How can I get my 18 month old to stop screaming?

She’s 1.5 almost terrible 2s… she is at that age. With my son… I used a lot of affection, I cradled him til he stopped crying, I didn’t raise my voice I spoke very soft, I’d point at a toy or at a snack or his juice and he would normally put his hand out for one. But kids know when there is another one coming and they tend to act out. Just calm her down the best you can…. I would talk to her doctor and let them know what’s going on and what you can do that would best help you and her.


Tell her you will not talk to her or pay any mind to her til she has calmed down


What I found to help is to get down to eye level with them and softly tell them that this is not acceptable. Then I ask what is wrong or if they just need a hug. Try reading or coloring so there is more one on one with the toddler.

Our middle child is almost 3 and still screams at the top of her longs when she doesn’t get what she wants still.

I think you did ok !.Just walk away to the next room. She would not have an audience.


A screaming 18 month old will understand spanking! She will connect spanking with screaming


My 3 year old daughter, who has perfect speech for her age has started doing this. Ear piercing screaming if she’s told no etc. She used to just have general meltdowns, now it’s this scream. She will do this consistently for quite some time. Honestly I don’t have much advice especially as your little ones so young, with my daughter I will always try talking
To her calmly on her level as she understands everything, and has the means to talk to me in full sentences about how she’s feeling etc, having said that that rarely works. She gets into a real state, and actually what helps her the most to calm down is if I put her in her room for 5-10 minutes. After a few minutes she really calms down and will come out ready to talk to me about her feelings and a big hug

I screamed right back at my child. Every time she screamed I screamed louder. She stopped within 2 days ( that was 17 yrs ago). Nip it in the butt quickly

All 3 of my boys did this! One is 17, the 4 year old still does it & now my 2 year old. It’s absolutely awful & I haven’t figured out how to stop it with the younger 2 :roll_eyes: but I definitely won’t be squirting them with water or smacking them :woman_facepalming:t2:


Going through the same thing with my 2 1/2 year old son.

It’s a phase. It won’t last forever. I ignored the bad behavior and it stopped after a month, if you give in they know that’s how to get your attention. Once the fit stops, you can give her attention and cuddles when she walks up so she can see she needs positive attention, not negative.

Edit: with my first child I gave in, and it’s still a struggle getting that child to behave appropriately without temper tantrums. Learned my lesson! My second child is way better behaved because I didn’t give in.

Edit two: I practice peaceful parenting.


Just a thought…have you made sure she doesnt have an ear infection?
If it isnt teeth or ears…if she cant tell you whats wrong maybe have her point to what she needs or wants would help some. My little is 4 almost 5. And at almost 2 the screaming started. She was flustered at over stimulation. Dim lights when it happens, turn off the tv volume, sit peaceful and read a.short story.
The world is big bright and full.of noise etc. It is soooo overwhelming!
If all else fails remember it is OK TO WALK AWAY like you did. Sometimes they just need a cry. All these crazy comments about water guns and spanking for crying is soooo damn ridiculous!! Terrible twos are also very real. We can not expect a.small one to act as an adult! Remember it doesnt last forever. And i am praying the bad advice here you wont take! Some of these are scary.


Following as I’m going through the same thing except I’m not pregnant anymore but I have a newborn

Following! 2 year okd old (next month) and pregnant with my second

Omg… I’m going through same thing with my son! 3 hours straight every night! For no apparent reason. Talking softly, getting eye level ( I’m usually holding him) distractions just get chucked across the room so that’s a no go. Nothing is working, he’s not hungry, thirsty, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, I have 5 boys, this is first one to do this. The screaming and crying is unbearable. Last night I just laid there and cried with him. I literally can’t take it anymore.

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Feed her and spank her give her activities

She is playing you like a fiddle.

Does she do this with others

Put her in her cot and shut the door. She’ll soon get sick of screaming when you aren’t there trying to get her to shut up

It’s ok to put her in her crib or playpen and walk away. Also it takes a village…… get a friend or babysitter for relief time.


If it is unrelenting check for medical issues first. If doctor say not medical the address behavior. When she screams calmly take her to time out. When sitting her down simply say you’re screaming and that’s not ok. You need to time out for two minutes and be calm. Don’t keep talking. Place and keep her in timeout. When she’s calm tell her you love her screaming isn’t allowed.repeat about 300 times. If consistent she’ll learn


God I remember those days!!! My daughter was so bad, she would hid from me and I’m like 7 months pregnant at the time, running all over the house trying to find her, she was watching me do this while sitting in the fireplace!!! Another time she did it outside and I thought I was going to have a miscarriage because I was running and screaming her name!! She was hiding along side of the Apt building behind a bush!!! I absolutely didn’t know what to do so I just sat and cried😭

Smack his ass so it hurts. Come on man step up to the plate and parent

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Spank her ass…you people don’t even need kids…God help you


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my 18 month old to stop screaming?

Scream back :joy::joy::joy::raising_hand_woman:t5:

You got this momma! Your doing good!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::raised_hands:t3::clap:t3:

Some of you idiots are so ignorant, uneducated, and cold hearted. An 18 month old does not know how to communicate effectively. They don’t understand. Screaming is the best way they know how to communicate. They need love and understanding when they experience big feelings. Not straight up abusive behaviors like you morons are suggesting


My daughter is 2 years and she’s been going through this phase for a couple of months! What I’ve noticed helps a lot is talking through the outburst. The way I see it; humans have a lot of emotions and they literally vary by the second. Now imagine all those feelings in a super tiny body with no real way to communicate. You’re gonna be pissed :woman_shrugging:t2::joy: they are trying to tell you something that they need, but they cannot form the words needed to express that feeling out loud. So it comes out in screams and tantrums. So when she gets like that, I try to get down to her level and we talk about it. What’s going on? Why are you acting like this? Do you need something? We run through basically a list to try to figure out the issue. Not only does she start to calm down because we’re talking, but she will actually voice what she needs (she is very advanced and speaks in full sentences proud mama moment :sob::pleading_face: we talk through it till we find a solution or sometimes, she just wants to be heard. I don’t believe in physical punishment; at this young, it doesn’t really get the “point” you want across and just traumatizes them later. (I’m “one” of those kids! It definitely didn’t help, it only made me worse. And now I’m left with awful memories. And i am unable to talk through these issues with the parent who did it so I’m stuck with all these emotions.) I know it’s super rough and it makes YOU want to scream. But there’s a lot of healthy ways to try and break the habit/get her through it easily. We all parent different, but I hope this can help in any way! I know the struggle and I’m so proud of you! You’re doing great and it’s all going to pass :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Kids behave badly when they don’t have what they need and don’t have very developed skills to get those needs met. A need for mom’s attention is a legitimate need. Like someone said, she may need to be taught some signs or signals to get her needs met without screaming. A routine helps kids understand the world and feel less overwhelmed. Regular sleep is super important to mood. Kid sized choices help kids feel in control of themselves. Ie. Do you want mac and cheese or a sandwich for lunch instead of what do you want for lunch. Some ages are prone to screaming because brain development outpaces verbal skills and frustration tolerance.


Scream back louder lol

I’m not sure but could it be related to you being pregnant? I only ask because I am in exactly the same boat but with an older girl :see_no_evil: she’s 3 and has started screaming when she doesn’t get her way …. I’m 36 weeks pregnant with the next girl and have no idea why this behaviour has started or how to stop it :joy::woman_facepalming: x

I guess spankings are out lmbo!!?:laughing:

Bust out the mom voice. Just say, “Excuse me (insert name here), we do not scream in this house. If you want something you ask mommy nicely.”

Miranda Rose Atilano omg! :eyes:

My child did the same at the age. She still does it at 2 when she can’t say what she wants… it’s normal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Well maybe u shouldn’t gotten pregnant again if u can’t handle the first :rofl:


Not everythings a medical issue people… If it was an ear infection shed have a decent fever to the touch that im sure mommy would notice and autism has alot of other telling simptoms then screaming … Its most likely a faze which pretty much every child does at this age … She mau just be bored try keeping her busy my kids loved sugar free lolli pops and it kept them rather quite for a while ( dont use it as a bribe or attitude may get worse) maybe try to use it as a reward for stopping or if you notice the cranky comming on intercept it with one. If for some reason shes tried to stop napping she may be tired and need one most kids start to fight at this age but its best try your best to enforce it till atleast 2 or so


Sounds to me like you are doing what you can for her age. Redirecting and not giving extra attention. I’m currently 8 months pregnant with our 6th, and our youngest (3) has severe screaming behaviors🙄 we’ve had to do something different with each child. In his case, ignoring him gets the most reaction. He screams louder and longer, which eventually he learns gets less and less attention time from daddy and mommy.


Screaming is normal. Right now her only way to express her needs. I have done this, with my own daughter and other kids and it seems to work. When she starts screaming, get down to her level and whisper to her that you don’t know what she wants or whisper something else. The key seems to he the whisper. It breaks the cycle. They are curious about what you are saying. Continue with the whisper voice until you walk away. She has to be quiet to hear you. Just something that works for me.:heart:


Teach her basic sign language like: eat, more, all done, tired, potty, water, milk, play, upset. Lots of online resources and it makes a HUGE difference when they have a way to communicate


Take your 2 fingers and pop her in the mouth then send her to her room.


My two year old does this and I’m 6 months pregnant with our second baby and some days it’s so nerve racking. She especially seems to do it on days I’m already at my wits end or if I’m driving and she has an ear piercing never ending screech that literally makes me crazy some days BUT we’ve begun to send her to her room when all else fails and she’s doing it for no reason (fed, used the bathroom, already napped and played all day ) and I’ve told her she can come out when she’s decided she’s done being mean and now she’ll come out and say I’m sorry mommy and the behavior is slowly starting to slow down(don’t get me wrong we still have terrible twos like crazy ) but it’s becoming more manageable. On some days I have to have daddy take her outside and play so I don’t lose my cool and when he’s at work and I absolutely have tried everything, we go visit my parents and she’s happy again. Having a little one under 3 and being pregnant isn’t easy, but your not alone.

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And, remember, Mom’s need a break. Don’t feel guilty about taking 1!!

I would call her bluff. When mine would throw tantrums… I would walk past her and say…you can do better than that… and that would rattle her

Giver her a way to communicate without words then. You can use pictures if things she commonly uses/needs laminate and stick to a board. So when she needs/wants something she can bring the correlating picture to you and you can work on words by repeating child you want/need “milk”. Let’s go make a milk cup. Have her assist you in making it.

Kids learn to communicate better when they aren’t upset and struggling constantly! But make sure it’s it just pictures and you are reaffirming the words and needs to her.

Do you have enough activities for her to do? Sit with her and do play doh. Bake muffins and let her decorate. Set up a water table outside while she plays you can have a tea. Get her tired so she needs a nap then you can rest too. If all else fails: put on her favorite show.

She’s testing her boundaries which is normal. You are the one to set the boundaries. Use appropriate discipline for her age and be consistent. DON’T scream or yell back. That will just add to the chaos. Good luck and congrats on the new baby!

get down on her level with I hear you and I understand that you want … it’s not on the list for today but we can try later or put it on the list tomorrow ok? please invest in noise dampening earmuffs or earplugs they’re amazing. “I’m not going to let you scream at me so when you’re ready to be calm and quiet we can color together” distraction at this age is probably your best bet over reasoning


We taught my 17 month old basic sign language.

She knows “eat”, “more”, “please”, “thank you”, & “drink” it has made a HUGE difference in her temper being able to communicate even tho she isn’t able to do so verbally.


Use picture charts find new ways to communicate like is she wants a drink when you give it to her say cup please. I also one day got sick of the screaming threw myself on floor yelling screaming kicking ect. When I got up my kid had a look of omg wth I said that’s what you look like that’s when it ended.

Oh no! I’m having flashbacks. :joy: My daughter was a BIG time screamer. It took time but we just told her we’d come back in the room when she was done screaming. Eventually she’d quit and we’d talk to her about not screaming while she totally ignored us and did whatever the hell she wanted. Nothing worked. Toddlers do what they want. Hahaha! But eventually she stopped on her own. So glad that phase is over. I feel for you. Keep some ear plugs in your pocket!

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Praying for you momma. We have all had those days when walking away is the best option. Mine is 12 and some days I want to scream.

Teaching my son ASL has been a huge help. He cannot say most words but he knows the sign and makes communicating a lot easier! He is also 18 months.


Try screaming back at her, that will startle her . A friend of mine did this and it worked for her.

First my heart goes out to you, your family and especially your little girl…If she doesn’t have language yet sign language (a few words) makes life so much less complicated…and less frustrating for all…as do flip picture cards so she can show you what she needs…I will assume that every thing about her achieving developmental landmarks has probably been age appropriate, but may I ask a question…is she attempting to speak at all? as in rehearsal or pre-speech…is her needs being met via screaming to quiet the situation and doesn’t need to use words and is she using her own sign language to say show you what she wants? Was she speaking before and now just screams? please keep in mind that it is not unusual for a child to regress when a new one is coming or arrives…and the environment and mommy’s ability to run in to fix things is changing…The reason I ask is that I worked with 2-6 yr olds for 30+ years and made speech referrals etc…if not by 2 the San Gabriel/Pomona regional center are a great resource (call or google them they may have very useful information) and will evaluate her and possibly offer services to help…if needed…it is free and your child’s legal right…Hang in there mommy…please know that this is a very stressful and frustrating situation and u are doing a great job as is reflected by your post…:pray::heart::eye:

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She knows a baby coming start giving her more attention read about babies to her sometimes we be so into self we forget they have feelings to. Maybe she notice a change in your actions that you haven’t noticed

My oldest used to do it and I have no idea how we all survived. One day she just stopped and it was glorious lol also I know it’s not always ideal timing to randomly give kids a bath when they’re fussy, pissy, wired, etc but the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given was when all else fails…give them a bath. Even if you end up doing two baths a day (make sure you have lotion to keep them from drying out) it works like a dream. Something about playing in the water relaxes even the most wound up child.


Sometimes when you act like them they stop.

I no alot of parents won’t like this but I had a similar problem with my son when he was 2 & pregnant he would throw tantrums when he couldn’t get his own way & would have a blood curdling scream which everyone would notice & then spew there opinions on me as to what I should or shouldn’t do, so one day when I needed to go shopping my son decided to have a mega meltdown & I had had enough, so what I did next made him look at things alot different from that day & yes I got a bit of abuse but I also got applauded for my actions, I got down on the floor with my son (pregnant) & started having a tantrum, it shocked him to his core & he started to tell me to stop which I did, but I also had a conversation with him about it & why I chose to do that which he was able to understand & from that day on yes he’d have his moments but never went in to full on melt down again.

You know tantrums only happen because your failing to read into what your kid needs either physically or emotionally right :thinking: I suggest you spend more time with her, stop being so selfish, go do a parenting course on social security and give your kid a break… may sound harsh but they aren’t little for long and you’d be wishing one day when they get older that they can confide in you to help process bigger emotions, if you can’t do it now for them imagine a life where you don’t know how to process emotions because your mum can’t handle it :unamused::woman_shrugging:

I heard that u can let her tear up paper to help her get rid of the negative emotions she doesn’t know how to Express then pick it up together after she’s calmed down n explain when she’s older she can imagine the bad feelings being put in the paper end letting it go when she tears it up then picks it up n throws it away.

terrible 2s are approaching my dear. itll pass as long as you dont give into to much spoiling. i definitely suggest a parenting book for these issues and age…or even professional advice so you know whats appropriate and what not. some of it will come from understand basic emotional needs and some are discipline/corrective needs and a first time parent needs resources to learn how to handle it all accordingly

Scream back

Or start teaching sign language. Eat. More. All done. Milk. Toy. Etc. The pick up on signing really fast and it helps when they can’t speak.v

I used music with headphones with 2 of my grand kids. Once they started to cry n scream. I put my phones in sang. If they got louder i got louder. I would do cleaning or dishes
So i didnt have to make eye contact. And acted like i didnt hear them. It actually work out well. Not recommended for noisey cats trying to go out side tho. They will shred every headset and leave it at your bed side!!

No wonder today’s kids are such wimps and no back bones…enjoy your screaming’s even going to be worst when they are teenagers screaming in your face.

I don’t think she’s taking it out on her being pregnant especially that far along in this heat is a nightmare and stressful by itself and a infant on top of it’s hard for anyone my kids three of them are close together now 7,8,and 9 it’s hard on you your hormones and emotions are crazy I think she’s just looking for a little support she did leave the room and spanking kids at this age is NOT okay under any circumstance but it’s ok to lose your cool leave the room grab a pillow scream into it shoot scream with her it’s ok your doing your best at this age my son doesn’t scream because he needs something he does it because he just found that ability he loves the way it feels so there’s no spanking or discipline that will stop it only take away his fun lol so I scream with him me because I’m so stressed and him because he loves it lol the only thing you have to do as a parent momma is love and protect her keep her safe and please don’t spank at this age your doing everything right give yourself a break she will get tired of this new faze and move on just hang on :heart:

Scream back. It will shock her and then you can say doesn’t mommy look silly and rude? We don’t like it when people scream. Works almost every time lol my 2.5yr old screams with joy alot lol like excited and it’s the only type of screaming I tolerate

She just found her voice. When she is screaming sit down with her and scream along like it’s a treat.

Tell her you can’t understand her when she yells and to use her words. Tell her which words to use. And then ignore her when she does it until she uses her words…?:person_shrugging:

Scream back at her and see what she thinks of that

Have you seen a doctor? Does she do what u tell her? Maybe she has hearing issue, she screaming cause she can’t hear herself speaking or you speaking … just a thought