How can I get my 4-year-old to stop doing this?

My almost 4 year old will not stop blowing raspberries especially when he is trying to be sassy. I HATE it so I try to ignore it but ignoring isn’t working. Any suggestions to get him to understand that isn’t ok? Talking to him doesn’t work.


I just can’t with these parents anymore lmbo


Um…he’s 4 and being silly :person_shrugging: maybe lighten up a little. I’m sure he’ll outgrow it soon enough. Lol he’s not mature enough to understand why it’s not ok with you. If he’s trying to be “sassy” remember he’s not even 4 he’s a toddler and can’t express himself in other ways. Try to calmly Show him other ways and words to express himself. Tell him you understand he’s mad/sad/upset… whatever but we still need to do this or that. Just show him different ways to communicate and don’t take it personally when he’s acting his age. I promise they outgrow this behavior before you know it.


If the tongue came out , my kids were chucked under the chin. Only took a couple times for each one. Not hard enough to cause injury, but hard enough for them to remember.


Sounds like a sensory thing…. He’s 4. Start laughing when he does it, might help him stop when he’s mad at least


My granddaughter does that when she get hurt and doesn’t want to show us she is in pain she will stick her tongue out or raspberry at us telling us she is fine and nothing happen. We know it hurt and how bad she take the pain she was taking tough way then go to her own bed close the door crawl under the bed will cry she didn’t want anyone to know we have been telling her it is ok to cry and show your pain don’t have to be tough all the time. Also when she is angry or upset at something she does that too she is only 2 years old. Just her way to cover her pain and angry moment with her sticking her tongue out or raspberry at us. She don’t praise her we talk to her abt feelings to express and the pain to show us to help her feel better. She get embarrassed easily


He probably got-a laughs when first learned it His friends that it was funny. Just walk away when does it. There are worse things little boys do for attention. He’ll forget about it. You make an issue he’ll do it more. He is getting over be 3. Boys love being silly when they young. Enjoy your child/children. They grow too fast!


Is he blowing raspberries on your chest, cause that’s my toddlers favorite area. At least he isn’t picking your whole arm AND leg. I’d take raspberries any day!

I’m a mom of 4 (5,7,8,9) personally I would let it be. He’s truly only this size for a little while . And will grow out of it before you know it.

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I’d say “I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, please use your big boy words “ and walk away-
He’ll realize that tactic doesn’t work-
Remember for the first few years of life crying is how children communicate their needs- he’s probably exploring new ideas-
Be kind on the journey- you’ll probably miss it when he’s older :grin::partying_face:


Really ignore it. Turn your back on him and walk away.


I’m old school. You don’t want my answer


I miss this haha it was so freaking cute your gonna miss this it’s just a faze momma try to laugh it off I promise you will be so happy you did in 5 years and cry when you think about it and how much you missed it and laugh when you remember how something so silly drove you crazy


For crying outloud. Slap a baby under the chin for raspberries??


He’s 4. He’s being a kid and trying out his feet. You’ve got bigger battles coming than raspberries!


Just ignore the fact that he is doing it completely and he will soon stop.

Hahahaha terrible I hate that feeling . No advice just I feel for yah

Please tell me what this means :joy:

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For the love of God let the child be a child and don’t punish your child for this!

my kid does it too. good luck! they do whatever they want now and it’ll come again in teenage years but worse! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are blessed to have a healthy and happy child. Get over it.

Sound like he’s frustrated and doesn’t have the words to express himself yet. Try talking to him in a way you’re being supportive of how he’s feeling and helping find the words to express himself.
Maybe try something like, I can tell you’re upset or frustrated because you are blowing raspberries, let’s talk about how you’re feeling instead. Or let’s figure out what’s bothering you.

However you can help him express himself at his level, without him blowing raspberries. Haha

Put him in time out tell him No . Make him hold a penny to his nose in the corner. You are the parent not him. I’m not giving you a hard time but sometimes you have to be strict and stern.


The fact some of these parents “popped” their kid for being a child is gross…

Let them be kids.
When y’all are old and blowing bubbles and sh!tting yourselves needing your adult diapers changed let’s hope your kids pop you one for being the way you were to them.

Toddlers do not know how to explain to you what’s bugging them or why they’re doing this and that. Maybe use your listening skills and try to be more understanding towards your kids :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Have you tried doing it back ??? I think he just wants to play and isn’t mature enough to know better.


Whys it not ok? He’s a child he’s playing, nothing at all wrong with it unless he’s sticking his tongue out while doing it… jeeze how are some people parents man :person_facepalming:


This is not a big problem. Kids test boundaries and he is being silly while expressing displeasure, there’s no harm here. Explain tho by all means is not always nice to do in certain occasions, but omg this is not the giant deal you are making it out to be.

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It’s not “silly” if he’s doing it in a moment of sass. It’s disrespectful, and he needs to learn that it’s unacceptable. A lot of you think disrespectful children are entertaining, but we are raising the next generation of adults…. Grow up and stop blaming your own parents for your own baggage, we don’t break our children by teaching them manners and respect. Some kids need more correction than others. My daughter was nowhere near as terrible my four year old son can be. Parenting is not for the weak.


He’s 4 and learning to express his own emotions in they way that he knows how. Do you feel disrespected or triggered? I’m 35 and emotional regulation and understanding is hard for me sometimes. We expect babies to have better emotional maturity then even we do. Yes he’s a baby. Babies don’t become cognitively aware until about 18 months. So he’s had about three years of life experience. They’re not out to purposefully upset you or disrespect you. They are literally just trying to figure things out. If I tell my ten year old to clean his room and he blows a raspberry at me then yes totally disrespectful because he is AWARE and emotionally mature enough to know that behavior isn’t okay. A four year old does not have that depth of understanding.

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Let him be . He is just expressing himself that’s how kids learn .

One of my daughters did this to her grandma once was sent upstairs for 10 mins Apologised to her grandma and never did it again

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He will grow out of it… he’s 4.

Warn him the next time he does this you will apply the board of education to the seat of understanding.!!!

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He’s 4, just ignore it tbh.

All these people calling a 4 year old a toddler​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

My granddaughter hisses at me like a cat when mad than jumps on her table like a cat and keeps hissing . I just Ignore her . Keep reading or watch the tv . She stops when I don’t react .