How can I get my daughter to listen in gymnastics?

Literally what i just went threw with my daughter who is 3 in gymnastics it was embarrassing. Try making her leave the next class when she acts up hopefully by the next class she will understand she needs to follow the coach and other kids…i paid for 12 weeks of gymnastics she learned how to do a bunch of things but i dont think ill sign up again we are doing soccer next and library reading groups. Good luck mama

She’s 2 give her a break. My son still struggles and his 4.


Hmmm maybe bc a 2yr old isn’t meant to sit still, stand in a straight line, follow directions so easily. Toddlers have little to no attention span so an activity such as gymnastics may not be age appropriate right now


Mama…She is 2…They aren’t made to sit still! They are hardwired to be curious, full of energy, and want to be independent meanwhile being clingy! She is a baby still new and exploring the world around her. It will take time, lots of consistency and redirecting. Stay with her and focused. You need to guide her on what to do. Take her hand and get eye level with her and talk to her. Explain what you are about to do and then again as you do it. It is work but you have to stay consistent.

Not ready or not interested


My daughter has been in for two years now. She is 4. She’s still the craziest one out there :woozy_face:

My 1.5 yo son acts out when we are shopping because he knows that I don’t particularly like disciplining him in public as I do have anxiety about being judged as a bad parent (I’ve been judged in the past and called a bad mum by family no less :cold_sweat:). I just think kids know, even that young, that some of us parents rather not publicly discipline or scold them so they act out. My son does go to daycare too, so I’m not sure daycare would help.

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shes a baby for gods sake, take her back when shes 6 !!!


I had a daughter like that. We just kept trying. Our instructor was very understanding

Perhaps gymnastics isn’t her thing
Try finding a mom and bubs group Where she can interact with other kids doing what other kids her age do
If that means running around in circles and playing kid games
Let her just play
Kids learn by playing
It’s also a bonus for you as it doesn’t cost money or time
And you get to interact with other parents and have an adult conversation

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Who cares what people think. Is she having fun? She is 2!! Let her be a kid!

Send her to daycare part time she needs the social part l sent my little man me and it has worked wonders


If she doesn’t have structure & a routine at home, she doesn’t understand.
If you want her to beg better, start at home & practice.


She sounds like a typical 2.5 year old lol
They’re not meant to sit still at that age.
Impulse control doesn’t set in until at least 3 lol :smiling_face:


Don’t worry my son was like that the wild child (mind you he was 3.5):rofl: still is! I was forever embarrassed at classes as he was the only one that wasn’t listening running circles, screaming and not listening to me or the instructors. Although he is being tested for ADHD now as it runs on his fathers side. Some kids just don’t have that attention span especially when it’s all new to them. Don’t let others get you down or feel bad, nothing wrong with baby girl having a good time!

I love your child…shes a free spirit…only 2.5 plenty of time to be serious…let her enjoy


She needs soccer. Ti much energy to sit down stand inline

She’s 2… & you shouldn’t expect to ever be able to control anyone except yourself, especially a toddler


First of all, she’s 2.5, no small child like that will EVER be ready for a strict routine in an obscure place like that. Second, they probably expected this kind of behavior because they’re TWO. So, like, wtf. F*** those other “perfect” type of mom’s, seriously, who gives a s*** what other moms think. Let your child have fun. She’s literally barley even born.


SHE’S 2! let her be… who cares what other people think…


Exactly Why I love the gymnastics place we take my son! It’s call the little gym and his class is laid back, they encourage circle time and group time but don’t force it, and we have a practice class that he’s just allowed to run around the gym the whole time!

At age 3 they go into a class without parent and it’s definitely more structured but under 3 is laid back

Stop expecting a 2-year-old follow directions let them learn at their own pace


Don’t let other ppl make you feel that there something wrong with her. She’s a baby still. She will eventually focus and do just fine. And if not, then it’s not really interesting her. Lol you’ll find something she loves and most important enjoy your time together. Mine are 19 and 24 it goes quick. :heart:


She sounds a bit young for such structured activities. Sounds like a day in the playground might be better ??


My son was the same way at that age. I learned to put him more play based programs instead of structure. He started at my gym for kids and it was great because it was pretty regular for kids not to listen and then they had lots of breaks for free play. We ended up staying in it for about 3 years. I did notice a very big change once I put my son into preschool at 3 years old. He is 5 now and literally listens to everything. He is now in soccer and parkour and does amazing. It’s crazy to think that just 2-3 years ago I was in your exact position thinking it would never get better but I promise it does. You have to remember that every kid is different. Your kiddo may need more time in her exploration phase and isn’t ready for strict structure and that is okay! Let her get it out and be creative, it will help her brain! I know it’s hard momma because you may have had this vision and plan for her but little adjustments can definitely be a game changer.

Why are there people laughing?..


She is young, but do your best to help her and guide her. She should settle down for class. Perhaps cut her sugar/sweet intake ahead of time. And only give a treat AFTER she’s been good. A small reward for good behavior. Maybe reach out to the other moms…I’m sure they can give you some insight as to how they do it.

you said the problem in your last sentence, children go to nursery to learn everything that you’ve mentioned. these things cant be taught at home.

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You don’t because she’s two

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That’s what 2.5 year olds do. Practice at home then sign her back up next year. I was a gymnast for 8 years. I have 7 kiddos and none of them started gymnastics until 4-5 years old and even then they would stray away from time to time.

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She’s a kid it’s what they do :joy:


Shes 2.5, she’s a baby still. I think the expectation is too high for her age


If I went to a class for two year olds, I’d literally expect chaos. I find what your daughter is doing is normal and to be expected. Who cares? I doubt at two she’s hurting their chances for the Olympics, so they all need to calm down lol


Umm maybe bc SHE’S 2 what 2yr old listens especially to directions lmaooooo

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Hold her hand and keep her where she should be. It is dangerous for her to be running into other children and to obstacles she hasn’t listened to instructions for. You are the responsible adult. If hand holding doesn’t work, pick her up.

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Sounds like a normal 2yr old to me


She’s still a baby. She’s trying to figure out how much control she has, what’s going on, everything. She’s only a baby.


I’d let her be free and enjoy herself. That’s whats important to me. Screw the other moms


Sounds like gymnastics are not for her at this age. 2.5 is a hyper stage for most kids, the other kids in the class are probably shepherd kids lol. She would probably have more fun at a regular park in your area where she can play with kids who also just want to run around and burn energy.

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I have a 2.5 yr old. There is no way in heck he would listen enough for an activity like that

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She’s young, and it’s possible she just isn’t interested, as well. Finish out this class if it’s a certain number of lessons and then try something else. She may respond better.

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Oh my little one was the same. Don’t even stress haha! He was around 2/2.5 - he LOVED it and just couldn’t contain his excitement. We loved going but it was also during the heat of covid so a lot of the classes were cancelled so there was no routine or anything and the classes were few are far between so he would just get too excited everytime.

I think for that age you could just expect chaos. I wouldn’t worry :heart:

Set very clear expectations for her behavior and establish discipline. You must do this when they are young, 2.5 is NOT to early.

Uh … she’s 2.5 not 8 and keep in mind they have minds of their own and if it’s not her thing it’s not her thing; maybe try dance instead.

I have 6 kids, and 6 grandkids. She’s being a 2 year old. The other moms are the problem, not her. No mom should judge another for something so normal ( or even for something abnormal, unless it’s abuse.) Being à mom is hard!! You’re doing a great job :two_hearts: