How can I get my boyfriend a psych evaluation?

Sadly I don’t think there is anything you can do
You can’t make him go and get a psyc test done if he doesn’t want to
Unless he becomes a danger to himself or others
Then I would call the police and they maybe able to have him evaluated

Unfortunately i think you just need to walk away from him. Take care of yourself and let him deal with the consequences


It depends on the state. Talk to your magistrate & local hospital.

In Florida if two people go to the courthouse and sign a paper that can do an involuntary baker act and he would be admitted to a psych hospital for a minimal 3 days. I wouldn’t recommend doing anything against his will because he will just resent you and it will break any trust he has for you. Plus regardless of if you force him to get help it won’t benefit him unless he really wants the help sadly. Good luck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If you are in Missouri, Missouri laws allow a judge or law enforcement to send someone to an inpatient psychiatric facility for up to 96 hours for evaluation IF there is reason to believe the individual may, as a result of a mental disorder, be at risk of self-harm or harm to others.

He’s got to agree to go on his own. Sadly its nothing you can do

You can’t unless he becomes a danger to himself or others.

I had my daughter sectioned. Not sure where you are im in Australia. I knew she needed an evaluation but I couldn’t force her. I just had to watch her life fall apart. One day we had a big fight and she yelled im going to k#ll myself and I jumped at that chance. I called he police. I explained everything and that I was concerned about what she said and they made the call to have her taken by ambulance to the psychiatric unit. She was assessed and was deemed unfit to leave. She spent 7 weeks there . She was put on meds. Got care from a psychiatrist. In the end she never forgave me . She went to live with her dad. She doesn’t speak to me 2 yrs later. But she went from deep depression., cutting , going mute when anxious, couldn’t leave the house to a stable young woman living her best life. You can if the moment arrives take action to have him held for assessment but you need to show he or others are at risk. But the result of doing that may not be what you hoped for you. But this needs to be all about him.

All of you saying run or similar and he can’t be helped or he can’t be helped if he doesn’t want help… Mental illness is so real. I’m glad you’ve never dealt with this, obviously. There is help out there but you have to jump through hoops to help a loved one. There are so many hoops that it’s even harder to figure out which hoop you need to work towards getting through

He’s got to want to do it else there’s no point he’ll just be waisting there time and if u get him to go he won’t talk so again wasting their time you can’t help someone who won’t help their self’s