How can I get my 7-month-old out of her sleep regression?

How do I get my 7 month old out of her sleep regression?? I have fed her more to get her full, warm bath, lavender lotion, she is up all night!!! It’s been 3 days. I’m EXHAUSTED


No one’s going to like my answer but my now 15yro we used the cry it out method. Took us about 4/5 days and never had a problem unless he was sick or teething.


I used this when my now 2 year old was going thru it. If i knew she was clean fed and nothing else was wrong i let her cry it out.


There really isn’t anything you can do except stay consistent during a sleep regression. It’s part of the growing process. Usually only lasts a couple weeks.


It’s biologically normal for babies to wake up. Forcing a baby to sleep all night isn’t the right thing to do. Using the cry it out method is cruel. We as adults still wake up for some water or a bathroom break. Why would you expect a baby who needs you for everything to sleep through the night? I’m tired everyday from my 6 month old waking up constantly, but I know it’s normal & will not force her to sleep through the Night because it benefits me.


It is totally normal for sleep patterns to change. If the baby is fed and clean then there could be other issues. Maybe baby is sleeping too much in the day, maybe they are teething. If the baby is truly up all night without any obvious reasons consulting your pediatrician is a good idea. There are many different medical reasons that could be possibly keeping your baby up as well.

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Sleep is developmental and not linear.
Baby is growing rapidly so needs to eat around the clock, pretty much every 3 hrs. The brain and body are growing at an insane rate.
Just cuddle and feed baby, adjust to what baby needs not what we as adults want.

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You just have to let her scream, or deprive yourself of sleep

Sleep regressions are normal and pass on their own. You can’t do anything about it.


Flip her over she has her nights and days mixed up.