My son is 1 yrs old and ABSOLUTELY refuses to let me cut his toenails! Any tips on what I can do to make it easier? He’s really ticklish so when I try to even get under his nail he starts going crazy and the only other way I can do so is by restraining him and holding him down by force and I don’t like the fact of that at all. So any tips on distractions or ways I can go about cutting his nails without having to fight him off and make him cry? It would be super appreciated!
Do it while he’s sleeping.
Do it while he is sleep
Wrap the foot in something over the most ticklish parts. Then try giving him something like a snack that he really likes. It’s worth a try. Good luck!
Do it while he’s asleep
For everyone saying to do it while he’s sleeping, trust me I’ve tried and it only wakes him. Any other tricks? Cause that one is a No Go
Hand him a nail file and show him what to do on yours.
Every toenail he let you cut give him an m&m? May not be the best solution but if it works it works
Do it while he’s asleep
Do it while he is sleeping!
This sounds silly but maybe paint his toenails
Paint yours and trim yours and file yours and then do his right along with you
Or do them while he is asleep
Sleeping does not work. Only wakes him.
I make a game out of it every time I cut the nail i yell “oh my gosh” or “I got it” and my 3 yr old laughs and waits for me to get the next finger or toe … Before I started that it was near impossible to cut them
Do your feet together like a mini pedicure
I have to cut my toddlers fingernails and toenails while he’s sleep in his car seat. Sneak attack lol bc if he’s awake he tries to grab the clippers and cries bc he can’t eat them!
Try getting him after he’s been in the tub a long time and the nails are really soft.
Its possible to gently peel them off. If you distract him with a toy or someone else you can do it real quick and he wont notice.
My sister had a hanicapped baby…
she chewed them off after they were soaked and the baby mever flinched.
Hope it helps!!!
I had this trouble with my daughter’s fingernails so we started singing the finger family song every time I would cut them. Each finger would “talk” and we’d just make it silly and she’d forget I was even cutting them. Maybe you could try something similar with his toes? Best of luck! I dreaded cutting my daughter’s nails every time until I figured out what worked for her!
We tried to make them not scared forever. Finally just had to hold ours down for a few years. Put your leg over them so they can’t squirm and do it quick. They get over it and eventually stop caring. Quicker is better than dragging it out.
Sounds gross, but with my squirming kids I would bite their toenails off. I would fear I’d cut them if I used clippers.
Cut when he’s sleeping, very careful.
Have someone else try
I file my kids nails down until older.
Try when he is asleep. I had to do that with both my kids.
My son hated it for the longest time, hubby gave him a flashlight and it completely distracted him! Worth a shot
I still cut my daughter’s while she’s asleep and she’s 17 months, but I am going to try these tips myself. Thanks for asking, I hadn’t really thought about it before!
Those big ring shaped suckers…they are big enough to last long enough to get through all 10 fingers and toes …if they stopped letting me trim I held the sucker until they were ready to go again eventually they didnt need the sucker and are now awesome at getting their nails trimmed …doing it after a warm bath makes them easier to trim also
Wait till he is asleep to do it
Try a file instead of clippers.
I had the hardest time with my son I would swaddle him to cut his nails. To this day I still struggle and he’s 3 now
I sing the wheels on the bus to my son to distract him and he just laughs lmao. Idk why or how I figured out it works but it does.
Wait until he is asleep…
I usually wait till my son is asleep to do it lol
While he’s sleeping… I also use to give my little girl a good bath clean her finger nails good and when she went to sleep I would have to bite hers bc she would wake up if u filed or used clippers on her finger nails
Currently he gets a nappy to play with, it changes everytime I do them, last time it was his brush. Lol
I don’t cut my child’s nails. If they get too long I just tear them off.
Cut his toenails when he is sleeping
Same here he used to not mind it but now that he’s 2 he has a mind of his own and doesn’t want them cut but I also think he’s ticklish also
Do it when he is asleep
cut them while he is sleeping or taking a bath
Trim his nails when he’s asleep
I did my sons finger nails and toenails while he slept till about age 3
It’s stress free for both of you
Same with mine, nails AND toes are a struggle. It usually takes me all day. Try to get a few done each nap (before she starts stirring) or at night while she sleeps.
I wait till my son is asleep he’s always had had a issue with cutting his nails I don’t know if it he doesn’t like the feeling or what so I have to do it when he’s sleeping
My son who is 19 months hates it too, I do his sisters (31/2) first and when I get to him we say…uh oh where’s it going to go? Oh no where’d it go?! And he gets a kick out of it. Other thing you can try until you find another solution, I keep my nail clippers in my purse/car and sneak in some fingers and toes if he passes out in the car before I wake him up to bring him in. By about 2-21/2 my daughter who hated it as well began to enjoy it since I’d paint her nails, could also try to put clear polish on your sons as like a rewards after putting some on yours…everyone wants to be like mommy. Best of luck
I cut mine while cutting my daughter’s. “Wow so pretty” she’ll say. She is a light sleeper so doing it while she’s asleep isn’t an option
Du.wait till hes asleep
oh i know your feeling. but i cant do while sleeping there in bunk beds. i line clippers with nails they pull away as i cut i have to sit on my 6 yr old. my 8 yr old was bad to she made her 6 yr old sister do this… now 8 yr old is a little better.makes me scream
Trim his toenails while he’s sleeping.
So it straight out of the tub so that they’re soft and it goes quickly. I’m severely ticklish on my feet, nothing helps. Just hold him down and get in and out fast.
I sit on the bed Indian style and have him sit in my lap facing away from me and hold him down while doing it
It’s a hug more than a restraint so it calms him down a little
Rub his feet when he is going to sleep then when asleep cut them
Get all excited about it and be silly, when you go to snip it jump and squeal and laugh, do funny faces. Every time you snip! My son laughs and loves it now
Got your answer wait until he’s asleep
I do it when he’s asleep always have
Sleeping doesn’t work. He only wakes from his sleep. Any other advice is appreciated.
Do it when he’s sleep
Run him ragged (take him to a park or do a fun high energy thing) then wait for him to fall asleep and do it. Thats the only way I can do my sons. My daughter is old enough to stay still now for her nails
nap timebath time when they are super soft…
when my baby was a baby filed rather…avoid ingrown nails and super soft skin…
also that was the dr said
Put in a favorite movie and have him suck on a lollipop. Great distraction for my toddler when cutting hers
Wait till he takes nap,i had to cut my sons hair when he was asleeo because he wouldnt sit still
He’s very ticklish, so distractions don’t help much once he feels me get to cutting his toenails
Wait till he’s asleep
Cut them while he’s asleep
I made a game out of and let out a cheer after each nail. He would get into and cheer with me.
I have to wait till mine is deep asleep. Like deep asleep. Act like I’m just holding his hand or foot then wait till he deep asleep again and bam. Have to be sneaker then he is. Only way I could do it.
Do it when he’s sleeping
Wet his feet first with cold water.
Cut his toenails when hes asleep.
Bath time when in water
Do it while he’s sleeping. My son is the same way and the only way I can clip his finger nails and toe nails is when he’s sleeping
I do it while they sleep. One toe, wait a min, second toe lol hold the food firmly. You wont hurt.
I cut my kids nails while they were sleeping
Try doing it when he’s asleep or right after a shower so his nails are softer
I do it right after a bath but I make it a job for him and get him to “help” by holding it with me. Then he thinks he has control over it and it gives him a sense of responsibility
I waited until mine were really asleep
A fave snack…something he really likes to eat. Every night after my daughters bath I give her starbursts so that I can lotion her up like she needs to be lotioned up plus brush her hair. No starbursts? No lotioning up or brushing her hair lol find out what they really like and use it to your advantage to get things you need to get done…done. My advice.
Can you do it when he is sleeping?
Do it while hes sleeping
Do it when his asleep
Do it while shes knocked out
Do it while he is asleep
Do it while he’s sleeping.
It is possible he could have sensory issues but do while he is asleep.
Do it when he’s asleep !!!
I have always do my daughter nails when she been sleeping . She is 12 in August and I still do it
I always did it when my kid was asleep other than a few twitches he wouldn’t notice
I give my son my phone with Dave and Ava on YouTube he loves them and is something I don’t just give him. It distracts enough to get them done.
Wait until he’s sleeping
Do it when he is asleep. That is how I have done it with all five of my children
I use an electric file and my kid is so fascinated by it ( most times ) that he lets me do at least a foot at a time , might have to go back a few mins later for the second
My 2.5 year old refuses to let me cut fingers or toes so when hes passed out at night I grab the clippers…doesn’t even phase him lol
As I’ve replied about 12 times now he is TICKLISH. Therefore SLEEPING isn’t an OPTION. He wakes instantly and gets mad. He’s not a heavy sleeper so please, actual tips would be nice other then “while he’s sleeping” because that helps with nothing. Thanks.
Sleeping or cut your nails/someone else’s and make it seem interesting. My daughter watched me cutting my own nails and kept shoving her fingers in my face to do hers lol
My son is almost two and still doesnt let me do his. I let them go and when I can cut them I do it when hes sleeping good. Idk what I’ll do when there are no more naps lol
Looks like your going to have to force him! It not the end of the world…just have your husband help
I would explain to him some things you have to whether we like it or not. Which is true all throughout life. Offer him a treat afterwards
I had to make a game out of it. I would act like they all hit me in the face and he would crack up. I’d also offer a reward, a couple bucks or quarters, a snack he wouldn’t have on a regular. Now its easy and reward free!