How can I get my child to take her iron?

Ways to get your kid to take her iron?:pleading_face: she’s 2 years old and refuses to take it, especially in her juice boxes. I am tired and exhausted, she has tantrums, eating more and today I actually noticed her pale lips. I feel terrible for her.


I had to take iron after I gave birth bc my iron was low and when I got home I was taking the spring valley iron gummies they’re mixed berry flavor and they wasn’t bad

I had this issue with a fussy eater. I just changed what he would it to ones that were iron fortified. Milk. Cheese. Bread. Cereal. I drop the tiniest drop of liquid iron supplement into foods with strong favours. Bolognese . Curry. Anything that had a good strong taste and smell. When you get really low in iron supplements are always suggested as you can get levels up quicker than trying to get a child to eat a kilo of spinach.

Try high iron foods instead. I’m an adult and hate the pills, I will literally try anything but :sweat_smile:

See if it comes in gummy form. Kids love it when meds look like candy and usually take it more willingly.

Maybe do food with iron I hate the pills

Get an “iron fish”.
Try iron gummies.

Change the diet to include more iron foods…this will create better lifelong habits than taking pills

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When I was potty training or teaching to brush teeth, or trying to get my daughter to take medicine- I would buy some wonderful toys and reward her with them each time for it. The toys get cheaper and smaller and eventually the task becomes a habit and no reward necessary.

Some might disagree with this technique but in for the sake of her health, anything goes. In my opinion. :upside_down_face:

Please don’t talk the advice of changing her food. There’s a reason why you were told she needed the supplement.
Speak with your pharmacist about kid friendly options available, like gummies/chewable.

Flintstones makes vitamins with extra iron in them :heartpulse:

We just have a multivitamin with it in there that is a non-flavored powder I put in her milk every morning. Other than that, I don’t push it unless she had bloodwork that said she needed it more. 

Research foods rich in iron and offer those instead.

Flintstones makes a version with iron

Flinstone gummies. Only one my kids would take

Is your child on iron tablets for a medical reason ?
Try looking at foods that are high in iron