How can I get my boyfriend a psych evaluation?

My boyfriend needs a psych eval and won’t do it. His parents are both gone, his daughter has a restraining order against him and we aren’t married. He won’t go voluntary. I just want him to get the help he needs. I think there’s something undiagnosed. How would I do that?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my boyfriend a psych evaluation?

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Let him go when he is ready, if it’s not urgent he needs to go at his own pace. Seeking mental health is a choice people have to make for themselves (unless urgent like suicidal/ violent)


Talk to a police officer. They can place him under an involuntary 72 hr hold and he’ll get a psych eval. That’s what my family did with me when i was like 22.

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You can’t make someone get help, they have to want it.


Why does his daughter have a restraining order on him? Is he a danger to others?

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Can’t help someone that doesn’t want it.


Don’t know if it the same way where you are but here in Louisiana you have to go to coroner office. Just call the police station and ask questions.

I’m going through the same thing. I’ve called cops, his mom has called cops. They send him to a hospital and release him almost instantly

Going through this now with my present and my son’s dad. My son’s dad has been doing this almost 7 years and they always just let him go even admitting drug use and suicide

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Depending on the type of issue he’s having you may could get him Baker Acted. That would mean he would be held involuntarily for the evaluation and get whatever help he needs. It might not be what he wants to do but I’d hope someone would do the same thing for me if it ever came to that.

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Can’t help someone that doesn’t want to help themselves unfortunately. I’ve learned it the hard way more than once now


You can’t unless he’s an imminent threat to himself or someone else unfortunately.

Unless he’s a danger to himself or others there’s not much you can do
You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped

It depends what his issues are. If suicidal you can call police and they will put him in a psychiatric hold at a hospital for 72 hrs for monitoring and evaluation.

Unless he posses a danger to himself or someone else there really isnt much that can be done. At least here in De. Now there is a mental crisis floor at the hospital and then 3 mental hospitals so if you go to the regular hospital. they ask you gonna hurt yourself? You gonna hurt someone else? Do you need pysch called in?? But if any one answers no too any of those questions the hospital then moves from mental health to physical health and moves on.

If he’s a grown man, nothing. Unless he’s hurting himself or hurting you. There’s nothing you can make him do. Especially against his will.

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Depending on which country you live in, in places like south Africa you can get the police to escort him to the hospital and they will admit and do the evaluation on him… Does not need to be a family member that assists

Back in the day… “yes I am putting it that way” you had to have to people who had saw him in the last 24 hours. Has to be making threats against himself or you. And if he was making threats against someone else that person would had to went. But you could have went to an court house and spoke to someone about a order. Tell them what the person did and said. Then two people had to sign to commit them. But even then they can only be held so long. If they pass the test for the doctors they will be released.

Different states have different rules. Petition him

I would say if his daughter has a restraining order against him then he must pose a threat. Maybe that can be used to assist you in getting him help.


no way jou can make him go, unless jou want to carry him.

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I know for here in KY I had to get a 202A mental health warrant for my step dad, had to talk to the county attorneys office then had to have the judge sign the warrant after I explained the issues

Go to your district judges office and file a petition for a 72 hour hold.

Get a new boyfriend instead. His own daughter has a restraining order which says a lot.


I wouldnt be with a man whos child had restraining order on him. I dont think i could get past it


You can’t. Unless he is a threat to you other’s or himself. Get out until he does get help.


I think it may be normal behavior he’s going through a lot. Just be there for him

His own child has a restraining order against him… you should be seeing that huge red flag. you can’t fix him, he has to want help and put forth that effort himself. You need to move on and get yourself a partner, not a project.


You can’t. He’s an adult with free will.

You don’t. If he is not making threats to harm anyone, it is his decision.

So even if you use the restraining order like some comments suggest and try to force him like you suggest, what do you expect the outcome to be? I guess my real advice is you go to counciling and then maybe try to convince him to do couples counciling? But he already knows you think he needs an evaluation nand if he doesn’t agree getting him to do anything will be hard.


You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.


Umm if he’s got a restraining order against him from his own child then that right there should tell you that you should run far from this man seriously.


You cannot force him unless he’s a threat to himself or others and you’re just going to ruin the relationship by forcing him.

If your in Texas you can go to a judge and 302 him or do a E.O.D

You can’t unless you EP him. Then the cops will come determine if he is a harm to himself or others. If so then they will force him to go to the hospital to get a psych evaluation. It’s a stretch it will get him there however it won’t force him to take any medication after he is discharged or get the therapy he needs as well outpatient. Good luck

If he’s a harm to himself or others you need to call 911 and the police can involuntary commit him however many are hesitant to do so especially if one is alert and orient to person place and event

I just went through trying to get my mother in law help but everyone kept telling us to go to a crisis center or the ER- nothing physically wrong with her and she wasn’t currently “suicidal” so nobody wanted to do anything but she still needed help

Unfortunately unless he’s ready to do it or he says he’s going to harm you or himself. If that’s the case you can call authorities and they will have him taken somewhere to get him evaluated. Sometimes the aftermath of that isn’t very nice though. Good luck :pray:t3:

If he don’t want to help himself, then help YOURself by leaving him. Love is love at the end of the day, so you can tell him if he gets help you will come back. But you cant keep living like that. Idk the situation but i wouldnt want a man who didnt atleast want to try to fix their relationship with their child.


You can’t :woman_shrugging:t3: if it gets scary call the police they will admit him for evaluation.

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U can’t force someone to do something they don’t wanna do

Sorry there’s no way for that to happen without something dangerous happening and you are forced to call the police. He has to voluntarily go in.

Unfortunately you cant help someone who dosent want help

Time to leave. I appreciate and commend you for trying to help him but he has to first be receptive and it appears he is not. Save yourself and don’t feel obligated to try and “fix him”


Go to a counselor together…

When he acts out 302 him, its an automatic 72 hr hold

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His daughter has a restraining order against him? :flushed: heres what you do…leave like yesterday


You can’t you got to decide if you can live with it or not if he’s refusing to go there’s nothing you can do except Baker acting and then they’ll be a lot of bad feelings towards you

Mental illness is nothing to play around with undiagnosed and unmedicated I have a baby brother who is paranoid schizophrenic and he’s unmedicated and he can’t come around the family or anything cuz he’s very aggressive

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Follow your gut. Get rid of him and save yourself many issues.

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You can go to your probate judge or local mental health and have papers drawn up for an involuntary hold if they pose a danger to their self or others… I have a sister with manic episodes and we unfortunately have to do this often to get her help.

U can 3rd party them in which u and another person say his daughter and doctor say he needs to be evaluated at a hospital there will be a court order buuuuuuuut that is not an easy process and will only make u look like an ass if u pursue that avenue and it’s not necessary…there are other formal ways of making that happen but again ur running a risk of looking like the one who needs help if this is just u making excuses for his bad behavior…mental health is not something to screw around with it’s not a game forcing someone into that kind of situation can be so so so so very wrong caution is all extreme caution

You can go to the court and file for a mental health hygiene request. You will need proof of your concerns. If it’s serious enough, they can pick him up on a 72 hour hold.

Leave. You can’t force someone to change when they don’t want to change. His kid has a restraining order against him for a reason :man_shrugging:t2: if his own child getting a restraining order didn’t motivate him to change, you sure as hell aren’t going to


You don’t. He’s an adult and no matter what you say or do, you can’t force him to do anything. He has to want to help himself before anyone else can help him.

The only option would be if law enforcement was to step in because he’s a danger to himself or others. Other than that, there isn’t much of anything that you can do.


You can’t change anybody so leave :unamused: also KEY WORD CAN’T

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If something is actively happening you can call 911. If he is a threat to himself or others they may pick him up and try to get him admitted for an evaluation inpatient.


Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be help🤷🏽‍♀️ the fact that his own child has a restraining order on him says a lot. Maybe you should reconsider your relationship.


Thats something only he can do. If he won’t can’t force he has to want to do it.

You can’t force it. And if you do he’s going to resent you. Try talking to him, make it his idea. If he refuses I’d just go ahead and rip the bandaid off with leaving

Speaking to someone who has a mental illness, even if you were able to get him an evaluation it’s not going to help anything unless he actively follows procedures to help get that diagnosis under control. He can go see a psychiatrist they can put him through a series of tests and talk to him and have a session about it and then advise a plan of action but if he doesn’t follow through with it then you’ve just wasted your time and effort for nothing. If he’s not interested in doing it there’s really nothing you can do except perhaps call 911 if you ever feel like he’s a threat to himself and once they get there see if they will take him in for an evaluation but even then is it worth all the hassle? If he suicidal that’s a different level of concern but if he’s not suicidal and he’s just I don’t know bipolar, a sociopath, schizophrenic, normal depression, there are treatment options but again you’ve got to want those treatment options and you’ve got to want to follow the instructions otherwise it’s just pointless so in other words what everyone saying is you can’t help somebody who doesn’t want help and for the most part that’s true he’s got to want to do it.

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You can’t help those who won’t help themselves. Kick him to the curb. He needs to hit rock bottom


see if he’ll sign a power of attorney for you.

You leave. If he doesn’t want to get help. He has to want it.

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Unfortunately that’s not how the world works… he needs to want it if you have any chance of helping him. For someone who is severely mentally ill, your best bet is getting out of the situation before he brings you down with him. Maybe realizing people won’t be putting up with it will be enough for him to get help


you can’t. a relative would have to 302 him. and if he doesn’t want the help he would be able to sign himself out. your setting him up to resent u terribly. if it’s to much you need to leave .

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How old is he? His child? You can’t make him get help unless he wants to get it himself, unless there’s like abuse and police/courts get involved.

You can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink :woman_shrugging:

You can’t force him. He has to be willing to get the help himself.

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He díd something bàd enough his own daughter has a rèstraining order?


Fortunately and unfortunately they have laws that protect people with mental health issues. So that someone can’t say ‘he need help’ and thrown in a hospital for no reason like they used to be able to do. It has to be voluntary, court ordered, or they have to be a harm to their selves or others (and admit it fully). Otherwise there is not anything you can do. If you think he is a risk to hurt himself or others you can go to the local magistrate with evidence and plead your case and if the magistrate thinks he is not okay he will put a 72 hour hold on him and he will have no choice and it will be up to the doctors at the facility to make the judgement if he should stay for treatment or not.

Unless he harms someone you can’t force him.

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Baker act if he gets violent.


Unless he’s threatening himself or others nothing you can do

Blood relative family members can fill out paperwork to get a family member help. But it takes a lot of time and you have to have his blood relation on board with it to even do it cuz your not married. Legit have to have fine detail proof that this person needs help. Many members of family saying it needs to happen. My sister had to do it to force my niece into treatment. Talk to the county bout how to go about it

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Which state are you in? I’m in Florida and here we have The Florida Mental Health Act, commonly known as the Baker Act. It enables loved ones or others to request emergency mental health services for a person who cannot or will not request help for themselves.

In arizona it takes 2 adults to commit someone to a psych ward 72 hold. Look into it. I wish you luck

Sorry to be harsh. Please leave while you can.


If he’s not willing to go you can’t force him. If he does go just to appease you he won’t do the necessary work to get the proper help. You can’t force someone to change they have to want to change. And if he won’t work on himself for his own child he probably won’t work on himself for anyone. On a side note he probably doesn’t love himself so doesn’t think he’s worthy of improving and thinks everyone is better off without him. But again you can’t fix this he truly has to want it for himself.


His check engine light has evidently been on quite a long time and he went so far off the rails that his own CHILD filed on him? if you think you can get him evaluated and then get him into repairative therapy to get him out of the ditch and back up on the road you are gambling against heavy odds, — dream on


I’m going to assume you’re an empath, I’m going to give you the advice I wish people gave me. You cannot save him, no matter how much you think you’re helping or what he says it is not helping and will only crush you inside and possibly out eventually. If he denies his issues and refuses help and medication then you need to run as fast as you can I promise you!! Dont allow the guilt or worry of but if I leave him he’s all alone, he won’t be ok or will hurt himself or others. That is not on you and you are not responsible for him!! Do not let him continue to manipulate you and get out.


I’m not sure how your state works but here in Michigan you can go to the courts and file a petition for him to get help. Mental hospital, rehab, counseling, etc.

Baker Act or pink slip if warranted, but both involve the courts and/or law enforcement. It’s really not something you can just get or ask for. There needs to be a clear pattern of violence towards himself or others.

Red flag if his child has a restraining order against him. Be safe.


:rofl: you’re kidding, right?


Does he ever do anything where you could call the cops but don’t ?! I believe if you do that and they take him in, he could be admitted involuntarily.


In California you cant will take him harming himself or another person.the same laws that protect you and i freedoms protect his to.prayers for you and him both.your going to need it.even if he gets a diagnosis its going to be a long hard road getting the right meds etc.

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In my state 3 blood relatives can go thru probate to sign him into a facility. They can only hold him up to 5 days. But in that 5 days they should be able to run the necessary test to check him out. But if he is unstable the wrath of hell could follow. Be careful

Unless he is a danger to himself or others you can’t force someone to go do it

I’m going thru the similar situation…I believed people change and you got to love them in a different way but trust me they go off the map and it’s 7 and half years I had to deal with him and they won’t change .he is stubborn and won’t accept the fact however it now effects his own child and still he never changed so I guess there is no cure for someone who doesn’t accept their have a problem.its not normal .I really wished things would be different but it won’t …

I even tried the police ,court and lawyers and even when he gets locked up ,he goes opening falses cases against me so I sit in the behind bars with him ,he even refused to give me my child yet I went four times with the polices and no one could do anything cos his behaviour is terrible so rather you becareful cos I realised when it’s too late and my family has to now pick up the pieces for my baby girl and I to live a normal family life again cos that’s how recked my daughter and I got during trying to save his soul

I wish you everything of the best.choicest blessings over you

In the state of FL Baker’s Act…or you can go before a judge and request a Marchman Act…which is a judge order for eval and treatment

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I’m not touching this with a ten foot pole. Signed, emotionally challenged and seeking help but I’ll be damned if someone tells me how to handle it.


You wouldnt. You cannot tell a grown man what he can or cant do and if he dosent want an evaluation you cant make him

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You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped


You can’t, he has to make that decision himself unless he is a danger to himself or others

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I know in my state it only takes 2 people to petition the court and have someone admitted. Obviously you need evidence of some kind, but it can be ordered

You unfortunately can’t make him get a psych evaluation. The only time you can get that person committed to a psychiatric ward is if the person is at risk for hurting themselves or others and you have to have proof to submit to a judge. At that point once approved they will send an officer with training on serving mental health warrents. I’ve been there done that and after 12 years couldn’t do it anymore.

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