Anyone else ready to rip your hair out with this online school? I’m over here feeling like I’m drowning trying to keep the mom handle on everything, and now I have to be a teacher… it wouldn’t be so bad if my son tried… but he wants to blow through everything just to be able to play/be lazy etc. Any ideas on how to get this child to focus would be greatly appreciated.
But is he doing it right? You just said he blows through it but not that he isn’t doing it right. If he’s not doing it right, stop letting them play afterwards.
I have the same problem it’s so frustrating
Make the environment where is is able to learn and you can supervise… like a computer desk no tv no games no toys in his room or office… put a video 2 way voice monitor where you can watch and talk to him…
Idk how old but mine is 8 we have been working with the “blowing” thru things even when school was running. Now same she tries to guess rather then break out a pencil and paper and show the work. So now thats what she needs to do specifically for math. She has a chore chart that school is listed on and if she has to be told multiple times to pay attention and what not it takes away from the reward. She alsi needs to show me any independent work so i can check it. And 90-100 on tests she gets 1$ (mine loves that she gets 1$) (not a spoiled child) so that helps her keep up on what needs to be done.
How old is he? I would handle different ways depending on age…
Mine are 1st grader who independently works and adjust fine just need litt help finding pages as ask …my other 4rh grader same way just wants to blow through class …her I have to help daily make sure she completes each assignment most days I can get nothing done but we gotta be supportive this is a big change for them … your doing good… motivation is key
How old? Maybe set up a schedule with breaks/rewards ?
I give my 7 year old 1 star for each day that she has a good day and does her work without goofing around or arguing about doing it. After 10 stars, she earns a reward. On Friday, we took a longer lunch break and went to Pizza Ranch(this is what she chose as her reward).
I would encourage a nice walk or bike ride outside before school something to settle his energy. Walk the dog or set up a small simple treasure hunt with coupons for 5 min breaks or snacks or special drinks ect. Make sure its structure time but get his energy out a bit . I know it sounds like one more thing for you to do and yes it is but believe me it could help you both take needed time to get fresh air .
Depending on the age…
Mine are 10 and 12. I’ve bought them their own desks and headsets and put them in their own rooms so no distractions. They know they that when the teacher is on screen, they need to listen and do as they’re asked. I explained it’s just like regular school and you need to pay attention to the teacher. The teacher gives time for stretching and bathroom breaks. Otherwise they are on screen.
How old? My 15 year old was skipping online classes and didn’t do any work for 3 weeks…yes I said 3 weeks…I found out on Monday when I called the school finding it weird that a 10th grader has had no “homework or online” work to be done…well after getting lied to and played for a stupid mom…I took everything other than his bed out of his room…he had untill Friday to get everything done completed (properly ) turned in and to log on and stay on his classes all week just to get his bow back…this week we will work on gaining more back…
I have a 6 and 8 year old threw out the day I check on them every few minutes and give them props from far away . And tell them wen they need my help to come and tell me . My daughter is the one that gets more with her tantrums but wen she does I tell her joking around I’m unmute her voice speaker so her teacher and her class can see so they can see how she looks ugly acting up and she gets all a quiet and she listens lol
We have a weekend only rule. They can only play on the electronics on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It helps in letting them know that just because you rush through everything you get to play until bedtime.
Girl my son is 10 an he was doing the same exact thing! I live in Indiana tho an they gave parents a choice, to keep there kids home an do school or send them back to school I picked the online school at first, an that lasted maybe 2 weeks my son was not learning ANYTHING an I had to fight with him to do his work an he would try to get me to help him/ do it for him, he’s to scared to ask the teacher anything! So I put his ass back in school! An he was happy to go!! Cause some kids just need that structure! I wish I could help u but I honestly have no idea
I sit with my son and make sure he does his work. We do a sticker chart. Earns a sticker for every day he does school work, and he earns a pencil if he gets a sticker for every day of the week. We also have fidget cubes, a yoga ball, and things to help him sit at the desk. Breaks every 20-30 minutes and a ton of praise when he does things the right way and focuses.
Kids are not made to sit at a computer for hours a day. kids are supposed to play in the dirt and with cars and with balls and with blocks. Try not to get so frustrated, mum. This is really hard for them too.
My son is the EXACT same way. He will not engage in the live sessions, & when it comes to me trying to help him, he just ignores me. This is really hard for them as it is us, so I work with him as much as he will let me, I then I give him a break. So right now, we’re working together for 15-20 minutes, then he has a break for 30-45 minutes. It what works for us right now. I’ve been slowly introducing the live sessions back in, so it’s a slow process. I’ve called his teacher to let her know & she even agreed to let him relax a bit, & slowly introduce him back in.
I had to baby sit my daughter for the first two days and was in pretty constant contact with her teacher. She did great for a couple of weeks and then started slacking off again, so I took away tv and video games and she lost her weekend until her missing assignments were done. She’s got a specific work area with zero distractions, and that’s also pretty helpful, but the main thing has been staying in communication with her teacher.
I loose my shit almost every day with my 2. I set up a classroom of sorts like they reccomended. It doesn’t help. 1 refuses to do anything. Won’t sit during meets, messes with his sibs computer, throws tantrums. The other has mastered watching YouTube then clicking a assignment tab when I look their computer, won’t ask for or allow us to help. They’re both behind. Teachers are constantly on my case about them. I separated them which allows the 1 to watch YouTube, cut up tiny pieces of paper, basically anything but school. Since separated the other doesn’t have their desk so they don’t sit during meets, don’t have supplies handy etc they still manage to run to the classroom to mess with their sibling.
Two 14 yr olds here and it’s awful. I have 4 children total and work full time. Thankfully they are allowed to go 2x a week but motivation has been 0 since this all began. I have no words of wisdom bc I’ve threatened, pleaded, taken things away, had calm discussions and it’s made no difference. You are not alone.
I have this same issue with my 9 yr old. The only difference is he is not in virtual school. I withdrew my kids to homeschool this year. When he starts not paying attention or fidgeting we stop and take a walk, or I let him ride his bike up for 15 minutes to get some energy out. Then we go back to what ever lesson we were working on. I have found that he does better, and is able to focus better doing this. Do not get mad. I made that mistake and it only made it more of a battle. My son is very active and being cooped up the way we have he gets pent up and just needs to blow off some steam so he can focus. You know how you feel he probably feels the same way just doesn’t know how to fully express it. Good luck mom, homeschooling is rough.
For my 9 year old I honestly sit with him all day and learn with him, on the plus he normally takes about 4-5 hrs and he’s done. He finishes enough so he can have a 3 day weekend that truly motivates him
My kids do this too I’m sending them back, I think its what’s best for them and me I am homeschooling prek, 3rd , 8th , and 9th
My son is in 4th grade and he halfway pays attention on zoom but does great on the work. I have chosen not to fight this battle.
Breaks when they get fusterated. Both my 7 and 5 year old are doing virtual and the best thing I can do is sit with them one on one and watch it with them and give them breaks when they get stressed
I am doing 9,7,5, and 4 right now and I have to admit I felt sick about it at first !!! But I just treated them like they are in school ,
Up at 7.30 ,eat breakfast, dressed, start school work , break at around 10.45, 15 minutes, back at it break at 12.30 , half hour then finish what needs doing read a while and do what they like.
Rules no tech till after school hours , no TV only on lunch break and basic kids channels no YouTube , play out if weather permits. I literally treat it like school and it’s now working and bed at a reasonable time so they are not grumpy little turds in the morning
We usually have anywhere from 2-5 lessons a day and my son is the same way. I realized if I give him a 10 or 15 minute break in between each lesson he does way better. Unfortunately sometimes we carry some of the lessons from the long days over onto Saturday to have shorter days through the week.
My sons therapist does like virtual money… N recommended that. I just had the ppt and my child is no longer required to do homework n a lot of his classes are pass/fail.
As far as focusing during…im stumped
Mine too. He’s in 1st and despises virtual (he’s a hybrid kid so only 2 days in physical school). I teach K and I tear my hair out trying to keep kids motivated and on task. Kids are not meant to learn like this.
You are SO not alone. I am raising my 8 y/o granddaughter, who is distance learning full time (not by choice), while I try to telework full time. If you complain at all, you hear “Well, other kids are doing it.” Ugh. Not every 8 y/o is willing or able to do all of the work and do it well. She just wants to hit submit and be done with it. I don’t blame her. I would have been the same way at her age. No more arguing. No more tears.
I’ve seen someone put a bike as the seat in Front of the screen they ride and learn… ( the bike didn’t move)
My kids are in 6 grade and high school. They doing better this year.
My son is 13, he’s in 8th grade and all I can do is help him. I write down low grades and tell him to reattempt assignments. I sit in with him on a few of his classes. Off screen of course! I just basically let him know I’m watching and he better be doing work M-F or he’ll spend hos wkend doing work while I hold his phone! All I could figure out to do!
My 11 year does some work. But I had to quit one of my jobs and stay on her constantly.
My daughter is in year 5 and it was the same with her. I also have twins who are in year 1 ,so they still need my full attention to understand things. I ended up saying to my daughter that she can explain to her teacher why the work isn’t done because I am sick of fighting with you every single day. That was the only thing that got her to do it
Going through same thing it’s hard
I sit beside my child during classes so she has no choice but to pay attention and if she doesn’t she loses her tablet and goes to bed early
If anyone has a answer I would like to know also.
If you learn the secret let me know
Take note, this is probably how your child acts in class for the teacher. Work on responsibilities in class and with consequences. IF they get work done and are attentive during class work time, THEN they get to choose what THEY want to do AFTER class is done. No question!! A Parent’s job is to teach responsibility And the cost of disrespecting a teacher.
Pour your favorite alcoholic drink sip slowly and enjoy wait no that’s how grown ups survive this torture
No games until after school hours or not at all until a week of proper schooling is completed. Take all devices. Stand up for yourself for fs.
Limit tv and electronics to weekends. Maybe this virtual learning will wake parents up to what teachers have to deal with in the classroom. Some days are a struggle to keep my daughter motivated and we are at each others throats, other days she is 100 percent motivated and independent. Pick a quiet room in the house (not their bedroom) and set them up a little desk area. Now that she realizes there is no nintendo switch, tablet or tv after school work she concentrates. If she has it done by 4pm, I may give her and hour of electronics or another surprise.
I don’t really know how to help, but I’m here with sympathy for you. I have 5 kids remote learning (1st grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, and 12th grade… I also have an 8th grader attending school as usual…) I keep telling them I’m not the teacher, I’m the teacher’s aide. But even still I’m the aide for 5 different grades at the same time. My 3rd grader has severe ADHD, so most of my time is spent focusing on her. My 11th grader is so far behind in her classes she may have to repeat this semester, but she refuses to set a regular schedule to catch up. And my 4th grader is just so unsure of herself that she asks me if she’s doing things right about 100 times a day. Luckily, my boys (1st and 6th) are responsible self starters, thank goodness! And on top of this, I babysit for between 2 and 6 other kids each day. Those kids get a fair amount of tablet time at my house!
The best thing that we have been able to do is tell them that there is no non-school screen time until after mom and/or dad have checked their work, not just for completeness, but accuracy too.
I’ll tell you what I’ve heard so much this year. No matter how you feel, you’re doing a good job. You and your kid will survive this together.
My 2nd grader literally cries the minute I say the word school…
Whatever he’s rushing through his work to go do after, cut it off for a week at a time till he gets it. I had to set up parental controls on the internet cuz my boys kept rushing off to play fort nite. They’re pretty chill now. Lol
I done took all electronics away and pretty soon gonna be bedroom door.
I have a first grader and a 2 year old. My first grader was so pumped to start school but that fizzled quickly. When we first started my goal was to get half way done before I gave her a break to play. But now, I have her do 2 assignments and then she gets a short 15-20 min break to play with her sister or whatever she needs. It makes homeschooling last longer than I’d like it to. But it has been helping with her focus. Whatever it is you are doing, you are doing great. This isn’t an easy transition for anyone and it’s going to take a little trial and error to find what works best for each child. Good luck! You are doing awesome!