How can I get my 4 year old to poop on the potty?

Tips on how to get my 4 year old to poop in the potty? He absolutely refuses and screams and he knows when he has to poop because he’ll ask for a diaper. He’s also potty trained with pee and has no accidents with that. I have a toilet seat, a little potty and he still refuses


When my son got to that age, I literally refuse to clean him. I would hand him his wipes and hand him his diaper, and I made him start doing it himself of course I cleaned up after, but he really hated taking off a diaper with poop in it and having to wrap it up and throw it away, after he was really tired of doing that I showed him how easy it was to sit on the potty and he never went back to diapers

When you go show them. So thy understand how we go. I show mind pointed poop poop and he used toilet. Every time?. I just cover my self. Up till that point he never did go…give try?.?

When my son was 4 he refused to poop in the potty too, but he wanted to play Xbox with his big brothers and one day he asked me for a pull-up because he needed to poop and I told him big boys play the Xbox and big boys poop in the potty so he couldn’t play until he pooped in the potty. He has used the potty since that day! lol

Quit making the diaper available… That’s what we had to do. I told him he was a big boy and he could hold his tablet while he did his business… It worked for us…


There are actually people you can hire to help with this, so you’re not always “the bad guy/gal.” The incentive for our son was getting to ride the kiddie school bus to preschool if he would poop on the potty. We were 90% of the way there, but we knew they lined them up to go to the bathroom every 2 hours if they didn’t go on their own beforehand. We tried the books, the videos, etc. which didn’t make that much of a difference but might for your boy.

Also check with the pediatrician to see if there’s any reason he doesn’t want to go. Maybe just needs more fiber in his diet.

I refused to put a pull up on my 3 /almost 4yr old … so he put his own pull up on ….
I bought nappies instead (for night time accidents) ….he sat on the toilet and flat out refused for half an hour - so I put his pants back on …… he ran outside and crapped beside the house :scream::scream:

  • I tried an interesting present that he could see but only touch or hold when he’d sit on the loo and “try” - but he wasn’t allowed it until he did actually go …. 3 pebbles in the loo gained him the present…. But he wouldn’t go again :disappointed::disappointed:

There’s an app called “poo goes to pooland” - I too came to a mum forum like this for help - someone suggested this and it actually worked- not when I showed it to him but about 3 weeks after it was downloaded onto his iPad - he got into the app and sat and listened to it …… he then asked to go to the toilet and has been going ever since
(You will have to wave to his turd as you flush …. But hey if it works - you’ll do anything :rofl::rofl::rofl:)

Take away the diapers put in undies he will hate the feeling (as undies and diapers feel different).

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Take the diaper away. Make it unavailable so that he has to use the potty

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Get him to sit on the toilet with the diaper. Then once he’s comfortable (a few times maybe) cut a hole in the diaper so the poo goes in the toilet, once he’s comfortable with that remove the diaper completely. Add plenty of praise and rewards as necessary

Why do you still have the diapers/pull ups?


My nephew refused to poop in anything but a diaper! He would legit HOLD it for days until he was so backed up he needed a laxative. Sometimes they just aren’t ready! Talk to your Dr about it. He would pee on the toilet, but was petrified of pooping. The more we pushed it , the worse it got.

I just got rid of the pull ups put him in underwear and after a few times he just went by himself and we have been full potty trained for about a month now. We are still working on the nighttime part. It isn’t easy but you will get there just be patient :heart:

With my son bribery worked very well

Have him face the tank. Fear of falling in the toilet can interrupt the smooth delivery of feces. He will be more relaxed in that position and be able to see his deposit!

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