How can I get my 17 month old to stop biting?

My little is 17 months been in daycare for just under two months, has almost all her teeth but her 2-year-old molars, which are coming in now. She keeps biting people … at home, I say no first and redirect. The second time I am firm no again, and we go to time out. How have you guys attacked the biting? I have a ton of bruises from her, and now she’s biting in daycare, so I need To figure this out. I should also add that she’s an only child and was being watched by a family member who did not know the meaning of being stern with our little one.


Bite her back so she understands how it hurts. After a few times she should stop. That’s how I got past the biting with both my kiddos.


I don’t care what backlash I get… I bit mine back. No problem after the second bite back. He learned real quick that it hurts.


Slap her hands legs and/or bum first if not bite her back


This is common for her age. She does not have the ability to express her feelings/emotions. This is a hard thing to move past. Get her something that is ok to bite. A chewy necklace or bib with chewy corners. Everytime she bites, she needs to be told no, removed from the situation and also put the necklace/bib in her mouth and instruct her to bite that. You could also get a short developmentally appropriate book about biting and every time she bites read the book. She will start to hate it lol at childcare her teachers need to do the same thing as well as shadow her to be able to stop the bites before they happen (as often as possible, obviously not gonna stop every single time) and be aware of situations she may be more likely to bite… Like on or under a climber with another child, while playing one on one with another child. Constant supervision, redirection, and consistency between home and childcare.


She’s biting because her mouth hurts and that’s the only thing she knows that helps the pain.
With my 14 month old, he’s got 8 teeth, now all 4 of his molars are coming in. We help him with chew toys, Nubby (gum gel), Tylenol, Motrin and pediatrician RX very low dose of lidocaine. Once we helped his pain, he stopped biting.


People are about to come at me for this but pop her in the mouth and tell her no.


Bite back! Or pop her face lightly


Bite her back… I only had to do it twice for my son to understand that it hurts.


I bit my kids back and told them no


A silicone beaded teething necklace (see picture) helped my daughter out she started biting at 16 months. Instead of telling her no or to stop biting we told her to bite the necklace when she feels sad. Within a few days of wearing it she got it. We just got this one from amazon. Shes 2 now and she calls it Bitey and would use it when she feels anxious or upset


I flicked my sons mouth & told him not to bite he immediately apologized and gave me a hug, hes 2.


We just went threw this with our two year old… we tried everything we could think of… we ended up biting her finger (not hard) when she bit and after 2 times she stopped biting


Bite her back just hard enough to show her that it hurts


A spanking always worked, or biting back


Bite her back? This works


The only way to stop biting is to bite back!


My son also was bitter the only way I got him to stop was the day I bit him back


Bite him back . Thats what I did to my daughter u don’t bite hard but enough so he knows what it feels like


Bite her back, whoop that ass. Pop her in the mouth :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:. I was on the phone to schedule a job interview and my son who was like 15month at the time bite the crap out of me and I had bene trying to get him to stop. I told the lady on the phone to excuse me for a second, I pulled his diaper down and gave him a good smack on the butt and he hasn’t done it again then then and he’s almost 20months now.

Pretend to cry really loudly telling her how bad she hurt you. Tell her it’s not okay to hurt anyone. She’ll get it momma, she’s still young but it’s a perfect time to teach her about being kind.

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Sorry but you need to bite her back. You will only do it once and feel like shit but kids don’t understand that it hurts until they feel it. Im not saying draw blood, but you just can’t allow that.

Try giving pain relief

I bite back so they know it hurts. Bit each kid once and it stopped


This is developmentally normal. Sadly, most parents are too lazy and just bite a baby who is physically incapable of controlling themselves, but there are other effective methods that don’t involve making your child fear you or feel pain. When mine was in that stage I always had something on hand (like a teether toy or necklace) to put in his mouth. When he was in the hitting phase, it took about a week, but I fake cried “ow! You hurt mommy! Can you kiss it better?” which you can also try, and it will help them to develop empathy. My son still to this day has retained that empathy and will comfort people or kiss them when they are hurt or upset.


My little girl is a biter. She is 2 now. She goes through this when her teeth are hurting. Now I just say ouch and she stops and says sorry. It took a lot to get there but keep doing it and showing them it hurts will eventually make it stop. I said No firmly then gave her the teething banana or frozen applesauce in her mesh thing.

And it’s child abuse to bite your child back allots doing is reinforce that’s it’s fine to bite if mommy can bite I can bite whoever been there


Have them bite themselves. Literally put their arm in their mouth and close their mouth on their own arm. I tried the biting them thing and it didn’t work so I thought… you wanna bite someone, bite your damn self. Lol it worked.

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Hot sauce on the tip of his tongue


My grandson was a biter. We try telling him no and putting him in time out. He bit his mother once and she bit him back and he hasn’t but any more. He is 2 year old.


Bite her back !!!a friend of mine had a child that did this and she started biting the child back and the child stopped -so try it!!


Bite back that’s what I did my mom did and child never bit again

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It’s sounds weird, but bite back. Usually only takes one time for it to stop.

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The reason kids bite is cuz they are frustrated and its normal… At daycare, they are not gonna tolerate it for long…I know cuz i work for one and we use t/o and we talk about how bitting hurts…we explain how we bite food , apples etc…not people…we encourage the child to tell whats upsetting them …to use words not teeth…now the child could be cutting some teeth and there mouth hurts and bitting something could ease the pain…explore the reason behind the bitting…Good luck…this too shall pass…

Bite the back, if happens again bite a wee bit harder sounds awful but it works

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Everyone is saying bite back but this child could very well just be teething and their mouth could hurt.


My daughter did this and until another child bites them back it doesn’t do any good for you to bite them! I would bite my child but it never works until a child bites them!!

Honestly, I bit my kids back. Not hard and they both learned very quickly. Did the same when they pulled my hair. Just gave theirs a little tug. Or a snack on the hand may help


Biting is common in children 18-32 months. Usually due to frustration over lack of words, and ability to communicate. Also at this time children are experiencing a need for independence and territorial. If it’s in a childcare setting that this is occurring, the staff should be educated and have plans in place for this situation. This is about keeping the child from biting ( prevention) and offering alternative acceptable behaviors, and giving words to help with this behavior.

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Is your child biting because of teething or because of behavior? If it is from teething Offer a rag everytime your child trys to bite and when your child does bite say ouch that hurts I don’t like that or so and so doesn’t like that. There are also other items to chew on that you can purchase that feels good on the teeth. But always use feelings when your child bites and let your child know how it hurts your feelings and or the other persons feelings and always try to redirect. If it a behavior issue you need to try to learn the signs behavior it happens so you can try to redirect before it happens. Again start teaching your child to use their words and teach talk about feelings and this you can do by you talking about yours.


Have you heard of u bite back they wont bite ever again or a pop on the hand.


I remember when I started the biting phase my mom had a full set of rings on and I bit one of them and I stopped.

One of mine was a bitter, for a very short time, she would bite me, I would take both cheeks & squeeze each time. Stopped biting in under 2 weeks. No hitting, slapping or biting back.

My son was a biter and no matter what I did he still did. The only way I broke him and it only took one time I but him back not leaving a mark but hard enough that he knew how it felt. He never but again.

Man, all these ppl asking how to make a child do right. You all act like your scared of your kids. Your her mom, she’s not yours, pop her on her hand and tell her she can’t do that and when she does it again get a little harder and she will quit. AND for the record I’m not saying beat her some ppl will say thats child abuse but its not, your just showing her she can’t bite


I bite all my kids back and they never bit again

My youngest who is now in her 30s was a biter Her pediatrician recommended biting her back as hard as she was biting. That worked for me!

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They don’t understand that bitting Hurts.they don’t understand until it happens to them


I would have her bite herself. She doesn’t feel your pain.

Do not bite her back!! Worst advice ever. Is she vocal? Is it the same child she’s biting? Why? There are reasons why children bite. Let her know she’s a little girl and not an animal, she can use her words. Teeth belong in your mouth is something else that can be used along with redirection.

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I bit mine back, they dont like pain either. After that almost every time I would yelp ouch they would react" “pay attention and read cues” to is this ok or not kids learn faster than we give them credit for. She knows better but get attention.


I don’t think daycare employees can bite back.

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Bite her back, she doesn’t know that it hurts.


Bite her back not hard hard but hard enough to kno it hurts others when u bite… It stop my son


Bite back! Works everytime! With a… " hey! That hurts!" Yeah! We know! Stop biting!

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I finally had to bite him back & then he knew what it felt like. Stopped that.


Bite her back. Let her know how it feels

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I am reading comments and hoping these are grandma’s commenting and not mom of 17 months old today​:scream::sob:. I think bite back sounds horrible. And illegal to do that at daycare.

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That’s what my mom did when I bit my cousin. And it worked!!

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Biting can also be a sign of frustration. She may be trying to communicate something and when she cant, bites. Maybe teach her some signing for basic things like eat, more, sleep, etc.

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Bite him back. And everytime he does, bite him back.

We know a 4 year old that’s. Biting

What can you do for. That

People please do not bite your child back. You are only teaching them to meet violence with violence. There are better ways.

My daughter’s day care, years ago, had parents consider signing authorization to let staff make biters bite a bar of soap every time they bit another child or staff. Most parents signed, some did not. My daughter bit another child once. They made her bite a bar of Irish Spring. Only happened one time.

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No & “ redirect “ that’s some funny shit. Spank that butt or bite her back

Understanding and Responding to Children Who Bite | NAEYC.

Let him know how it feels

This may sound a bit over the top for some people, buy my oldest is 11, when he was a baby he bit one time, he was told no very firmly and then he did it again and I bit him back. He hasn’t bitten since.


Sometimes you gotta bite back to get them to understand how it hurts

Probably gonna get judged for this but we tried everything only thing that stopped to bitting was biting back and saying see it hurts that’s bad.


Biting them back is the only thing I have ever seen work. Went through it with my kids even. Don’t break the skin obviously, but you gotta make sure they feel it so they understand what they’re doing to people.

My son did the same thing at that age. It was like it was his way of getting my attention or getting back at me if he was mad. I think I flipped his cheek a few times when he did it and that was the end of it.

I bit my son back after the third dont bite. Not hard just enough for him to know it didn’t feel good. I told him that’s why we don’t bite. He seemed to understand and it wasn’t an issue after that


My son has been bit several times At daycare more than I can count on both my fingers …it makes me really mad it should be corrected at home…my son was getting bit so much he thought he was gonna start bitting me…when he bit left a mark on my arm so I bit him not hard but to let him no it’s not right…and I yelled at him and let him know bitting is wrong and he hasn’t never but me again…I don’t want him going and bitting others even if they are bitting him…I let daycare know that I’m not ok with him getting bit so much…it was pissing me off… now my son has a dinosaurs we call Rex and sometimes we will have it bit a toy and we let him tell the Dino it’s bad to bit and he put Rex in the corner…just today he put Rex in the corner for bitting his Blimpy doll…and it works my son just turned 2…we are teaching him by using his toys and letting him put his toys in the corner and correcting them…it seems to be working so far

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I don’t normally comment on these things. I have 3 kids ranging from 14 to 8.
My eldest used to bite he would have been approx 18 months. I bit him back. Not hard enough to draw blood just enough to make him jump. He never did it again. I have never smacked any of my children but punished them and disciplined them if they needed it. Not one of mine had tantrums in shops, nor bit any other child, or hit or kicked any other child. Everyone they meet have said they are well behaved, polite children.
My son, bless him would hold a door open for hours on end whilst people passed through not saying thank you. He helped the little old lady who used to live next door with her shopping in the pouring rain. He helps everyone who asks him too without a moan. My other 2 will also help when asked.
Can you tell that one little bite was bad parenting? I have bought mine up to be honest, polite and caring people. One bite to stop a biting child has not scarred my child at all and it certainly isn’t abuse.


Bite her back nothing hard just enough for her to feel that it hurts. I did that with my now 2 year old and same with pinching and hitting again not hard but enough for him to feel it and when he would cry id tell him then don’t do that to mommy or anyone else and would put him in a time out. Havent had an issue since… it took a few times but it worked

Bite her back. My kids never went through that stage because when it started, we would quickly give them a little nip back. Not nothing severe, just enough for them to know it’s painful and they quickly stopped


My son kinda went through a biting phase it was very brief I would just act sad and be like that hurts and he would feel bad and hug me and give me a kiss but that’s the only thing I can remember doing to get him to stop. Now if he is frustrated or mad he will just bite his blanket or something lol. But every child is different.

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I rubbed lemon juice on my arms. He hated the taste and stopped after a couple of times.

She must be teething. Trying applying teething gel. Give her ice popsicles and teething toy.

It’s just temporary. It will go away.

first of all you don’t gotta hit a toddler, who literally doesn’t know right from wrong, to teach them. :woman_facepalming:t2: as said in another comment, don’t react. it’s hard sometimes cause of course their little bites hurt but i went though a biting problem with my toddler, soon as i stopped reacting, she stopped biting. but she’d only ever bite me too, no one else, so it was a little easier but it’s definitely worth a shot. maybe try getting her toys/teethers she can chew on and showing her them any time she tries to bite? mine went from biting on me to squishy toys/teethers which is nice for me and im sure feels nicer on her teeth than my skin lol she had one of those squishmallow things she liked to bite, of course just watch out for holes or any pieces coming lose.

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Not saying it’s this but biting can also be signs of ear infection.

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My grandma would say bite back. Not hard enough to leave marks but enough so she knows it hurts. My nephew used to spit on me. My grandma said spit on him but that’s gross so i tossed a cupful of water at him. He never spit again :person_shrugging:


When she bits tell her ouch ans no ans re direct by giving her something to bite . Often they are teething and cant express it or when they get frustrated or excited . Giving them another outlit will help .


Get a cold carrot stick and each time the infant bites skin, put the carrot in. Two in one - healthy eating and demonstrating what teeth are for.

Bite her back. It works. You don’t bite to leave bruises or marks. You just show her it hurts.

I bought these type of chew toys that were made for autistic kids for whenever my kids had the urge to bite so that they learns that it’s okay to chew on this but not people

My now 4 &* 5 year old boys went through this about 2-3 years old… anytime they’d bite someone, I bit them back… :woman_shrugging:

Had a neighbor whose daughter bit every kid in the block finally the mom bite her an it stopped

Only thing that worked for me was biting them back. Just hard enough for them to see it hurts. After that my kids never bit again.

Biting can be a form of communication, she not be receiving what she needs a nd doesn’t know how to communicate it ,so biting can be a way of saying a need…my son use to do it as well ,

Get another kid to bite her back.

Mama of Little Monsters why do you let so many people suggest actual abuse towards babies?

Holy crap all you abusive moms need to go to parent child interaction therapy.


It also helps if you make a sound like your hurt and say ow to teach them it hurts

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No true advise but good lord you mama’s are something else. Why not try to actually exchange tactics instead of attacking each other? Its gonna be hard to get someone to listen when you go straight savage first and name calling. Smdh y’all are a disgrace. Each kid is different. What works with one may not work with another. State your opinion/facts/whatever with out the bs added. Y’all are why so many moms feel like they can’t reach out and are failing. Both sides. Y’all need to be ASHAMED of yourselves!! Suppose to be a mom support group and y’all can’t do anything but bash each other.

Was she biting before starting daycare?

I press the inside lips to give it a sting with the teeth. Few of that self biting. My kids stopped right away. Try that? Or discipline at the moment with a spank.


Biting back I found was best way.

I think all children go thru a biting stage. Best we found was to bite back