How can I get my 7 year old to stop wetting the bed?

Take him to the dr to make sure there isn’t a bladder or kidney infection. If that checks out use pull up and a plastic mattress cover until he out grows it.


My kids had the same problem as did I when we we youngster it goes away with time. Just be patient, believe me it’s worse for them than for you. No child that big wants to get the bed on purpose.


Honestly, it is time. It’s hereditary and the bladder isn’t strong enough to get through the night yet. I know how frustrating that answer is though. You can try limiting fluids a few hours before bed or asking the pediatrician about an alarm though.


Maybe frm sleeping so hard they cant wake up wth that gotta go feeling and it happens I knew a young girl that when she slept over it was impossible to wake her for the bathroom night run around 11 or 12 she didn’t even knw I got her up and walked her to the toilet well she’s a teen now and has grown past that stage n her life but it did take awhile good luck wth it

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I wet the bed till about this age. 7-8
Have no clue how I stopped but all the yelling, spankings, etc didn’t do a damn thing to stop it.


I turned down many sleep overs with my cousins and friends in kindergarden because I knew I would wet the bed.
Very traumatizing to a kid tooo

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My son’s doctor said that it just happens when the child is ready. You could do all the right things and it still not work


I was told and looked into it also being directly related to chronic constipation.
Look it up! It’s one of the leading causes of bed wetting.
The bowels pushing on the bladder make it so there is very little room. As soon as I found this out I had my son come get me to check his bms and sure enough they were huge and rock hard. My doctor told us to eat more green veggies and make sure he’s drinking enough water.
Also try making them go right before bed

son’s Dr said he grew faster then his bladder. we set 2 alarms every night. didn’t use plastic, but had a machine washable pad we used.

The doctor prescribed some nasal mist for my son to take every evening after dinner. He said something about a missing hormone that wasn’t developed yet so this med helped.

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The bladder grows at it’s own pace. Use pull ups and be patient. Most importantly: do not shame or punish. This could last for years. Use a waterproof mattress cover.


I had the same problem as a child. I finally realized I was dreaming I was in the bathroom. I had to make myself open my eyes and look around before releasing my bladder.

Yeah my son did this until he was 9 it gradually got better he just never woke up in time so you know eventually like the other person said it’s just time

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There isn’t anything you can do. They will grow out of it eventually. It’s very embarrassing for the child. Be patient and understanding…


Give him time. Some kids sleep so deep that they have accidents. Don’t make a huge deal out of it, that will make them nervous, and my exacerbate the issue.

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My sister had this problem she had a urinary issue. Maybe try looking into some the aforementioned issues up above if haven’t already!? Goodluck!

My daughter had this. Nothing worked. We finally took her to one of the top Drs at Mayo…and he said…there is a tiny gland in the brain that matures at it owns time. Unless there is a disease …the night time bed wetting will stop when that gland fully matures. And it’s different for everyone. Just a little patience and time. :heart:


Thought this was supposed to be about Halloween and Fall Holidays, not parenting. Don’t they have parenting sites?

Have you taken them to the Doctor? Sometimes their bladder doesn’t grow as the child grows up. There is medication for that.
Don’t punish them, may make it worst. I suggest contact the Doctor

Speak with your daughter took pills at bedtime for four years.was a family trait…


Don’t worry…boys take longer…use pull ups and be patient!

Believe it or not bed wetting is a gene.! My mom looked into it with the doctor when both my brothers wetted the bed till they were ten they tried everything.! But the doc said it’s a gene since my dad was a bed wetter as a child.

My son did it well into his teens. Was a very hard sleeper. We did Everything even saw specialists. One day he just stopped


Potty alarm! Super affordable, around $50. When it gets wet it sounds an alarm that wakes up your child. They begin to realize when they need to go. Used this with my 7 year old and the problem was fixed in a week.


My daughter wet the bed until she was almost 10. No medical or emotional issue other than she slept very deeply and her body didn’t wake her up when she needed to go. This too shall pass. No amount of lecturing, shaming, punishment, Etc will ever improve it. Not saying that’s how you’re behaving. Put precautions in place, get an evaluation by the doctor, and provide a lot of love, patience, and Grace.


My aunt gave my cousin vitamins but told him it was a medication so that he wouldn’t have accidents throughout the night and he stopped having them I don’t know if it will work but it works for my cousin

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Take her to him to his doctor. My grandson had the same problem. There is medication that he can take that will help with this problem. And pull ups will help. It won’t stop the incidents, but it will eliminate the clean up. Good luck!

If the dr hasn’t found anything wrong put a waterproof mattress cover on. It sucks but some kids are just sound sleepers and don’t wake up to go.


My daughter did this until she was 13. The doctor explained that she was such a heavy sleeper that her bladder didn’t wake her. After several attempts with an alarm we decided to put her on meds. They worked quickly and retrained her bladder. She wore pullups every night and then she didn’t need them.


You really can t. My grand daughter wet the bed til 10 years old. It s a medical thing usually. Nothing we tried worked including some kind of medicine the doctor gave her. Making her feel bad about it dosen t work either.


I got an alarm that you put on the pull up and when he starts to wet it goes off and he goes potty. It helped so much! And patience. When my 8 year has anxiety he will occasionally wet the bed.

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My daughter did it beginning at six after having been dry starting at four …I kept telling doc something was wrong he wanted to blame the divorce. At eight she was diagnosed with Graves’ disease treated the thyroid and bed wetting stopped.

As a former bed-wetter, it might be good to consult a doctor. It runs in my family, and we finally figured out it was a chemical imbalance issue. That information saved me years of frustration!

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Sleep test. It could be apnea, my son would stop breathing for a couple seconds in his sleep then jerk muscle spasm when he would start agan this caused his bladder to constrict snd obviously pee. Dr said the apnea was from allergies. Found put he was allergic to mattresses, most pillows, and the stuffing in stuffed animals. Allergy meds, and hypoallergenic mattress cover and pillow and never had an accident since.


Might sound strange but rub some warm castor oil on his lower belly. It worked for mine.

4 kids in my family have been bedwetters. BEEN is the magic word here. Consult a dr to rule out any medical conditions. All 4 in my family stopped at 8. It’s just a magic switch they eventually get it. Pull-ups and plastic mattress cover till the end.

You can try waking him up once or twice in the middle of the night to go. Of course with pull up on. They don’t fully wake but it helps.
Also have him checked for any other underlaying medical conditions.
Sometimes the body is so focused one one thing it can’t focus on the bladder.

Have you consulted a doctor? Some kids take longer then others to be able to hold it at night but my doctor had told me with my son if it went on after the age of 6 we’d reevaluate then.

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My kids would cry wimpier during the night. I would walk them to bathroom. Tell them to pee and walk them back to bed. Very deep sleepers. Hang in there and this shall pass

Believe it or not try chiropractor. My son wet bed and after two appointments he never did it again. Call one and talk to them. It’s been many years (he is 26). Best thing we ever did.


My son wet the bed and we purchased a inexpensive device online that you attach to their underwear and when it detects moisture an alarm goes off. Within a month or less he stopped wetting the bed.


You may need to speak to the doctor. He may have a bladder issue. I had to do this with my oldest son. Was on meds for a while


Good luck, my son is turning nine in July and he just stopped wetting nine Mos ago. His older brother had his last accident right after he turned eleven but has had no more, he will be twelve in June. I finally figured out sugar and sweets were worse than liquid past 7. The way it affects the kidneys is the reason.

Try a chiropractor my brother had the same issue… he had a disc pressing on his bladder not letting it fully expanding it was back in place he quit wetting the bed

Many kids bladders are not developed by this age. Usually if it doesn’t stop by 6 it will stop by 10. My typical grandson didn’t stop until 10.

A co worker had a child who, after years of thinking it was bed wetting, had an actual “plumbing “ problem. The repair made all the difference.


My son did the same thing…come to find out his bladder was the problem…it was to small. So we did everything we could think of and still he peed the bed…he had to wait till his bladder grew a little…weird but he was diagnosed by a doctor. Even used the potty alarm. Hopefully he will grow out of it. Until then pull ups or depends that might fit him

Take him to a doctor. Rule out a physical problem. He could be missing urinary spnicters or other physical problem. This is not normal.

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My daughter wet the bed up until 7 or 8, I took her to the doctors, the checked her tummy and found she was constipated.
They said that this will create pressure on her bowel.
They gave her medication to help her open her bowels and within a week the bed wetting stopped…
Not trying to diagnose your lad but something to consider(and boys are usually late in that department, my brother was the same and my son, both had no underlying problems) hope this helps x

My daughter wet the bed till she was off and on till she was 13. I used the alarm that has a clip that clips to the underwear and the alarm goes on the wrist. It worked.

Sound sleeping is what caused my son to wet the bed until 5 th grade. He would also throw up when he was sick and never new.

Have you taken him to a an urologist? I had the same problem when u was young. Ended up I needed to have my bladder stretched

Give him a spoonful of peanut butter every night before bed and reinforce this is don’t wet the bed…it worked for me

One of my children had to get medicine from the doctor to help with bedwetting. Take your child to the doctor to see if meds are necessary

Might want to have an Urologist check for renal problems. A reflux bladder will cause bed wetting.

My nephew was the same way ended up being a neck problem the way he slept. Take him to the chiropractor.

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My daughter wet the bed until she was 12. All you can do is be patient. Ask your doctors to perform some tests. There could be underlying issues also.

Go see a doctor. My nephew had this issue it was a medical reason. He grew out of it.

There are meds for this. See a doctor. Also, check for diabetes.

My son wet the bed when he was that age. I think I did too a few times.He loved the Dukes of Hazzard and if he wet the bed, he didn’t get to watch them. I realized after 4 weeks that he only wet the bed the night before Dukes came on. I quit punishing him and he quit wetting the bed, except when he was sick or upset about something. The other thing is he may have a small bladder like my neighbor’s son. That will require a Dr.'s visit. Drinks with dye are not good for the kidneys/bladder. So no Kool Aid type products. The best thing you can do is put a protective pad on the mattress, keep a clean set of sheets by the bed, and tell him it’s okay, it was an accident and it’s not his fault. My mildly autistic grandson is 11 and still has “accidents” when he gets upset.

I read it’s is related to kids who have allergies. Don’t know if this is true or not.

Have him do ‘making snow angels’ exercises every evening

Have him wear socks to bed. I know it sounds silly but it works.

My dad WHIPPED my brothers 20 licks with a belt every night of their lives and they slept in pee soaked beds till they finally grew out of it at around 13 or 14 years old. Some nights they could choose to be held under bath water till they passed out 10 times. Have patience with your child. Poor thing can’t help it. Give your child lots of love.

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I provide therapy to children- enuresis and encopresis can be entirely psychological. Have your child meet with a therapist & consult their pediatrician :blush:

The child needs to be evaluated by a physician first. There are medical reasons why this could be happening

He will outgrow. Get him pullups for nighttime.its harder on them then you because they get embarrassed and cant do sleepovers.

Sometimes it’s just a phase they have to outgrow but I would make sure to rule out diabietes first because we were told it is a symptom

My last two were between 7 and 8 it just took longer

Have him checked for diabetes. My daughter did this forever and tirned out she is type one diabetic.

Chiropractic care. Worked for my nephew, a few adjustments and he never wet the bed again. 8ish yrs old

Have him evaluated by a physician. There could be an underlying medical cause

Try putting him in nitetime pull-ups

Never use punishment…the child is already humiliated and embarrassed

They do out grow it but they miss out on sleep overs, slumber parties ect….

My cousin was a bed wetter, because he was a deep sleeper, he did out grow it .

They will grow out of it. My brother did. Just deal with it and don’t fuss about it. It can make it worse.

Where do u get them for 50.00 dollars

Dr told me 30 years ago that when I was waking my daughter up like 11-12 to pee that I was teaching her to pee when she was sleeping … I stopped

Have you spoken to his pediatrician?

I was shamed horribly by my mom for this, be patient please

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Have his tonsils checked. That was my problem!

Chiropractic care helps many children with this problem.

Be patient he will stop on his own, and please don’t humiliate him.

They outgrow it. I know!

It can be developmental. Sometimes, they really can’t help it. I’d check with the doctor if everything checks out, just wait it out. And spanking for this is gross.

Try Increasing His Fiber. His Bowels Could Be Putting Pressure On His Bladder While He Sleeps. It Was My Sons Problem For A While And I Tried Everything Til Then And He Hasnt Wet The Bed Since.

I would definitely seek help from a Dr. My nephew had this same issue only to find out he has a very small bladder

Check for type 1 diabetes .

My son was 11, once he hit puberty it stopped. Buy night pull ups and let it go

Try a protein snack before bed…literally;peanut butter cracker, piece of cheese, small yogurt. Worked for me…

No doctor need the kidneys produce adh and kid usually produce enough anywhere between 5-6 however sometime it can be up to 13. No caffeine or drinks 3 hours before bed. Don’t punish your kid if he or she can’t go. It embarrassed me when I was young because I didn’t know I could not help it.

It’s a sleep disorder. Not allowing him to drink before bed is not going to help. It’s not his fault, nothing you do will help unless you understand it’s a sleep disorder. My best friends son went through this company. This isn’t spam, I’m not affiliated in any way I just know
these are the best people to call.

No diapers or pull-ups. And spank him everytime he pisses the bed… my son stop after 1 week of doing this…


Just wait, he will outgrow it. this is not unusual,

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Have him sleep in the tub

There are some really stupid people here. Kids figure it out. Just support them. Dumbass people.

have urologist check him

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Go to the chiropractor

There is or used to be a medicine I used for a short time called RD APT it is a nose drop but it 8s a controlled substance ,not addicting but very expensive,but it did dry my son’s nose up and caused him to have nose bleeds.I took him to a urologist and he told me not to worry about it that he would stop when he was 18 ,I thought he was nuts but he did,they didn’t have pull ups back then