How can I get. my 2-month-old to stay asleep?

My 4 month old refuses to go to sleep for longer than 2 hours before 10:30pm…… how do I get her to go to bed at an earlier time!!! This has been ongoing since she was like 2 months old.


Babies bedtimes change as they do… it’s just what happens. When my little one was a newborn she wouldn’t sleep in her cot before 11pm. In the space of almost 20 months that’s changed to 10:30,9,8,7 and back to 8 again. As long as they’re sleeping well once they go to bed then what’s the issue. Yes having the evening to do things and relax is nice but it’s not going to be forever


Sounds pretty normal. You can try sleep music, soothing lights etc but honestly when a bubba wants their Mumma - you kind of just have to go with it. If it’s a real struggle there are places you can go and stay overnight or for a few days where nurses help you set up a sleep routine. Speak to your GP.

There not suppose too sleep much longer


Sleep changes a lot in the first year because of all the brain development. Babies do need help getting to sleep and if we miss the tired signs (they clench fists, gaze into space, rubbing eyes) then they can become hysterical and we have to start resetting all over again…babies do learn what we teach them and a lot of sleep habit’s fall on parent behaviour, if they are rocked to sleep everytime then that is what they expect, keep in mind there is always exceptions, growth spirits, if they are unwell, had imms then babies need extra feeds and cuddles. When they are little like this it is about surviving lol, do know light is at the end of the tunnel and it will get better Mama, you are doing AMAZING!.

My advice is try to catch the tired signs during the day…at night try not to turn the light on or chat away to baby, change bum if needed, give boob or bottle then back down at night.


Dreamland sleep sacks, I swear by them! Pricey but worth every penny!!! My 2 month old wakes up once in the night to eat :raised_hands:t3:

Pretty normal for the age tbh. Will be for a little while longer


They don’t sleep more than that until age 4…even then it’s a gamble. Don’t get caught up in posts that tell you my 6 week old sleeps 12 hours… yes, some do, but most don’t…before you blink they’ll be grown and you’ll have to spend hours trying to wake them as opposed to hours trying to get them to sleep 🩷


Such is life with a baby :roll_eyes::rofl::clown_face:


There is no bedtime for infants!! They drink milk every two hours!!! After they get introduced to solid food THEN they start sleeping more often but still my kids slept all night after 10 months old.


This is really typical for a baby they feed every 3 hours x


You don’t! Especially at that age when they may want feeding every two hours. Try and get two four hour slots from 11pm to 3 am and 4-8am if you can. Otherwise it’s two-hour slots. Mine never had a morning nap either - just one in the afternoon.

baby probably needs a feed that’s why baby is waking up .


If you solve that question. The answer is worth millions


Bedtime for my babies was always 10-10:30pm. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Uhh it’s a baby. Get used to it. They don’t sleep on YOUR schedule- you work/sleep around theirs. This likely will continue for awhile longer before they adjust to sleeping through the night.


There is no hack for this one sorry love. All babies are different.


A good bath and a good run down than sing and rock

My daughter (2nd baby) is 2.5 month old and currently sleeps from 11:00 PM - 6:30 AM. But the past week has been doing 9:30 PM - 3:00 AM & then wakes again around 6:00 AM. They’re so whittle. She’s gaining weight beautifully, so I don’t believe in waking her to feed, but I follow her cues. If she starts to regress & wake more often (sleep regression is common around 4 months), we’ll survive until SHE’S ready to sleep longer periods. Waking every few hours is very normal at this age and sleep loss is simply apart of parenting. Make sure you have a good night time routine and just try to enjoy this phase while it last. :purple_heart:


my 9 month old goes to sleep around 10 and wakes up at least 4 times during the night lol

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My daughter is almost 5 and still doesn’t sleep through the night and neither does my 468 month old husband :rofl:

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It a baby. It’s waking up to feed and grow and milestone even tiny ones.

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My son woke up every couple of hours til he was 8mo, after that at least once a night til he was like 14 months

My babies (now 7&3) went to bed at 7pm from 6weeks old. I fed and changed them (asleep) when I went up between 10-11pm then they’d usually go through till 4-5am.
Then you’ll hit regression stages and be getting up 2 maybe 3 times extra.
They aren’t machines unfortunately. They do what they feel they need to do.
Make sure you have a strong bedtime routine (bath bottle book bed) and go from there.

You don’t lol welcome to motherhood. I’d want them to sleep through the night more then the days so if she is up keep it that way or you’ll end up having her up at night

I have 6 kids and mine only slept at school age before sleeping nights, even then my son who’s 6 is up non stop from being scared or something. I also have a 3 year old who still wakes up at night. I never got the baby who slept all night.

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Completely normal, they’re growing and hungry.

This is still really young to expect them to be sleeping for long stretches at any point in a 24 hour period. I know it’s rough, but baby will sleep more, and things will become easier, with time. Right now it’s still important for your baby to be fed (and subsequently, changed) more often, so it’s a good thing that he/she isn’t sleeping for too long.

Have you tried moon beams, :crystal_ball: or essential oils?

A 4 month old will not sleep through the night.

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You pretty much give up sleep when u have kids, I have 3, oldest is 11 so I haven’t fully slept in 11 years​:joy::joy::joy::joy:


She’s 4 months. There’s not really a solution besides rolling with it until she gets older and developmentally can sleep for longer periods.


I haven’t really slept since my son was born five years ago lmaoooo.


Mine didn’t start sleeping through the night until he was like 8 or 9 months

My son is 3 months as of yesterday the earliest he goes to sleep is 930, unfortunately there’s no bedtime, he sleeps anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours until 1030

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start working on a schedule… i started working towards one when we came home from the hospital. by 6ish months all of mine slept from about 9 PM-6 AM.

i also do personally think they belong in their own rooms from birth. it does help.


I haven’t caught up on sleep since my oldest was born.
That was 17 years ago.

That’s what… babies do :woman_facepalming: they’re hungry.

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That’s pretty normal for an INFANT.

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My daughter put her newborn on a schedule, 5 pm bath, story time while rocking them with a bottle. Of course while very little he woke up like most do, but the schedule never changed much. He’s now 2 and still is on the same schedule. Usually asleep by 6p and sleeps 12 hrs straight on most nights! I’m still pretty amazed by this. Also above I love the bean bag over the eyes, I wear a sleep mask ever night for the sme reason :rofl:

Babies need fed every two to 3 hours at this age and furthermore, would you lay in a wet diaper for hours a night!? This is what babies do. They need fed, cuddled, diaper changes.


With my first baby, I was soo sleep deprived and exhausted. She would sleep all day and be up all night so I got her on a sleeping schedule. I’d wake her up every 2 sometimes 3 hours during the day and I’d try to keep her awake after her feeding for about 10-15 minutes sometimes longer and that helped. I’d also keep the house blinds open so she could distinguish day time and night time. It took about a month or 2 for her to get the new sleeping schedule down. I recommend a sleeping schedule, it’s common for babies to not have a set sleeping schedule til they’re older.

Baby is thinking: my mom refuses to get off my nerves, no matter what time it is.
This been ongoing since I was born. :roll_eyes:


One of the worst questions ever asked

Thats the joys of Motherhood.

You don’t it’s an infant. They wake because they are hungry as their belly isn’t big so they wake more to eat. Babies don’t sleep much …


Babys don’t have a schedule until about a year old sometimes 2 yrs old Lol hate to break it to you…they eat, wet diaper wake up repeat.

She’s hungry!!! Put some cereal in the bottle

She will grow out of that phase. Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Normal sleep pattern at 2 to 4 months they should be still waking to eat and to make sure they are a live.
There are two groups of people Night people ( the ones who stay up) and the morning people. It is normal human nature.

Get her on a schedule and follow it

Welcome to parenthood. It will get better. Eventually.

Probably hungry. Once mine was on baby food at 6 weeks slept much better.

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I was blessed with a new born that slept through the nights but he was eat a lot before bed

People that post questions like this probably ought to not have babies.


My two yr old still wakes up at 3am gets a drink and watches blippi tell. He go back to sleep some night he even gets a healthy snake if hungry

It’s a baby. A lot of kids don’t sleep for longer stretches until they are a year (sometimes 2) old. Every kid is different though. You can’t force it regardless.
Welcome to parenthood!


Did you even research what babies were before having one?


Babies has different patterns

I must say I am lucky with my second born. His slept right through since new born. 7pm till 6am. Even now his 2 years old, he sleeps through.

You will need to look at the environment where baby sleeps, could be hungry as well. My son started eating purity from the age of 4 months as milk didn’t make him full.

My son has never gone to bed before 10pm in his entire life. :woman_shrugging:t4: He was sleeping through the night by a month old.

A 4 month old has a tiny tummy and they need to wake up and eat. It’s been awhile I can’t remember what age it is but ask the dr when u can put cereal in her bottle it will keep her full longer

Sorry for all the rude comments- I would recommend looking into Taking Cara Babies newborn course- it’s not formal sleep training but it helps instill good sleep habits and set a foundation for great sleep- it’s a no cry approach too

Uh, she’s two - or four (not sure) - months old. She’s not supposed to sleep for longer than a few hours at a time, considering she needs to eat every 3-4 hours.

I’m gonna assume this is your first child. Ma’am, you will never sleep again!


It’s a baby… A newborn baby …

She’s 4 months old she isn’t going to stick to a bed time routine just yet and isn’t ready to sleep through the night.

Wth? This can’t be a serious question? 2 months old lady. What did you expect?

Good god woman, this is an infant. You cannot control when they sleep. You need to contact a health visitor or someone and get parenting classes.

It’s normal for babies not to sleep through or early. It reduces the chances of SiDS, how on earth are you this clueless? I’m mortified.

Are you sure you meant to say Months and Not years??? :person_shrugging: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

They’re old enough for regular food. Give them baby cereal before bed it will keep them fuller longer

Just out of curiosity… what do you expected four month old to do? Do you expect him to go to bed at 7 PM and get a full 12 hours of sleep at night without waking up? I’m genuinely curious what your expectations are for a four month old.

You’re nuts. Get used to this for the next two years, babies need you at night, you’re their safety.

Lol omg this is way to funny I can’t stop laughing as u said she’s 4 months old a practically new born NOT robot…u can’t force her to do anything she does what she does when she wants to right now she’s the boss…welcome to motherhood

Is this serious??? This cant be!!

Whatever you do please don’t start melatonin as a sleep aid. I know it’s not safe or recommended until older but I know moms who have used it since their kids were babies.
This is normal. My eldest who’s six now, woke up every 2 hrs all night long until she was 8M.

Surely this post is a joke :thinking:

She’s a baby. An infant. Kinda still a newborn… that’s what they do… surely you knew this before having a baby.

Why are there angry reacts?:joy: I wonder what’s their problem with the question asked​:laughing: or are they angry at the kid for not sleeping​:woman_facepalming::joy:

Mean people need to chill and stop being so angry all the time. Try to go another group in part of one that helps first time moms who have experienced providers and mothers that have a bit of compassion for mothers who are struggling. Feel free to message me and I’ll point you to the right direction. Please don’t give your baby anything extra for the time being until you talk to your provider! That’s my current advice, what works for others may not work for your baby and may make the matters worse!you got this!

You f***** don’t you get you lazy butt up they need to eat every 2 hours for awhile and need diapers changed. Your sleep is over Hun your a mom now grow up it’s not about you anymore.

You release you have a newborn- right? Grow up

You can not be serious?!??! Poor baby!

You didn’t know this BEFORE having a child?

Join this group if you want actual, non judgmental help Respectful Sleep Training/Learning