How can I get my breastfed baby to sleep at night?

I need to know how to get my toddler to sleep at night with out breastfeeding she’s 2 I recently quit and it’s how I’ve always got her to sleep. She’s staying up like 14 hours a day now and it’s somewhat of a nightmare. Yesterday for example up from 7am to 1:30pm up at 3:30pm to 12:20 Am HELP


I had to walk mine around the house in a small stroller the first few nights…

Mine does the same we had to cut out the day nap for her to sleep through the night , she does get up but just to switch in to our bed but goes back to sleep! That’s the only thing that has worked unless we take her to play groups to run around Then she sleeps At night from being so tired ( that’s with having a nap in the day also ).

Put a toy in her bed, that she feel like you are there. Give her a snack just before putting for to bed.

Nap is far too late and too long. If she drops it completely you could then aim for a 9pm bedtime. It sounds late but maybe she isn’t a long sleeper and only needs 10 hours? Mine certainly only slept that long by that stage.

I put mine in the bed with me

No more naps during the day.

It’s time to cut out naps.

I took this question totally different. I thought she wanted to know how to get her toddler to sleep without breastfeeding her. How to completely wean her.

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Oof sounds like sleep regression

No major bullets but pay attention To what you are feeding her? Does it contain dyes, red, blue, yellow, etc., does it have “natural flavorings”, is it processed or pasteurized? Is it highly refined flour containing preservatives, sugar and or high fructose corn syrup and glutens and seed oils? Childrens brains respond to all of those and it can lead to hyperactivity. Take them out of the dirt and you will most likely see improvements!