the day
Water it down more and more every week
What does her doctor say???
Let her cry it out for a week, she will stop. Be strong
Switch her to 1 percent milk. Milk is good for her but they do not need the fat. Unless she’s underweight. If you want to take it away at night you will just have to do it and she will scream and cry try to offer her water but you have to stick to it.
My son is about her age. He doesn’t drink too much during the day but that night bottle! He socks down 11 ounces and pretty much flips if I put him down without sucking on a second. And sometimes he drinks at least half. I feel like it’s habit up to a point, as he was going to bed after the first bottle. But he would wake up at least once during the night. So its like, which is worse? I am at the point that I wonder when kids stop with that night bottle. Do they wean themselves off or do we???
Does she pee a tremendous amount at night? I’d have her screened for diabetes just to be on the safe side. Rule out issues first. Simple finger prick to check A1C.
I only gave my kid a bottle of water @ night from the day I brought him home from hospital, I didn’t want him to have bottle rot teeth from the sugar in milk or juice,after 10-15 minutes when he was asleep I took the water bottle to.
Please don’t deny her milk. Milk will build her strong bones and healthy teeth.
I would happily give a child milk any time instead of juice.
If you need to do water and a sugar free flavor.
Bedtime snack and don’t give in to the milk demands at night. My son was this exact way every 2 hours away wanting milk at 1.5 years old the doctor told me to let him cry. I did. For 3 nights. After that slept 12 hours straight through. Its not a need now. Its habit
Let her scream it out. She’s gonna have no teeth left. Tough love or dentist bills.
My son was the same. We tried absolutely everything.
Then one night he just stopped and hasn’t woken up at night since he was about that age
Milk is important, especially for girls. We are more prone to arthritis.
With all 4 of my kids I watered the milk down little by little each night (an only at night) so 4oz of milk 1oz of water for a few nights then 3 milk 2 water and so on. As it’s done gradually they don’t notice as much then they start waking less because they aren’t getting what they are waking for.
I just don’t believe you can give a child something to help soothe them then take it away and expect them to just be ok with it
My daughter is almost 2 and she is still addicted to Elle care JR I have to stop she is exactly the same BUT she is a puker she will cry till she barfs everywhere my carpet is ruined and she won’t stop! I am a single mom working full time and I barley get 4 hrs of sleep a night someone plz give me pointers I’ve tried everything I think
Milk is extremely important until age 5. I personally would let the child cut back on their own.
I give my son cheerios, toast, or a banana to help fill his belly before bedtime so he’s not drinking so much to go to sleep.
My son is 10 now . Just have to let stop it . Nothing after bed to drink may get some sleepless night but don’t give in . Too much milk can cause gallbladder stones it happened to me as a child all that castle in that milk builds up stones in your gallbladder so very painful you will have to have surgery to remove your gallbladder and your gallstones
Well the max recommended by aap for your daughters age is 24 oz. so you’re good. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you’re worried about constipation or something.
No milk at nite it will rot the teeth. This’s when tuf luv comes in. Not fun
Following as I’m still having this with my 3yo! Good luck mumma
My best bet with this and a dr had to give me advice because its my only child i asked how do i make her do things because she will throw a tantrum ect. She said ur the mom so basically domt give in ive done this with bed time and milk befor bed (because she ended up having cavities) and a couple other random things she did cry and try to get up so i would pin her down and or block her or just plain lock the door with her in while she cries and if she got real bad id turn of the lights for a couple seconds then she get scared id tell her if you want the lights on stay in bed and she would go back and all the crying she fall asleep faster and literally every time took days for it to stick (:
Start a routine where milk is cut off an hour or so before bed, then switch to water only. They are 1.5 so getting them on a new schedule will suck initially but will quickly become law if you stick to it and don’t deviate. Some kids gravitate towards milk more than other liquids, my son is 12, only drinks milk and water, and still has a glass before brushing his teeth before bed.
It’s good for her, so keep going. Brush her teeth in the morning and all will be fine.
My daughter is 13 mo and my dr has been telling me for months now to stop feeding her through the night. And to make her night bottles water. I don’t care she has milk at night what does bother me is she isn’t sleeping through the night #tiredmomof4
I took the bottle away and gave a sippy with water. She had a fit for a few nights but she sleeps all night now
I watered down the milk a little at a time til my kids got to water.
You are the boss here-Tough it out , otherwise you will spend a lifetime teaching your child she is the boss- her life experiences will show her the truth but she may take a real long time finding out the true answer!
Start diluting the milk a week at a time make it weaker. Before u know it she will he on water.
Pick your battles wisely, Mom. Surely you have more important things to be concerned about.
Also, 24 oz in 24 hours is normal, though.
Maybe try feeding her some cereal before the bed bottle and see if that might help
If she is underweight or hitting a growth spurt, continue giving it to her. Maybe she needs it to keep her tummy full all night ?
My son did that until he was 3.5. Pediatrician told me to add carnation instant breakfast. My son was very thin. We couldn’t fatten him up. He was just hungry. Once his growth slowed. Down, so did he with the milk.