My LO is 2.5; she has been in gymnastics for maybe a total of 8 classes. It’s a mommy and me class. Originally I thought it would be good to make friends and for her to be around other kids. During class, the other children seem to listen, follow directions and stay with their moms; my child runs circles instead of staying single file; she won’t sit and stretch with the other kids. She just wants to run wild she skips past the others to go on to the next set of obstacles. I noticed that if the coach stops and speaks directly to my LO, she will listen. I feel like she has no home training in the gym even though I believe she knows what she should be doing! She acts out for sure… I know it’s a gym, so it’s a fun new place for her, but Could this be a phase? Is she just little, and I am overreacting? The parents in the class look at me crazy, and I feel out of place, very judged! She accidentally bumped into a little girl, and nobody was hurt, but the mom looked at me and my childlike, “get your kid, lady.” My LO was never in daycare yet because I, by the grace of God, have not had to send her; I’ve been able to be home with her. Any advice?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my daughter to listen in gymnastics?
Idk she’s 2.5 and the last 2.5 Yeats have been rough on all kids.
I struggle with my 3 year old in public settings because he’s 3 and he has had minimal experience in these situations. I wouldn’t stress it too much
It’s you. Wait till 3 and enroll her again when it’s a teacher directed … kids typically listen to a teacher 100% better when it’s not mom.
My first born was like that & I always felt it was my fault until my second came along. My second is like the other kids who just sits well. My first is fire & free spirited. I’d say give them a break. She’s not interested! Maybe try something else! Also, how old are those kids? Most places don’t recommend starting those things until 3 because of behavioral issues.
She’s two and a half… She’s doesn’t even fully comprehend her own native language yet. Directed instruction at this age is just about pointless. She’s learning through play right now.
She’s 2 & a half … really my 12 year old won’t listened to me
this is normal behaviour for her age I had a hard time taking them to the park & listening
let alone a gymnastics class
She’s a baby they don’t understand. Let her play and have fun.
Give them the same look back! She’s having fun and that’s all that matters.
She’s only 2.5 lmao let her have fun
You’re expecting way too much out of a 2.5 year old child.
Do your libraries in your area have a story hour any days of the week? That would give her group exposure and wouldn’t cost money.
If you want to continue gym class maybe try a different time and I have a feeling there are other kids like your daughter. Your daughter is not unusual.
Another thought is have you talked to instructor and gotten her thoughts?
She’s 2.5… Let her enjoy it and learn as she plays, this is normal.
My kiddo was in ballet dance at 3 and all they did was run around, prance and randomly listen to the teacher. We switched to a different type of dance with a no parents watching policy and it was pretty much the same thing. But they had fun dancing and now they’re 7 and still enjoy recreational dance and are learning.
Her little mind is set on play! I do think she would benefit from preschool in another year or so! Take her to tumble classes that are geared more toward toddlers because that is what she is at this point!
My oldest actually coaches a class with little ones at that age… its entirely expected for them to be a little crazy. My youngest is 9 and a competitive gymnast, and frequently she’s still bouncing about like a crazy child when coaches aren’t watching they are kids, and I promise the coaches expect they will be kids. If she listens when being spoken to directly, then that’s a great sign.
Edited to add about the judgey moms… so types of gym moms for little ones: the ones who just want something fun for the child to do, the type who think their child is a natural/good at everything/ahead of everyone, and the type who are sure their child is a future Olympian. The last two get a reality check soon enough, and the ones their just for fun will not judge you. Don’t worry about them. Focus on you and your baby.
I can’t believe this is even a question. She’s a toddler, not a robot.
All kids are different. I teach dance classes and the younger they are the less I expect of them. Some kids just want to sit and stare at me, some cuddle with their parents half the class, some just want to run in circles, some pay attention but have trouble doing the steps, others are amazingly mature & do everything perfectly.
Just figure out what you can do to keep her from disrupting class or bothering the other kids. Grab her and hug her, hold her hands or guide her through the steps so she gets through the movement, have her jump up and down while she’s waiting her turn. Let her run around outside and scream a bit before class so she gets some of her wiggles out and is tired out enough to sit and listen.
Maybe wait a few months and enroll her again, try something different like swimming, or take her out of the classroom when she needs to change her behavior and explain what she needs to do or just take her someplace where she can run off her excess energy for a few minutes. If my class is getting wild I have them run back and forth in the class to get out the giddiness so they can learn. Even the kids who are older (up to age 7) need to blow off steam once in a while before they can listen.
Ask the teacher and other moms what they do to get kids to behave, if they have any suggestions, and what they’d do in your place.
Work with her at home or at a playground to follow directions or do things in steps like when you make cookies together. Maybe talk to her pediatrician to see if she has signs of ADHD.
But honestly? She’s 2.5. They have a lot of energy and after living during a pandemic it sounds normal.
Honey she is still a baby 2.5 . Don’t mind what others think . The class is suppose to be fun . Firstly does she like doing it ? She may prefer something else . It sounds like she does enjoy it by your post but just double check . If she enjoys it let her be . She will get the hang of things over time but in the meantime time let her enjoy it . Activities are suppose to be enjoyed that’s why we do them . And if the other parents are like that I wouldn’t want to be friends with anyone so judgemental.
She’s 2.5 she is not going to fully listen or pay attention…
I see littles at my daughters gym doing their own thing all the time, the instructors will gently encourage them to join in a couple times and then allow them to continue exploring/getting comfortable in the area. Granted my daughters 8 so I only see a little bit of the other classes coming and going and I don’t know what all that goes on during the middle of the class for littles. My daughters gym ends mommy and me classes when they are 3 and I’ve noticed alot of the kids cooperate better with the instructors when mom/dad is on the other side of the glass and not directly in the room
Stop expecting your toddler to be an adult. She’s having fun.
Take her to open play at the gym…so she can play and explore but when its class time its class time not play time she old enough to undertsand they understand nap time bed time time for sitting and eating idk why this would be any different
She’s 2.5 if you feel judged - that’s their issue not yours . Our kids do the same thing .
She will listen for 5 mins, that’s the expected attention span for her age😊 My advice, bring her to a place where she will be allowed to move around, she doesn’t need structured activity at that age, let her have free play.
My daughter is almost 5 and still struggles to listen in gymnastics. It’s fun for them at this age. They’re just learning basic fundamental skills. Cut her some slack. She’ll grow into it or she’ll decide she doesn’t like it
She’s still a baby…she’ll get there
Honestly, it sounds like she’s a strong, independent kid who’s not afraid to explore on her own and I think that’s a good thing! If she was being outright rude or mean it would be a different thing but it just sounds like she feels very comfortable and listens when she really needs to. She’s so little still, she’ll figure that out later.
She’s 2, and usually those groups are just for fun so if she’s having fun then there’s no problem here
Perhaps you should enter her in some pagents, start her in soccer, and see if she’s ready for a career in broadcast, she’s 2 1/2, please dont impose unrealistic expectations of behavior on her unless you want either rebellion or future therapy for her
She’s her own person, someday you going miss all she’s doing now , just sit back a enjoy , she will get get there on her own time , just be there for her ,
If you feel like she has no home training then obviously she doesn’t. Get yo kid!
She’s 2.5, she’s not supposed to sit still
Umm she 2.5yrs old.
Start by not comparing your child to others. It’s not healthy. At this point the classes are more for you than they are for her. She’s a toddler and her moving around and doing her own thing is 100% normal.
Its a process, no matter what the other kids are doing she’ll get there. At her age, it’s more strange based on development that the other kids are listening like that. Just keep firm and she’ll get the hang of it.
Wow, sorry any parent judged you. But kids are kids and they all learn different. Let her burn off her energy. She’ll improve over time with directions. If she isn’t hurting or bothering anyone keep a smile on your face that says “screw you because we are having fun.” Live in that moment because the stage doesn’t last forever. She’s fine & you are reading too much into a fun activity for you & your daughter.
She is 2.5 give her break. However keep the behavior in mind. Does it happen everywhere. When she starts preschool communicate with the staff. My daughter was a little like this but my son was nuts ay story time both of my kids have ADHD. Not saying she does.
One who cares what other people think Two she’s two n a half do you expect her to listen like a teen or older child cause that’s not how it works and about it kids want to run and play they have so much energy they need to get out and also don’t compare your child to others your child is there own self they aren’t the same as anyone else
Shes 2.5 children of that age are not built to stand still or follow instructions properly you need to stop expecting so much of her let her be a toddler …
I have a 8 year old that is a free spirit and does this. Don’t confine her to the “social norm” let her be herself is the best advice I can give. Plus being so little that’s how they learn. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If the other parents and instructor can’t deal, it’s time for you to find a new group of people
She is 2.5… I’m willing to bet that the other moms aren’t even thinking anything of it and it’s just your insecurities about it that are making you perceive it that way. If not, they aren’t people you want to be around. My kids both have ADHD and SPD so I definitely get the judgmental moms but I really think it may be your feelings and overwhelm making you think more into it. At 2.5 this stuff is just for fun and social interaction. Quit expecting so much.
You can get her diagnosed as a two year old? Sounds like she’s just having fun. It’s hit and miss at that age
She’s 2 and a half…thats very normal for that age…you can’t expect her to do those things…
And she may have no interest in gymnastics but just playing…take her to a play group where she can play with kids her age
Maybe she isn’t into it at all. Odds are its more for you than her at that age. How about just letting her be a kid without trying to shove her into a schedual. Kids need lots of playtime to learn. Not schedualed events. There is enough time later on for all if that stuff after they have been allowed to just be kids.
Maybe you should get her into the open gym, gymnastics if that’s an option. I get it though my daughter just wanted to run and have fun not have to sit or watch someone do something when she just wanted to get up and do everything her own way lol
Are you kidding me?!? 2.5?? Lol Let her have fun and play. Play is her job right now and how she learns about her world and grows. If she can’t focus enough to make the coach happy then you’ll need to wait until she’s older.
Maybe she’s just not into gymnastics
How much focus do you really expect a 2 year old to have?
She’s 2. She’s exploring. If she isn’t following directions and she’s unhappy when she does, put her in something else. Soccer maybe or just let her play at the park. Yes your kids should listen but this is supposed to be enjoyable for you and her. Again shes 2.
My first two would be in line and behaving. My third is a very spirited child. She listens and behaves but I wouldnt want to break that spirit at 2 years old. I would either let her run and forget what the other parents think or find something else for her to do that isn’t as structured. Also moms are doing to judge you no matter if your child is swinging from a tree howling like a wolf or if your child is calm and walking in line following every possible rule. Quit worrying what others think
Reward good behavior and point out bad behavior. Redirect her. I’d tell mine if she’s good we’ll get an ice cream cone after… if not, no treats.
Apparently …
she doesn’t want to do the class you do,don’t force your child to live through you.
I’ve seen to many Mother’s do this.
she is still too young do her a favor and wait a couple more years let her be a running around in circles kid a little longer
Is this post serious? If it is…Relax. That is my advice. Slow down, she is only 2 1/2. She might not be that into It. Perhaps, you are looking way too much into it . I mean, with is this comment ? “I feel like she has no home training in the gym even though I believe she knows what she should be doing!” Wow. Again, SHe is 2,Let her act like a 2 year old.
She’s 2.5 and apparently isn’t interested if she isn’t listening. Try something else.
Your expectations for a 2 year old are way too high
I have a 2½ year old boy. This is normal. So completely normal. My son is wild and runs around roaring like a lion I am in no way concerned. He’s happy, active and healthy!
Are you doing gymnastics for her or you? As many have said 2 1/2 is hardly an age to expect listening and paying attention, especially if she isnt interested. Find open gym play… if its causing so much stress for you, not worth it. Just spend time with her, find opportunities for her to play with other kids. Might look into a preschool a couple days a week.
Maybe shes to young yet… maybe they have a class just for mommy
Since she has not been around other children she is just too excited to pay attention. Talk to the other moms set up playdates a couple times a week. Also you could take her to the park to burn some energy off before this activity. Most importantly don’t be hard on yourself over your child not knowing how to behave in group settings. Look for other group activities like reading hours at your local library.
She might not be ready for a structured class. Not everyone is at that age. Practice at home by playing Simon Says. Once she can do that, she’s ready.
Shes far too young to be expected to follow instructions and stay still. Take her to the park and let her run wild
she’s still learning boundaries and rules give her time!
… she’s 2. There is your answer.
My daughter was like that for almost a year when she started gymnastics now she’s gotten amazing listens and does the majority of the class perfectly
Some children act out when mom is around! And shame on the moms giving you a the stink their 2 not 12
Sit her down at home. Do something with her like coloring or playdoh. Talk to her. Tell her that there are times to have fun and times to listen. Ask her if she likes the class. Maybe she doesn’t like it. That’s ok. Not everything is for everyone. If she does like it, she may just be overwhelmed. She may have sensory processing or sensory integration disorder. It may be too much noise or too much stimulation. That’s ok too. If she has too much energy, maybe stopping at a park to run and jump and spin before going would help her calm herself for the class. It’s all ok. It’s not your fault. But talk to her about what is and is not ok. Don’t yell, don’t raise your voice, don’t say she’s bad. Just tell her that sometimes we need to be quiet and listen.
She is way to young for that class. The big problem is her not following directions can cause her or another child to get hurt. Maybe put her back in the class when she is old enough to follow directions. Right now she is holding back the other kids because she needs special attention from the teachers.
If she listens to the teacher but not you, maybe see of they offer one on one classes or a class where your not required to attend class. Watch from afar and see if she does any better without you. Some kids act up when a parents around more, but are angels with another adult. If she still has problems maybe wait on gymnastics a couple years and start going to a park with kids and play simple games with them with rules so she can start learning the basics like waiting her turn and staying focused while having a good time.
Maybe take her to the park and other activities more often or maybe even before. If this is her only source of burning energy she may be trying to get it all out and not follow directions.
I would say this is not her “interest” & yes she’s quite young to be in an instructional type class.
Look in your area for children’s indoor playgrounds. My daughter takes my 3 year old grandson to them all over in our state & he just loves his playdates with his mom.
They go to Chuck E Cheese, Monkey Joe’s, Urban Air, Children’s museums, parks during the warm weather. He very much looks forward to those days
She needs play mates
She is 2 and if this is her very first time in a social format with other littles and you then just let her just have fun and get a feel for it. Sign her up for more things and she will start getting more accustomed to the structure of how those things go, for now, just be with her and guide her and have fun with her. She is growing and learning and this is apart of gaining social skills with others, it will get better with time.
I don’t have to send my kid to daycare but she started going at 2 1/2. She’s always been very calm and listens but daycare teaches them exactly what you are having a problem with.
She is 2 and it’s something new. She is fine let her have fun
You need to let her know your expectations before y’all go into class. " Ok we’re about to go to class, i expect you to… And if you can’t do that we will have to leave because it’s distracting to the rest of the class. If it still continues maybe try again next year
Take her somewhere before the class to run out her energy and see how it goes then. She is a baby still, I feel like sitting and listening aren’t exactly things ppl expect from that age🤷♀️ If you feel judged id learn real quick to adopt a f them attitude and not stress it. Your kids not their kids
My child has stayed home with me as well, and I had the same problem with her in her dance class. So did some of the other kids, but ultimately my daughter was the only one who refused to get on stage without me. There is nothing wrong with your child. She’s being a 2.5 year old. She’s being herself. Love her for it. She’s expressing herself. So what if she isn’t doing what the other kids are doing? So what if the other moms make you feel out of place? Your child is there to have fun and soak it all in. She’s listening and observing, and she’s definitely observing you being embarrassed by her. Do not make her feel different than the other children. If you know that she listens to you when it’s time to listen, and she listens to the coach when she needs to, then she’s fine. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and your child especially. You’re overreacting for sure I think.
She’s 2, she doesn’t know how to listen. That’s the age that you start to teach them how, at home with simple tasks. That’s my experience. I have taught 2 year olds
My 9 year old did the same thing when she first started dance at 3 years old. She grew out of it by the end of the year.
I did swimming with my youngest. She was like 2 or 3. We minded ourselves and just had fun. Sounds like the class is boring for your little one try something new.
She. Is. Two.
They. Do. Not. Listen.
They are not made to listen to directions at that age.
It sounds like you were embarrassed and I can respect that. My kid embarrassed me when I had her in swimming classes at 2.5 years. She would not stop getting in and out, would not come back when called and would constantly run around. I skipped the last two classes and decided she’s not really ready. Took her again about 18 months later and she did great.
If you need somewhere to socialize with her try a library, free play gyms, local mom group or even try to find a 1-2 day a week daycare. It will help
Find something that isn’t so structured where she can be a normal toddler and try with gymnastics when she’s a little older because she’s not ready right now
Sounds like a regular kid or some ADHD. If she’s hyper active, stop doing activities that need her focus/attention, unless they’re willing to understand and work with her.
Sounds like you’re better off getting her into a playground/activity center for kiddos where she can run rampant and get that energy out.
She’s 2! You really expect that of a 2yr old?? Ffs
Shes 2. Its completely normal. Following directions and being in a class with other kids is new to her. Shes excited and just learning what shes supposed to do. Shell get the hang of it.
She’s still a baby (imo). She’s just learning to explore and she’s found a new sense of independence. She is totally fine.
My kids never did well with mommy and me classes too informal… I waited until they were 3 and enrolled them in individual sports they didn’t have to have mommy with them for. Dance at age 3
Maybe gymnastics just isn’t the sport for her. My son did Little Kickers Soccer at 2yrs old & he loved it. But at 2.5yrs old, her behavior is typical, especially for a child who isn’t used to group activities with other children. At that age, it’s really up to the teachers/coaches to keep the children interested, also telling her what to expect beforehand might help.
Have you tried starting her in a dance class it’s less structured that is not a mommy and me
Doesn’t sound like she is ready for such intense training. Take her out and let her mature a little. Try something else - OR - just let her be a little child for awhile.
Send her to preschool a few hours a week. She needs to learn to be around other kids and take direction from someone besides you. My granddaughter was the same way. She goes to preschool 3 hours 3 days a week and is a completely different kid. The teacher said she’s never seen anything but a well behaved little girl. No more tantrums and biting her brother anymore either
She might be too young. Is re enroll in 6-12months
Because she is 2 years old. She is not meant to sit down and listen.
It is totally unrealistic to think there’s a way to get a 2.5 YO to listen. Period.
Take her to the park and let her run around. Don’t push conformity on your child. Embrace her free spirit.
My daughter who was 3 at the time never listened and was always on the go and and our gym coach was like if she doesn’t listen when we are at a gym competition we won’t be taking her again. Well at the age of 4 we got her in a gym comp and she did so well and remembered what she had to do
Shes 2. She has the attention span of a gnat. Let her be a child
She is 2!!! She isn’t going to listen. Day care/preschool will be a blessing. Get her into it. Make your child listen or remove her. At this point your wasting your money and time. She is too young. Needs to be introduced to other kids her age without mommy there. Kids always act different without momma or dadda.
She is probably to young!
Oh dear. Lovely she’s 2. You may have to high an expectation for her.