How can I get my daughter on a schedule and more full?

Find a Dr. who will check hormone levels. Talk to an Ayurveda Practioner. If that soy formula is not labeled organic or non gmo, it’s genetically modified and could be contributing to the issues.

Doctors change their minds alot about what to do with babies. Ad a tablespoon of rice baby cereal to her bottles. She’s hungry and milk alone does not keep her full. It’s like a miracle. Ps you should do your research on soy I personally don’t believe it’s good for anyone.

My Grandson was born Lactose intolerant- so no breast feeding- changed to LF formula which is Soy - no improvement really. Discovered at about six months he also had soy intolerance- back to LF cows milk - much improved.

I had the same problem with my Son i tried him on a few different kinds of formula and nothink he was still hungry then a woman told me just to try regular milk and add kero syrup to it during the day and at night put a little rice cereal in it and he slept better and it was easier to burp him as well I had to do something as we was fixing to go to Germany and he was just turned 6 weeks old the Doctors advice was keep feeding him advently he will get full bull his little tummy was getting so big but I also found out that giving the baby its bath at night also helped him sleep
Congratulations on your new baby :baby:

Start with baby cereal. Despite the new way we always supplemented a hungry child with soft cereal

Sounds like growth spurt time…start adding rice cereal…you can even start introducing a spoon…

Sounds like you may need to increase the amount of formula as well as the amount of baby food. With all 3 of mine at two months i was giving them baby food (stage 1) by 4 months it went up to stage 2 and by 8 months it was stage 3 by a year old they was eating adult foods that was soft and easy so by 1 year they was off formula and eating regular foods ya may need to upgrade the bottle to a 12 oz bottle and adult foods like scrambled eggs or mashed potatoes and gravy

Try cereal. My son would sleep from 10 pm until 6 am

Have you tried giving her a little cereal and milk that will hold her over longer

maybe she is ready for baby oatmeal ask doctor

Put cereal in her bottle she need more then just milk

Try a little rice cereal in the bottle before bed with her formula.

Add rice cereal w formulae

you are over feeding. she has abelly ache. start feeding her 5 oz every 4 hours.

sounds like my daughter. the pediatrician tried to shame me into continuing on milk only. went to an older(grey hair maybe in his 70s ) pediatrician and he said give her rice cereal in her bottle. the first one said she would have allergies and problems. my daughter got that rice cereal and then oatmeal in her bottle at maybe 2-3 months old and NEVER was sick. you are her mother…use common sense

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The baby should be drinking a full bottle by now feed her burp her give her more till she falls asleep.

Add some rice in her bottle. That will fill her up more.

I added rice cereal to my babies’ bottles before bed. Just to make it a little thicker and they’d feel more full

I am an RN (Mom of 4) and you are telling me very clearly your baby is hungry. When someone is hungry you feed them. Start with some really running rice cereal early evening. It should make her belly feel a little better and maybe she will sleep a little longer for you too. Good luck it is never easy or stress free and don’t let anyone tell you it is.

Baby may or may not actually be hungry. Talk to dr…could be gas or some just don’t sleep much…I would Definitely check with Dr before starting cereal (starting before 6mo can spark allergies)

Hyland naturopathic colic tablets.

This room is so full of love

We used oatmeal instead per our Pediatrician because rice cereal is way to high in arsenic. We put a half teaspoon in morning and at night.