How can I get my 2-year-old to stay in his bed at night?

Any tips on getting a 2 year old stay in his own bed at night when his bed is in your bedroom? We dont have an option of putting his bed anywhere else right now. He does good going down for the night but usually wakes up at least once in the middle of the night and then he wants to crawl into bed with us. We are really trying to break this habit.


Use a diffuser with lavender and balance and also put it on his feet and spine. Also I give my son a magnesium drink called calm that with both of those combined he never gets up and we put him to bed at 7:30pm. He’s 8 now but we’ve been doing this since he was probably 1 year 1/2. We also do the same routine every night no matter where we are. We start getting ready for bed at 7. Brush teeth, use the restroom, read books, do oils, sing songs, and turn on instrumental music.


A double size bed if it fits will probably solve it

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Keep reinforcing their own bed. They’ll give up eventually. If you give in whatsoever it’ll just teach them that with enough persistence they get their way. If they had a room you could use a baby gate but for now you just need to do it the hard way. Stuffed animals. Favorite blanket. Nightlight, etc. help them find their favorite comfort item. My daughter is 3 and only sleeps with me when she is sick or the once in a blue moon night terrors that are thankfully past.

My 2 year old goes in her bed in my room then crawls into my bed but I love it and I don’t want anything to change, soon their going to be “too old” for cuddles with mum/dad, they won’t want to be kissed and cuddled anymore, they won’t crawl into your bed for that safe comfort cuddle back to sleep.

Both my children end up in my bed every night I honestly don’t really want it to change they are 7 and 2 and all I think of is they will soon be old enough and not want to come in for cuddled etc and it will ask my heart​:broken_heart::broken_heart:


Can you set him up a bed in your lounge? Move him there when you go to bed

Give LO they’re beloved stuffed animal and turn on lullaby music and put them back to bed. Maybe try holding your LO’s hand is possible.

Keep putting him
Back in his bed no matter what!
Do not talk to him at all while doing this! Just pick him up and go put him back.
It WILL be exhausting, it is hard and you WILL be tired for possible a weekend but he will realize that you will just put him
back everytime he will soon stay put.
The key is absolutely NO communication to him or one another. If you get frustrated, don’t show it or start bickering. You’ll start all over. So if it’s an issue maybe one stay on the couch while getting sweet boy bed trained.
When you put him in bed, you two also lay down without any talking or noise. Do it as long as it takes. You could do this for several hours the first night!
If you break, you’ll be having a toddler in your bed. Which isn’t always a bad thing but we also wanted mommy and daddy space. So I get it.
Our son finally got the message and slept in his own bed. If I remember it was hard the first weekend, it was reinforced through the week and by the following weekend we were good to go. So it didn’t take that long, he’s now 25 and healthy mentally and physically without any emotional harm. He turned out just fine from making him stay in his own bed and got plenty of love, cuddles and kisses all day long before sleep time.
Best of luck!
*I will add: if your sweet baby is frightened, hurting, scared and needs your comfort, you don’t ignore that!

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Google the English Super Nanny

you keep redirecting him back to his bed.

My son always used to crawl into bed with me. And I used to put him back in his bed. And kept up with it. He’s 6 now. And there are days I wish he’d come and snuggle with me :pleading_face:

He will stop when he is ready. He is still little and it’s easier letting him into your bed than everyone getting no sleep .

Take his hand give him a kiss and put him back in bed. The sun’s not awake. No huge conversation, just kiss his head and take him back to bed. It will take a bit, but he’ll get it.

Enjoy it. Cause you never know when he will just stop on his own. Plus this is his way of getting the comfort he needs from you and dad. I have four kids I miss my older kids (7 years old boy, 6 years old boy) coming into our room and being in there from 4 and on. Our youngest two (3 boy & 4 girl years old) still does it. I say about the age of 6-7 they stop coming into the room and sleeping at night. Now if our oldest wants to come in and lay in our room they’ll grab blankets and make a bed out of them and lay down on the floor but out of the wall areas.

Enjoy it . My sister gave me such grief about letting my son climb into bed with me . My mom told her shush .
Mom was right by 3/4 he went to bed stayed in bed . These years go by so fast .