My 8 month old used to sleep alone in her crib until about 6 months. I cannot get her to stay all night. She cries and cries until we put her in our bed. Any ideas how to get her to stay in the crib?
When she cries don’t put her in your bed. You have basically taught her that’s what will happen if she cries.
Don’t give in and she’ll eventually cry herself to sleep. Otherwise, she’ll be doing this as long as she’s getting her way
My daughter would do this whenever we were in the same room, once I moved her into her own room and she didn’t see her father or I when she woke up she’d sooth herself back to sleep or cry for a couple of minutes and fall back to sleep, maybe try putting her in her own room and see if that works better
Go to the crib when she crys,lay her back down and cover her up and tell her shes ok and you love her then walk away.keep doing it after a few days she will see your not giving into her
She obviously is comforted by you. I would let her in your bed until she doesn’t want to.
No advice. Five years later…mine is still in my bed.
Mine went through this at the age of 2!!! lasted like 6m - well actually until Covid started - I was having to sleep in her room on an air mattress and then she still wouldn’t sleep all that sound. Once Covid started, my 6yr old son took over for me sleeping in her room. Now she sleeps thru the night - he still sleeps on her floor but that’s his choice not Bc she makes him.
Best advice I can give, don’t put her in your room. Try getting her back to sleep in her bed and reassure her she will be ok - all the books say don’t sneak out Bc of “trust issues” - I also have a baby monitor that I can talk to her in so I showed her the live feed of her room and told her how I watch her all night.
Not the advice you’re looking for but just let her in your bed. They’re only little for a little while
My 16 month old does this. It gets very frustrating … but I keep telling myself it will only last a little while. He used to sleep through the night, now hes up once or twice 10 something and then 2 something like clock work every night. Good luck mama.
Mine are 15 and 17 and don’t want to lay with us anymore. I cherish the times they slept with us.
Consistency and ear plugs? It’ll take about two weeks if standing just inside the room. With the lights off Eventually when she figures out your not gonna give in she’ll settle down.
Life is short. Fetch her and all go back to sleep. Baby years are not forever. Kids of all ages love to be close to their parents.
You have to be consistent and keep putting her back in her bed. After a few days she will get used to it again. Don’t give up! Try having a night light in her room and maybe a noise machine or small fan for the noise.
Co sleeping has so many wonderful benefits.
Both my kids age 4 and 2 still sleep in my bed. It’s not worth the hassle and sleepless nights trying to get them to stay in their own bed
My advice if you are interested in sleep training:
Sleep sack, sound machine and sleep training… is she still eating at night? If not, then it’s intervals of walking in, putting her down and giving her the Pacifier/lovey whatever and walking back out of the door. You can’t pick her up or it will never work. I do 3 min, then 5 mins then, 7,10,13,15 until asleep in the beginning. If still not asleep, then i restart/check diaper etc but usually this works.
As time goes on you learn your child. Mine (22m but will occasionally have a bad night here and there where i have to reinforce proper sleep behavior) I have to wait at least 10min or he will be even worse to get down and it will take 30+ min rather than just 10-15. But other kiddos need you to come in immediately at like 3-5min and then will go right back to sleep! (please note- we are currently in a hotel room and i put him in a pack n play at 7:30pm. He made some noise, cried on and off for maybe 3 min and is now out cold. I don’t think that would have happened without sleep training!!!)
Now, if you aren’t interested in sleep training, then cuddle that baby in your bed. It’s about what works for you and your family- not about what others think you should do.
She’s your child. You should know & feel what she needs. One day, she doesn’t want you around her business anymore & that’s the time you will realize how you made her feel during the time when you wanted her in her crib but all she needed was to be beside you.
Let her cry herself to sleep an stop giving in🤦‍♀️you are starting a bad habit an she knows it so she is now going to use it to her advantage!!
Stop getting her out. Sleep training as an infant is way easier than sleep training an older child. Be consistent, drink lots of wine and get earplugs. She’ll adapt.
They need to cry it out in their crib. Yes, it’s hard to listen to; hard not to go pick them up; they have to learn to sleep alone.
Maybe she’s teething. And learned its more comfy by mommy. Try a heartbeat or music box. And after you get her to sleep swaddle her so she feels as if you are still there.
She is probably teething. Sooth her back to sleep in your bed and move her back to the crib. As most things, consistency is key. Stay strong, they are only this way for awhile!
I bought interative toys and attached them to my child’s crib. Stuff that lights up and allows the child to play with them worked for me. And I bought a night light that projects her favorite Disney characters on the ceiling was 10 bucks at lowes …
My 6yr old and 9m old in my bed. I rather cherish my cuddles it won’t last forever
I cosleep. But it’s because I want to. It’s going to be hell when I have him transition.
My son had a hard time staying in his bed but he was almost 2, I left his door open and stood outside the door with my back to him. Talking to him and looking back at him he would eventually calm down and go to sleep.would definitely have to put him back a couple times, but a hug and a kiss and walk back to the door. After a few nights I could stand farther and farther away and now I just lay him down and wait till he sleeps to close the door
Let her cry it out. Make sure of everything else first from new diaper to bottle and after those put her back in the crib and let her cry it out.
Can this group stop allowing these types of post. It’s a gate way for terrible advice
My Daughter slept in the same room as us until she was around 2 or 3 yrs old, but in her crib or toddler bed. I have woken up many of times in the middle of the night and she would be just laying there laughing, talking, & playing. She knew she was right beside me and didn’t cry.
We ended up using a sleep sack and a sound machine and A LOT of will power, also a night time routine helps like giving them a bath then a bottle and story time then bed.
Perhaps try to let him/her sleep in a specific shirt or give him/her a blanket of yours. Lay down with them until he/she falls asleep in there bed then sneak out… I hope something works for u
Mine slept with me til she was 10 and still asks occasionally. My first three all slept through the night from newborn and then she comes along and wakes up numerous times a night and would only sleep with me in my bed. That allowed me to get my sleep and remain sane. She still does not sleep though the night at 14
Takes about a week straight of standing by her bed and patting her back…reassure her you’re close by. As long as she’s dry, fed, and not hurtting…don’t pick her up. Otherwise you lose…just be patient…
I gave up when my babies were little I tried to keep them outta our bed but my hubby and I said oh well lol so after a little while they finally just started to stay in their beds they still come to our room during the night if they are sick or had a nightmare but that is cool with us . . .now let me tell ya my babies aren’t so little anymore so I wish I could go back to when they were little so I could all the extra cuddles in bed . . .I will even take the feet in the face when they are sleeping again lol but I never thought ours would ever sleep in their own beds
Oh that a bad habit to start very hard to break!
Put the crib next to your bed with the railing possibly down. So you can just place your hand on her to comfort her until she falls asleep again.
Tell me how I can get my four year old to STAY in her bed .
My 7 yr old daughter has slept with me since birth. She has always slept much better with me instead of her crib or her own bed. Sleepingnon her own she woke up every 30-60 mins and when shed sleep with me shed sleep all night. Shes my last child so i will take all the snuggles i can get before she outgrows being a mamas girl
My youngest cried and cried. I worked at the pediatricians office, I would go in and cry and cry from lack of sleep. One of my doctors finally said…put in in her crib, close her door, close your door, the first night will be torture for you, the second night will be much less, she should sleep well by the 3rd night. He was right, the first two nights I didn’t think I would survive, but we did!
You can do it!!! Good luck.
Play music like Celine Dion as soon as you put her to bed. Soothing to them. Do NOT put in your bed or they will expect can cry and end up in your bed. Smart little ones. I had to rock my granddaughter but then she went right in bed. Good Luck. It works. I raised all 4 on same schedule.
That was my grand daughter but I held her not put in my bed. Her mom and dad did sleep training. Let her cry for a certain amount of time, then comfort her then do it again. Many times I could have dropped her and injured but I was very lucky. It took awhile this is not a one night thing. Patience and you’re thinking easy for you to say but it’s necessary for your sanity and hers
We started playing music for my now 10 month old. It works 85% of the time but she is also teething and will wake up in pain so we haven’t moved her to her own room yet
Is your child perhaps teething? It’s right about the age for that. if it’s not that, and if there’s nothing physically wrong with your child, let her cry it out for a little bit. Maybe check her formula and make sure it’s still the right one for her if you’re not nursing
Something made her change. Wonder what? Put a rocking chair beside the crib. Rock her to sleep then put her to bed. You may have to sit awhile to make sure or even stay there all night until things change. She’s worth it. Then you can spend time with your man.
You are going to have to let her cry. Super nanny has some great techniques to try. It’s not going to be easy. Good luck.
Our first born did this . Our pediatrician told us to go in and make sure she was ok. put her back to bed and leave her. She even made herself throw up! He said it would only take a few days. but so not go in and change her! I was so glad I took his advice! After 4 long nights . she was a great sleeper and no more mess! I cried while she cried and slept on the floor outside her room!
I let mine put themselves to sleep. At about 4 months if they are dry feed and not sick I would let them be. It was horrible the first 2 night. But all mine sleep at least 9 hours if not 12. I did read a book it said go in don’t pick them up but rub their back or head to let them know you’re there. Then walk out and do it every 15 minutes. I did that with my 3rd baby
My daughter is going through the same thing! We are trying to get her to go to sleep in her crib but wakes up a couple hours later! Won’t sleep all-night in her crib. She is expecting next month. Any suggestions she is a very light sleeper
Let her cry as long as all of her needs are met. She will eventually get it. I used to sing to my babies when they were uneasy at night
Never had this problem with my twin boys and they are 9 months. I always heard to break that habit once started. Let him cry it out. Try to put lavender lotion on him
Awww some kids need lots of physical touch for comfort. Love her the best you can and it will be ok. It is hard to set boundaries and when she cries detach emotionally to you don’t give in, and keep laying her down, sing lullaby and rub back or head. Be gentle and soft. Best wishes
Worked the same for me. My pediatrician said the same thing. First night was 45 of the longest minutes ever. Second maybe 30 by the fourth he rolled over with hardly a good night. He needed to learn how to put himself to sleep without using me.
I put classical instrumental music on for my grandson & he goes right to sleep. Anything calming- no words or they will sing with it! lol
Does she wake how do you get her to sleep at bedtime? Rock her next to her bed when she wakes up and she will go back to sleep. Don’t get grumpy with her she will feel it and it will make her more agitated. Also she may be going through a growth spurt, they can last months. Leg cramps, scared of the dark. She may just need to know you are there. With my youngest he slept next to my bed for the most part until he was a year old or so. He’d wake to nurse, lay in my bed til he was asleep and then I moved him to his bed. He transitioned to his bed full time with NO problems. My oldest 2 never had problems sleeping in their beds either but they all had issues with waking at night during growth spurts and when they had leg cramps or just needed some mom/dad time.
Put the shirt youwore that day in the crib. If she cansmell you onthr shirt, it clams them. Worked good with our dogs
Nope. I let my boys cry it out. As long as they were dry, clean, and full bellies they stayed in their crib. They’re 3 now and have never spent one night co sleeping. With no nightlight to add to that.
Hardest thing ever, cry it out.
I always let my kids cry it out. Go in every 5 or 10 minutes and pay them on the back. Took a couple of nights, but they learned to sleep alone.
Start a bedtime routine if you don’t have 1, bath , story, snuggles then put her in her crib let her cry for 15 minutes then go in and rub her back but don’t pick her up
Go back out and let her cry again it will be hard but you can do it
She is crying because she needs you. Put her in your bed. You both will sleep well!!
She has you trained. To turn around a specific behavior, it will get worse before it gets better. Persevere!
I know it is hard but let cry herself to sleep. I did it with my kids. Bed time at the same every night
I have 3 sons. 25,6 and 5 years old. I have NEVER once put them in my bed. If someone decides to do that no problem but this is the issue that results. I’ve always gotten up, fed, changed, rocked, and then back to the crib. I’ve spent many days going to work with ZERO sleep.
I had to let mine just cry it out took 3 days then she sleep threw the night
She has learned that if she cries you will give in. Let her cry it won’t hurt her. A few nights and she will give it up and sleep in her bed.
You don’t spank but make sure everything’s fine and she is going to cry… be strong
Put her in crib close the door let her cry it out she will learn its bed time and fall right to sleep raised 4 kids that way
Those of you that are mom shaming - shame on you. She came here to ask for advice. If you don’t have anything helpful to say then keep on scrolling.
Start a bedtime routine. My daughter puts on a sound machine, puts him in his pj’s, brush teeth read a couple books then puts him in his crib. He falls asleep on his own
Once they find a way to get out of their crib your done…no don’t spank them!!
Children that age are not old enough to understand a spanking!! Just stop putting her in your bed. Rock her back to sleep and put her in her own bed.
Some kids go through sleep regression at 4 mos. and 8 mos. It will pass.
I had to flip my kids crib upside down and that worked for a little while
My daughter did the same thing around 8-9 months old. We let her sleep with us for about 5-6 months… then we were able to get her back in her own bed… Then her brother came along 9months later…
I’m sure it’s frowned upon but around a year I let my babies sleep with me. My thought process is they are only little once. They go to their beds around school age so if you start this know it will be a few years. I love watching my kids sleep.
White noise? Cry it out, or even maybe a rocker next to your bed? Just passing out ideas
I put mine with a shirt I stunk up… well smelled like momma.
All it takes is one time that you let a baby sleep with you. SMH. Your work is cut out for you. Good luck!
You sealed your fate the first time you caved in to her screaming.
Never start letting your kids sleep in your bed. If she cries in hers she’ll get over it stay strong
Let her cry you are the parent do not let her make the rules
Get her a toddler bed with rails
That was a no no. I know who is the boss at your house. Better change that in a hurry.
Stop putting her in your bed.
Lol Connie!!! That is a good one
Leave her there!! She can’t walk yet!
Try putting a shirt of yours or husbands on her might help. She will smell you on shirt
Don’t take her out of it.
you caved and now you will have a fight on your hands good lluck
Leave her there.
Both my girls would sleep in their cribs except when they had bad teething pain. They would not sleep laying flat so would get tylenol and propped up on my arm in bed then once they were sleeping I would move them to the crib. My youngest is 8 months now and has been teething so its been a little rough but she always goes back to the crib for sleeping.
Spank that little bottom.
I agree they are only little once but if you let it go on too long it will only be harder to get them out. Neither of my kids ever slept in me and my husband’s bed other then when they where first born to about 3 months after that they have always been in their own bed. My husband’s 9 year old son slep with his mother until like 1 year ago and it was really hard to get him out of the habit of sleeping with her. So definitely stop it soon. I know its hard but let them cry its fine to let them cry for an hour anything after that go in ley her back down and maybe give her a bottle or somthing to sooth her but do not give in
Let her fall asleep with you in your bed and then move her to her own. She will get used to it again. Takes time and patience. All is good
Ignore it… there’s a few things I remind my first time parent friends. If they are fed, clean, and not in pain (meaning not repetitive crying at the same time all the time I.e bedtime) it can be ignored and they will learn what your expectations are. As they get older you can explain what is going to happen, you’re going in your bed and you’re going to stay there unless ( bathroom or pain) whatever the obvious reasons are but yeah it’s a learned thing. So if she’s crying and you’re getting her, she’s playing you lol
As long as she knows you will give in and get her you will not stop it!. You will have to put her in her own bed and make her stay until she understands that you mean it!Tough love! It hurts you more than her.
Put her back in her crib and you take a pillow and blanket and lay beside her on the floor so she can see you. Do every night and she will be happy in a few nights. She needs to know you are still here.
Something is bothering her and she needs to be close to you for protection maybe
Let her cry it out. Put some soothing music and maybe a light. She needs to learn to self soothe.