Just coming here for a little advice! My daughter is gonna be 2 in June and she loves her pacifier and basically can’t sleep without it, I’ve tried so hard to get her off it but she just screams and I cave in every time. Any tips or advice on how to get her off of it?!
She’s still little, let her have it.
We took my daughters away a couple months before she turned 2. We took it away cold Turkey and didn’t cave, 3 days naps/bedtime sucked but it’s so much nicer to see her pretty smile and not that thing in her mouth anymore! Neither of my older two took a pacifier and my daughter was addicted to hers but it was a way easier transition than I expected, I thought it would be rough for a month but it was just a rough 3 days.
Let her , have it , it’s a security thing , my grandsons both had theirs until they were almost 4
i told my youngest only one with one i said she is a big girl and big girls dont have paci we gave to the paci fairy. she surrender easy
So I let mine have them until they were 3 but they only got them at night time after they turned 2. Then I got rid of it completely by cutting the tip off. They no longer wanted it bc it had no tip. It worked great.
If its just for bed time I wouldn’t be too worried about it at all at the moment wait until she’s a little older especially since it’s her comfort thing obviously.
Honestly, I tossed them in the waste bin on pick up day and didn’t buy any more. I did that with the bottles as well. It was rough for a few nights, but they got over it quite fast.
When I thought mine should stop, I suggested that she give it to a crying baby – she did and we both felt good. 1st night, she was looking for it I reminded her that the crying baby needed it, she said okay, and night she told me that she gave her pacifier to that crying baby – all done.
Put a pin hole in it , it won’t feel the same and she will stop using it
I saw a video of these people taking their kid outside and planting the pacifier In the ground. While kiddo was sleeping they put lollipops in the dirt. The girl came out in the morning so excited and picked all the lollipops.
We asked her if she would give it to the fairy to give it to a little baby who needed it, and we got her a bag and a gift for her donation. She hung it in the door and it was gone a few minutes later and she was okay after a few naps!
Cut the nipple off then it’s useless every time you cave it’s going to make it harder