How can I get my childs father to sign over his rights?

As it specifically relates to Canadian parents.

You shouldn’t have to ask him to come around anyways. He should be there on his own. I completely stopped asking my kids dad “when are you gonna come see her” awhile ago and now it’s been a full on year since he has said anything. If he doesn’t want to be in your kids life, then don’t try and force him. So I would just give him a few options.

  1. Child support

  2. Blatantly ask him to sign

  3. Go before a judge and see about visitation, that way if he misses appointments, it’ll definitely put pressure on him to sign over his rights.

My fiancé wants to adopt my daughter, but I know for a fact that my kids father won’t sign over his right, but he’s a selfish b*stard, so I know if I put him on cs, he’ll immediately sign the papers. Just make sure that if he does sign over his rights, that you don’t bash him or make it seem like he didn’t want his child, because it’ll hurt your kid more than you know.

Good luck. :heart:

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Unless he does it willingly or their is a case of abuse ect, its hard to get rights terminated. You can always get a lawyer and petition the court to hear the case. This is the US but I dont imagine it that different in Canada.

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My daughter’s father lives 3 blocks from us and hasnt seen her in 3 in a half years.


Will he willing sign rights away? I’m not sure about Canada but I know if he agrees to sign over his rights in the US you petition the court.


Also know, just because he signs his rights away, doesn’t mean he gets off scott free from. Paying child support. When I first got custody when my kiddo was 6 months old, I didn’t want to worry about child support, but they made him pay regardless

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Offer a monetary benefit, that usually gets the dead beats.

In America I took him to court and proved my case. Never Looked back!

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I just went through this in salmonarm bc. I can get in to details with you if you’d like to pm me :blush:

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Just because he signs them does not mean a judge will allow it. Usually they have to go two years with no contact at all and them prove that he is unfit. Going two years without contact doesn’t make him unfit either. It’s honestly up to the judge.

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Is this something he is willing to do? She’s 7. Maybe he will change and grow up some later.

Well you can’t force someone to be a parent if they don’t want to be, sucks but that’s how it is. If he is like that, maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t want anything to do with y’all anymore. Maybe a blessing in disguise. I would suggest seeking legal advice first to see how to go about it all. If he is that way then it shouldn’t be too hard for him to sign the papers and the process to go through. Best of luck for you and yours

I went through this for 10 years of my sons life. No practical or financial help . I finally realized that he’ll never be a the dad I wished for my son. I got a lawyer and applied to move abroad ( Europe) where my family is. That was 8 years ago. I moved abroad and it’s been a very peaceful life since. I realize that’s very drastic but I had tried everything and his dad just was a messing around , lying being unreliable etc etc.

It is my understanding in Canada parental rights can be rescinded voluntarily or be requested under many circumstances. Child abandonment is one of those reasons but seeking the advice of one whom specializes in Family Law is best.

I think with the courts it’s really hard to give up the rights of apparent it’s not right but that’s the way the courts Are

Then don’t try making him come around. Dafuq? Good luck “getting him to sign over his rights.” It doesn’t work like that. Every way you think it works, it doesn’t.

He has to agree to it or you have to prove him unfit in Canada. Just because he’s in and out doesn’t give the courts a reason to take away his rights, Even if he disappears for years, and comes back he still has rights in Canada.

In Canada you can not “ sign your rights over “. If a parent decides to have no contact child support payments are still to be paid unless you have a partner that is willing to adopt the child. If child support payments aren’t being made you can go to the court in regards to the matter and as long as that parent has done there taxes , paid a power bill, a phone bill etc they can start deducting child support off their wages.

Get full/sole decision making/custody of the child and establish your terms on visitation( reasonable access 24hr prior notice , no access with the reason etc). He will have to sign it, or get the court to contact him to sign. It’s a process but it’s piece of mind having it in writing