Let something’s go kids have different capabilities
I swear I would have thought I made this post. I’m reading every comment. I feel like this every night
Research conscious discipline
I just turn everything off or move them away from whatever distractions there may be and ask the kiddos to repeat what I said and repeat it until they can repeat it. They learn to listen quick so they don’t have to stand there and repeat themselves a hundred times.
Normal. What worked for me was a lot of punishment The talking to her did not work because she’d always say “I dont want to do it. You make me do stupid and boring things.” So she wouldnt get dessert. If we were going to the park then she got left behind. I always had to remind her why she needed to listen. Now she’s 8 and I have a whole other problem with her. I apply the same punishment method and lecture so she does better now.
Whooop that assssss. JK they never listen, ever.
Love and logic book helped me.
Time out till i can calmly talk
Stop yelling at her explain to her why she should listen
When mine at age 2 and 3 refused to listen I had to do someth8ng because I couldn’d paddle grandma. She keot telling them that if they thought what I said was wrong they disn’t need to listen to me. I ask them if they liked bei g yelled at and said I didn’t like yelling but it seemed to be the only thing that they heard. We discussed about them listening to me i steD if grandma but if they cintinued to di what grandma said that I would let them move in wirh her. They dudn’t wNt to because ny youngest sister was two years older than my oldest abd grandma kst her bully and abuse them by trashing their things and taking their other thigss things from them. I did need to use this about three to five times a year, not pick them up on Sundays when they stayed at granndma over the weekend and they had to go to wchool 9n the city bus or grandma had to take them and told them I was bringing their clothing to grandmas on Monday evening so they could stay because they preferred to do what grandma told them instead if listening to mom. They never wanted to stay perminantly so they lidtened to me for weeks, but I soon had to offer to let them stay again. Grandma also didn’t want 3 extra kids so she also quit interfering for a while but was soon butting in where she didn’t need to. Thid was what I had to do when my kids got okder. When young just talk7ng about if they listened I woukd quit yelli g and paddling o ly if they refused to mind after being rwminded a third time. I only had to paddle once ir twice and then they listened and we discussed why I Sk them to do things a certain way.
Try using PBR - positive behavior reinforcement. When she does listen, she gets something small or she can accumulate points for something larger. She eventually start to actively listen in hopes of the reward and then it will become a habit.
Stop yelling and get you a switch !
Stop letting her do so much stuff
Beat her ass till she can’t set down
Consequences and consistency
Belts and switches are very effective
My daughter is also 6 and she doesn’t listen either. Drives me bananas. Try to find an activity you can do together and have fun and laugh. She may not listen but don’t get frustrated. Calmly redirect her. I don’t like yelling at my kid either and sometimes I do . It’s ok. Just keep showing love the best you can!
I highly recommend you check out Positive Parenting with Josie. Please take a look at her page it has some great advice on creating positive relationships with our children.
Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.
ASK her… Wth you want girl!!? Herryup…
Shannon Stevenson Pugerude?
Have her hearing checked
Stop yelling an talk stern
Take things she cares About away
Start taking things away things she loves
So normal!!! Its called selective hearing. Dont give up though!
My 7 year old was (and still is sometimes) like this, but in his case he has severe adhd as well as high-functioning autism.
There are times, its honestly like cannot actually hear me.
For him meds are a must, but they haven’t been perfect…hes still a child after all.
A few things weve tried that have helped…that work for any child regardless of having an issue or not.
- token economy rewards system. Good behavior and chores earn him tickets. He used tickets to pay for privileges and rewards. For him that included cartoons and tablet time.
It really only “failed” because of his issues, he was getting computers and recess with park type equipment at school so he didnt care about privileges at home.
It was mixed messages and didn’t ho well because with both autism and adhd consistancy between environments is a must.
We’d also “fine” him tickets for misbehavior. Which meant losing out on a privilege or doing extra chores.
- Warnings, time outs, and structured talks. We’d tried this for years with no success. Turns out…1) our tone was wrong and 2) we paid too much attention to him when he was in time out (letting him argue) rather than ignoring him. Then at the end of time out we discuss his behavior. What did you do wrong? Why was it wrong? What can you do differently?
Try to make sure when you’re talking to your child (even when first giving instructions or warnings) they’re looking you in the eye and ask them what you’ve said.
When time out fails, like taking a time out to get out of picking up…take something away for the rest of the day instead.
Make sure its something that will actually “bother” them. Like for us my kiddo could care less if we remove say his play kitchen. But if we remove his waffle blocks that gets his attention.
My 6 year old has found out that she can push boundaries and does so. Her father and I take away her favorite thing, her computer, and we have set a rule that after dinner there is absolutely no electronics and if we catch her on her computer it is automatically taken away and she loses her privileges for 1 day. It seems to be working.
Girls are harder than boys, they remind us mommas of when we were younger and make us wonder how much we put our own mommas through.
My mom keeps telling me that my 4 kids are mild compared to me as a child.
When you speak to her, squat down to her level and explain what she’s doing and how its affecting you. Take her things for a while but with explanation and a timeline and expectations to get things back. Reward good behavior
The first step is to refrain from yelling. When you ask your child to complete a task, ask her to repeat what you expect of her. Please set boundaries and adhere to them. Again, please have your child verbalize what is expected of them. Sometimes you will need to have the child repeat the expectation each time they perform the desired task. Practice and role-play what you wish for your child to do; this requires a bit of time but in the long-run, practicing and verbalizing desired expectations saves time and headaches. When a child knows what is expected, and there is consistency, the parent and child will have more time for fun activities.
Its definitely a stage. The best thing to do is stand your ground and be firm. Tell her if she isn’t going to listen then punish her and follow through with it. The biggest mistake as a parent you could make is not follow through with a punishment. Kids are soooo smart and know when you are a pushover and will fully take advantage of it. I take tv and electronics away the most because those things tend to not make my daughter listen. Also if she gets a lot of screen time start cutting it back. Its known to cause kids not to listen. You’ll see a huge difference to. Good luck!
We do table time, like time out but you sit at the table. You can’t make noises you can’t play with anything and your hands have to be in your lap. You get out of table time by changed behavior
With my son, now he’s 16, but I use to ignore him when he wanted something really bad, only lasted a couple weeks of randomly pretending I didn’t hear him. And when I talked to him I’d talk in a quieter voice, that way he had to quiet down to hear me. Worked until he got older. Now I just buy him stuff just to take it away when he gets too big for his britches! Lol
Start taking away toys and privileges. And put her in timeout
Time outs and consistently following through
Try not talking to her.
Discipline… not sure if you’re against it or not… but it works for me!
My son did that when he was 6. I took away privileges. No tablet, toys getting put up until he listened, no going to play with friends
Ignore her… Ex if she asks you for something maybe ignore her fpr a little while and tell her “if you don’t listen to me i wont listen to you”
She wants so you use the I want and listen like she does. She wants to go play mama wants room clean .
My 5 year old is doing this too. Ill ask her nicely once, if I have to ask again i start counting down from 5 so she has time to really think about what im asking or telling her. If i make it to 0 her TV is being takin and so is the Tablet no ifs ands or butts cause I shouldnt have to ask or say something twice for her to listen.
This is what I do
I get to my sons level kneeling or sitting on the couch ask him to focus on me. Address whatever I need to address. Then ask him to repeat it back to me so I know he was paying attention. It usually works or he screams and cries because he doesn’t want to do what I said but it gets done anyway lol. When I just ask him to do stuff without taking that approach it usually gets dismissed.
I make my kids sit in a chair facing the wall. When they r ready to do what i am asking, clean up toys or whatever, they can leave. But whatever u choose, stick to it. Some kids might learn consequences quicker than others. If it takes a month of everyday, 10 times a day for your punishment/consequence, just stick to it so they learn! Good luck
Learn how to communicate. She’s literally a human being so talk to her like one. You wouldn’t just start screaming at another adult, you’d tell them you’re not feeling heard. Why not do the same thing with her? It takes like 2 minutes.
my son has adhd and literally does not have the ability to listen. when he is medicated he is great but without it I just have to literally escort him to what I need done lol
Umm discipline. Discipline EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. over many years… take away electronics, time out, room time, put toys in time out.
Whisper!!! Just try it!!!
Make her have a time out in a chair in the corner.Every time she gets up add more minutes. Whos bigger here? You are.
This child wants your attention. She has discovered when she doesn’t mind, she can get a rise out of you. Praise her when she does mind and don’t make a big deal if she doesn’t. Stay off your phone and delight in your daughter.
It’s normal. You are a good parent as you are asking the right questions and looking fo help. She’s probably testing boundaries. There’s not 1 cure all method. You need to find what works for you and her. Not sure what the actual issue is but consistency is key. Outline the expectations and consequences. Give a warning and then follow through. You can try rewards for doing well or following directions. This could be mommy time or extra few minutes reading m. Whatever motivates her. Don’t take it personally. Been there and it will be OK.
Stop screaming. Tell her once then make her do what you want or take her directly to the corner. Only say I told you to do this or that and you didn’t. Now you are in time out. Don’t entertain her while she is in there. No questions or answers until her time is up.
You should try watching the show called Supernanny … I love this show and she gives great advice on what to do with kids of all ages… I definitely used the “Supernanny timeout technique” for my daughter growing up … now she is 10 years old and an amazing lil girl… I still watch the show when it’s on nanny Jo is awesome
She doesn’t fear any reprocussions. “Mom yells, then she will stop. Ill still do what Im going to do because being sent to my room isn’t so bad and the yelling is just for a moment”
Kids will fall in line if they know they have something to lose if they don’t. I have 2 of them. Its been challenging. I had to teach them that I wear the pants and if they don’t want to do what I ask, they’ll wish like hell they had because I’m not asking more than twice.
Try checking out Parenting With Perspectacles because these comments are ridiculous. This is a page run by a therapist. I love her as she tries to explain how to get through those battles !!
The only surefire way is to wait patiently for approximately 20 years.
Stop yelling — would you like someone yelling at you. Just tell her you not pleased with her behavior-- sit with her and talk to her. And tell her you love her over and over.
Nothing like a good wack on her behind to get her attention …