How Can I Get My 1-and-a-Half-Year-Old to Drink Less Milk?


"Hey mommas! My daughter is 1 1/2, and I’m trying to get her to drink less milk. It’s like she has to have it to go to sleep, though, and IDK how else to get her to nap or sleep at night.

She takes about 5 oz to go down for her nap, but she drinks SO much at night. She wakes up every couple of hours and will just scream bloody murder until we give her a sippy with milk in it. And she ends up drinking like 15-20 oz every single night.

IDK how to break her from it. She’s my only child, so I’m just at a loss.

I’ve tried giving her water instead, and she just spits it out and cries. Help!"

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“You’re the parent. Limit the milk to what you think is appropriate and let her have a fit. It will only take 3 days of the crying if you are consistent… you have to get used to not giving the child everything they want and the fits that come.”

“I hate to say it but you’re gonna have to let the child scream it out. The first night, go in and say go back to sleep… I did this with my girls and it rips your heart out but in about 3-4 days they are fine!!”

“Start diluting it with water. Eventually, it will be all water. She will either still want it or not. But either way, it will be better for her teeth.”

“Is your child only drinking milk at these times? What does the rest of her day look like? If she is eating well and not filling up on milk all day, I wouldn’t worry. They need 16-24 ounces a day. My children still drink insane amounts of milk and they are super healthy. If you still worry though talk to your pediatrician.”

“My kids all 3 were like that until about 3 I believe. They now just drink milk every once in awhile, mostly just water though… it wasn’t hurting them, I made sure their teeth got brushed in the morning so their teeth were ok. But really, I didn’t see a point in fighting them on it. I’m sure my son will be the same way.”

“My son was very similar at her age I just started watering it down slightly and slowly adding more. Eventually, he had some but just wasn’t as interested anymore. Now he only has milk with dinner and maybe an ox or two at bedtime”

“My kids are HUGE milk and water drinkers. When my son was that age he would do the same thing. I started to water his milk down every night until it was straight water. Only took a few nights, but it worked for us.”

“Give her water and let her cry. It’s really difficult but consistency is key and crying won’t last. To make the transition easier water milk down more each time rather than just going straight water.”

“Give her more milk during the day and offer some food before bedtime too. She could be hungry. Other than that you covered your bases and she can cry.”

“Agree with others here. Also, make sure her tummy is good when she goes to bed. She may be going to bed too hungry.”

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My (almost) 8yr old pretty much drank only milk from age 1-6. And he is healthy!!!

My 19 month old does the same thing

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Just give it to her. She’s growing

My son would go through five gallons a week at that age! His doctor said do not give milk in the middle of the night. Do water instead. I ended up changing his routine where he ate a little bit later in the evening like 6 or 7 got a bath and bed right away with one bottle of milk. That way his belly was full all night and if he woke up he got water. He eventually grew out of it. And doing it that way helped save us on milk tremendously

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Mine went thru a gallon a day for almost 2 years. He’s fine. :slight_smile:

Water it down. Half and half

Dlute t he milk with water.

Milk is good for her. Just make sure its whatever kind your dr recommends her. She may need 2% or some with less fat. Just make sure to brush her teeth/gums regularly, there is still sugar in milk.

I’m on the same boat and he’s 2 1/2. I feel your struggle completely… :weary:


Mine too will not fall back 2sleep without it its just hard

I water my daughters milk down. 1/2 milk 1/2 water in the bottle

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Start watering it down. Start small and increase water every few days.

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My 2 went through 4pints between them every 2 days

People shouldn’t drink cows milk. But also if u give it to her already I don’t see an issue kids that small drink formula , breast milk or other non dairy milks.


My daughter is 3 and still loves her milk in the morning and at night! Its milk… its not bad for them.

Give her a less percentage milk at night

Your the parent. Limit the milk to what you think is appropriate and let her have a fit. It will only take 3 days of the crying if you are consistent… you have to get use to not giving the child everything they want and the fits that come.


Dont complain… my kids will drink 2 gallons a day

My daughter was the same way and I just kept diluting the milk with water

Water it down. Shouldn’t have milk at night like that.

My oldest turned 2 in Augest and she’s exactly the same, I just give her it tbh, give up fighting it so I’m up every night ever couple hours getting extra bottles of milk for my 2 year old and then night feeds for my 8 month old. It’s super tirering but tbh milk isn’t bad for her. So I’m on with it

You just need to stop. She does it because she knows you will cave.

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they need to eat solids and maybe 2 oz of milk at a time-lots is milk is not good for a child

My kids are HUGE milk and water drinkers. When my son was that age he would do the same thing. I started to water his milk down every night until it was straight water. Only took a few nights, but it worked for us.


Talk to her doctor about it

Give her water and let her cry, its really difficult but consistency is key and crying won’t last. To make transition easier water milk down more each time rather than just going straight water


My daughter turned 2 in October, and is the exact same way.

Do you give her baby food at all?

Ween it. But start giving low fat or 1%. Shes just at that age where she doesn’t need it anymore cause of eating habits and needs. If you’re worried try vitamins.
I’d use the pedicure shakes with my son. And give more water too.
Or try almond… mines 6 now, I still limit his milk if any. He eats so much he doesn’t need it

Agree with others here. Also, make sure her tummy is good when she goes to bed. She may be going to bed too hungry.

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Try water in her sippy cup or bottle

My son is 3 and he still has milk at night and naps at home only. dosent have it when at daycare. Milk not bad for them if want to start watering it down bit by bit. Im about to start watering my sons down.

No juice or sugerwater just water

It’s so tough when you’re a first time mom…prob best to ask the pediatrician…but…I’ll prob get slack for this… but might have to
Let her cry it out…especially for your sanity that would be super hard after a while especially since it’s not necessary anymore

My daughter is 20 months and was the same. I started cutting back the amount (1 oz at time) I put in the cup and she is now to where she does not need it all

Offer a healthy snack before bed…and switch to 2% milk, then to 1%. I had a hard time with my now 4 year old…offering the snack helped.

Is your child only drinking milk at these times? What does the rest of her day look like? Is she is eating good and not filling up on milk all day, I wouldn’t worry. They need 16-24 ounces a day. My children still drink insane amounts of milk and they are super healthy. If you still worry though talk to your pediatrician.


My son drinks atleast half a gallon of milk a day, and the rest of the time water. He loves his milk. He’s 3

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No kid ever died from screaming fits when they don’t get what they want.
Parent’s; Stop caving for peace.
Doing what is right, safe, and for their health and well being, is a battle you have to choose.


My daughter is 3 and she still has 2 bottles a day for her afternoon nap and for bed at night

i hate to say it but you’re gonna have to let the child scream it out. the first night go in and say go back to sleep…i did this with my girls and it rips your heart out but but in about 3-4 days they are fine!!


Start slowly diluting with water


My son drank milk at night until he was about 3? He’s 4 now and only really asks for milk during the day, sometimes it’s more of a comfort thing so you may have to try getting them used to a different security item

Start diluting it with water. Eventually it will be all water. She will either still want it or not. But either way, it will be better for her teeth.


My little one did this and it ended up being she had acid reflux .

Milk or juice or actually everything besides water has sugars in it that will decay her teeth! Yes, baby teeth are important too!!!

Try giving dinner a bit later…I’m going through the same thing atm. I googled a routine chart for his age too and stick to it as much as possible. He is still waking through the night but not as much and is occasionally taking water in the night instead too.

Give a snack before bedtime… talk to your child and let them know instead of filling the whole cup do half. When she wakes at night just do a little like quarter cup. She will stop waking up and wanting it.

It more of a habit. She doesnt need it. Give light healthy snack such as fruit in evening. With water. Put down to sleep. When child wakes up walk in put them back down. No talking no eye contact. May take a few days or even a week or so.


Give her more milk during the day and offer some food before bed time too. She could be hungry. Other than that you covered your bases and she can cry.

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My son was very similar at her age I just started watering it down slightly and slowly adding more. Eventually he had some but just wasn’t as interested anymore. Now he only has milk with dinner and maybe an ox or two at bedtime


My kids all 3 were like that until about 3 I believe :thinking: they now just drink milk every once in awhile, mostly just water though… it wasn’t hurting them, I made sure their teeth got brushed in the morning so their teeth were ok. But really, I didn’t see a point in fighting them on it :woman_shrugging:t2:I’m sure my son will be the same way


My sister had this problem with my neice and had to dilute an ounce at a time with water each night or 2 keep swapping u till its more water than milk peads and health visitor both say having milk within an hour time frame of eating stops your body absorbing the iron it needs to so it can be harmful if having to much milk to x

Following because my almost 2 year old son is the same :flushed:

Milk during the day and water at night, mine were same but once theu realised it was only water they were getting through the night, they soon stopped wakening up!! Xxx

I have the same problem with my two years old daughter. When she ask milk at night time we only give her 1-2oz of milk

Start a bedtime routine after dinner and brush teeth nothing but water after. The first week will suck


What’s the problem with letting her have the milk? My daughter is 2 and all she drinks is milk and water. Occasionally she will ask for juice or chocolate milk but she asks mainly for water and milk.
I introduced water when she was still on bottles by putting it in her bottles with frozen fruit to give it a little flavor

Mine did the same. I literally had to take away the bottle give milk for breakfast and before bed only. Made my daughter put her cup in the sink and she cried it out for about 2 nights and after that it was amazing such a difference.

Fred her cereal before going to bed.

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My daughter drank milk until she was like 3 before going to bed. I couldn’t break the habit. She ended up stopping on her own.

I’m 43 and drink a giant glass of chocolate milk every night before bed. I don’t see the problem here. My only concern would be it rotting the child’s teeth if you’re not brushing afterwards.

Oatmeal before bed should keep her full at night. Give her the one bottle if you want. Then during the night Let her cry at night it should only last a couple nights. It will break your heart but she will be fine. You have to make a new routine for her

I wouldn’t say 15/20 oz of milk is bad. For her kids should be having lots of milk at that age as it’s good for them

They say to limit milk to 16- 24 ounces a day…so of she is only drinoing it for nap and bed, it isn’t a big deal. With my youngest we slowly weaned her from milk to water at night by adding water to the milk. Like 2oz of water per 8oz cup for a week…then 4oz water per 8oz cup for a week…the 6oz water and 2oz milk for a week…then straight water after that.

Make sure shes get it during the day and eats a nice dinner, maybe even snack later on, she doesnt need it all night. A few nights of letting her cry she will stop, it’s hard! But it will stop!

Feed her something like oatmeal before bed or give her snack before bed. Seems like she isnt eating enough and getting hungry…just from my own experience

following :roll_eyes:

Mix the milk down with water

Just give her water instead of milk at night

My son was and is the same way and he’s 5. I try to fill him up before bedtime and give him a half cup before bed. Guess what? All that milk isn’t going to hurt her. My son has been a milk hound since birth. And he’s developed just fine. As long as it’s not affecting her intake of food, I wouldn’t even stress over it.

My baby girl drinks one at nap bed time she drinks one in she wakes up again she get warm water she loves it at first she didn’t know what to think I didn’t think she would like it her dr told me try it in so far it works lol

Could mix it with water. But if she’s waking up bc she’s hungry, mix milk with carnation breakfast essentials to fill her up.

Give her a snack at bed time whole grains and dairy are suppose to help you sleep

Be the parent . Don’t let a crying baby have everything just because they cry.

I wouldn’t discourage drinking milk. It does build strong bones. Just encourage swishing with water or brushing teeth to

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sounds like she may need a.snack like the comments above…oatmeal or something a little hearty…
but nothing like old school parenting…let them scream… if you give in and give kids what they want they will always have the upper hand…it would only take a few nights of you not giving them milk to realize “moms not coming” …try a snack…kids adapt quickly to change if it’s reinforced.
be strong momma!
best of luck

How do I get mine to drink more🙂. Maybe you should get rid of the option. And pick certain days she can. Maybe buy half gallons a time.

Iv been thro this. Brutal but u need to just bite the bullet Its so bad for there teeth! I did it for 2 years and had to go thro crying it out its 3 nights of torture for all but he slept 13 hours after that and still does and he’s 7 now :see_no_evil:! He still ended losing his back teeth because all the milk poured and lay there.

Whiskey and milk at bedtime…night night termite

Let her have the milk- it’s good for her- but she has to drink it then brush her teeth well. Milk shouldn’t sit on teeth


I agree you are gonna have to stop giving in. She knows if she screams enough she will get what she wants. Maybe start on a Friday if yall dont work the weekends so you can at least get some rest. But dont give in. Stick to it! Prayers to you.


Is she dtinking whole milk or 2% 1% or skim? Is she overweight or under. Is she a good eater or picky. 18 months still needs quite a bit of milk. Lots of things to consider. How much other fluids during day does she drink

My daughter was the same. She loved her milk. Fat is great for the brain. I kept it at Whole milk. But, added half water half milk.


She’s probably actually teething. And milk is comforting.


At 1 1/2 she shouldn’t need that much to drink in middle of the night. It’s soooo hard to let them cry. For one thing when you go in there don’t stick around comfort her for a minute hand her a sippy with water and split. She’ll end up accepting it eventually probably a few nights of first time mom heartbreaks lol but the sooner you do it the easier on everyone


Rock her until she sleeps. That’s what worked for our 5 babies. All children are different, but worked with all 5 of ours. Bless your heart sweet Mommy.

I made sure my children ate good and their little stomachs had solid food and then the milk amount reduced . BUT … one of my grandson ate solid food all the time and still had to have at least 3 sipping cups full though out the night . Guess it just depends on the child .

I only have one child and I stopped giving him milk at night once he started getting teeth. You can’t leave milk or anything else sit on their teeth while they sleep because it will cause bottle rot to their teeth. She’s not going to like it and neither will you and you will probably cry while she is, I know I did but she’s just going to have to cry it out. It’s so hard to do because you feel like you’re hurting her but you will realize later you were definitely helping her.

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You could also try mixing in an ounce of water a night into the milk. Or just let her cry her self to sleep if she still fights it. It’s tough but you got to do what you got to do. Good luck!

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MONI FAYE is right on. Don’t let her make the rules. You are the Mom. She is your child. I am 74 and have a boatload of grand kids, and great grandkids. I have watched and I am so proud of them. Mom and Dad need to be the boss


What does the doctor say. I’m sure they will say give it to her she will back off on her own. (Not a bottle) cup works fine.

If shes sleeping with milk residue in her mouth it can kill her baby teeth and turn them black. Just dont give it to her and let her cry it out. Give her water. If shes thirsty enough she will drink it.

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I am a grown lady. I love milk as she does

It really doesn’t matter what she’s drinking. The problem is she should be sleeping through the night. :heart::heart:

Give her milk nothing wrong with that.

Mine is almost 4 years old and she still drinks a lot of milk

I would give mine when she was little water

Why not LISTEN to your daughter…my gosh! She wants milk - GIVE HER MILK ! Smart girl.