How can I get my boyfriend to help with our child?

I and my bd have two little girls, and he has a son with a different mother…how many times do you ask him for help doing anything… like example washing bottles… changing diapers… playing with them? Being a dad, just not a provider? This has caused many arguments because he simply doesn’t want to help… or be involved in anything lifting a hand for the period. He treats his son different than our daughters… he is harder on the girls than his son, and he’s older and has stated that he is his favorite. I don’t know what else to do or to even bother in making him try to help me… i’m losing my sanity.


Sorry but u can’t force someone to be a parent. If he doesn’t want to maybe rethink ur relationship


If he wasn’t helping after the first one, what made you believe that he would change after the second?


I mean it sounds like it comes up a lot if you two argued about it. I would rethink what you two have and go your separate way. You said your piece of that hasn’t worked than maybe leaving him might open up his eyes. You gotta do what’s right for the kiddos.


And you gave him 2 beautiful children, Why?


Get a new boyfriend…

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I assume he probably gets less time with his son so he probably is more lenient because no one wants to be hard on a child they don’t have all the time.
Do you work?
Not that he shouldn’t be making an effort with the kids BUT if you’re home and he isn’t then maybe he feels that’s way it’s supposed to be. And you just need to ASK him for help, dont argue just ask for it.


My husband hits 90 hours a week, works outside and we have 6 kids and he helps out. I seen how good he was with our first… don’t ever allow favoritism thats not ok. EVER!


I would probably just move along. You didnt stay with him to be a single parent, yet, you are. He is also playing favorites and that can be very damaging to your daughters. We would have to split.


Why did you have a second? Did he help the first time?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.
Sorry, but you were well aware that he was a slug.


You can’t. If it’s not in him…you can’t create a new him…walk away


Wish women would stop making babies with a “boyfriend “. That would fix a lot of issues


If he says that his son is his favorite and he’s harder on his children that he has with you then you should hang the relationship up. He doesn’t respect you or your children and quite possibly he may still have feelings for his son’s mother. You and your kids deserve better


Get another boyfriend :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Is this the bad spouse page?


Tell him regardless of who his favorite is…Be a Dang man! They are all his kids.

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Says that his son is his favorite and treats him differently than the girls? eeeeee.

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Favoritism is definitely NOT OK!! You need to move on.


You call him your baby daddy maybe both of you have fallen out of touch with each other


There’s no room in a family for favoritism. Just because his work day ends that doesn’t mean that he don’t have to be a father. I think if I were you I would put thing’s into perspective for him by packing up mine and my daughter’s stuff and leaving. They’re gonna pick up on him treating the boy different from them and that’s not right. You’re doing everything a single parent does anyway so you may as well just do it single. Hell with him. If he truly loves you he will come to his senses and see that he’s being an ass, and if he doesn’t then there’s no use in prolonging the inevitable.

Been there, done that. Boy bye.

Living a happy life as a single mother and he hasn’t bothered his ass since she was one, HIS CHOICE HIS LOSS, YOUR GAIN.

You learn to live with it and you know what, it’s pretty amazing🥰

That’s really fucked up! Your girls are seeing this and thinking that’s how they deserve to be treated. What you accept is what you get, you need to get him to shape up and act like he’s part of it, or he has no place in your lives simple as that.

Why’d you have another kid with him then? You knew how he was with the first


Show him to the door & say see ya!

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Don’t get pregnant again


Problem is get to know man before having kids!


I told my husband after our first to get his shit together or I could be a single mom. His excuse was he had never been a dad before. Well no shit sherlock I had never been a mom before. I laid down my expectations and told him what I needed him to do as baby’s dad. Cause sometimes men are freaking clueless. 3rd kid was born this August and I don’t even have to ask for help. Yours sounds like you have a 4th kid. Time to tell him to man up and help raise ALL his kids or you should leave.

Shouldn’t have to ask.

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Who are these men y’all breed with? :sweat::thinking:


Take your hand make a fist and punch his teeth down his throat for saying his son is his favorite and for treating your daughters differently next stop dating this fuck boy and get a real man one who will love and treat them little girls the right way

Get out as long as the getting is available! You are looking for trouble if you stay!

For many couples, a child sometimes changes the relationship because the it’s time to step up to the plate and adult up. For many men, they find that they don’t have to step up when the mom will do everything. If you want to do make the relationship work you need to sit down with him and tel him how you feel and what needs to change. If he doesn’t improve you simply show him the door. Do not settle for less. There are many REAL MEN who will step up for especially for their woman.

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Why put up with his crap girl if his son is his favourite then you and the girls are fighting a losing battle he wants to be with his son more tell him leave get their own place … so pissed off with guys who just want their own way all the time …takes two to make a relationship work not one so decision is your …put up with it or kick him out

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PSA- if he won’t help with the kids, does drugs, drinks too much, cheats, is immature, won’t work, gambles, manages money poorly, abuses you mentally, physically, sexually… here’s your answer-


Sounds like he is crap and you would be better off without him. That’s not a healthy environment for your girls to grow up in!

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Definitely get out of there. I could understand his busy days at work and coming home to relax, but constantly? No. Never. This is not normal and not okay.

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Daughters husband is a very hands on father could not ask for better. But my ex husband is from South America and has refused most hands on parenting . His changeing his first diaper was when our grandson was 2. And he admitted it.

He might feel he is closer to a boy…his son than with the girls. It may even be how he was raised. I hope you are able to get through too him before calling it finished.

Then send him on his way with his favorite child and do life your way.

Kick his butt to the curb!

I’m not going to tell you to just leave. It’s not my relationship. I dont know the whole ins and outs of it all. Have you tried communicating with him how you feel? Have you made an ultimatum if that didnt work? If you’ve expressed yourself till you’re blue in the face and he hasnt budged, chances are he wont change. At that point it’s easier doing it on your own because you’re on your own already. Having someone sit and be useless is more frustrating then being alone and accepting that you are the only one.

Real men dont pick and choose favorites and you wont have to ask for shit to get done or help with the kids. Tell him to man the eff up or get the hell out. You gotta be the crazy bitch to let the guy know you aint messing around and you are gonna get what you want or hes gonna be one lonely little boy.

Your banging your head against a wall. He won’t change unless he wants to. Dsnt sound like fun. Sounds like he’s not the nicest guy saying one is his favorite. That’s bad parenting 101.

Honey you just do what you gotta do for your babies. Kids are very smart and they will realize who had their backs when they are older. He will have to answer for his actions later. Life is too short to be stressing about things you can’t control or change.


That man would have a pan upside his head lol sorry. Momma you need to find a better situation for your girls they don’t deserve that and think that’s ok because that’s how my daddy treated me so I’ll let these insecure little boys treat me like dirt… stand up for them if you want to be there with him if not leave and take your girls and he can have his favorite


Have you talked to him nicely and said can you please help out more… Maybe be pretty specific. Tell him you want to work together and have a good relationship. It’s important that you are a team. Ask for brakes to go meet up with friends or get a sitter for the day. Just try to let him know you’re feeling hurt by his lack of help with your children (they are his responsibility too) and you don’t want it to come between your family.

Men are normally more involved with their sons when they have both sons and daughters. This does not negate the fact that he still needs to be a father to his daughters. You can not make him do right.
You may have to move on with your daughters without him.

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