How can I get my daughter to sleep in her own bed?

Anybody have any advice on getting my 2.5 year old to sleep in her own big girl bed in her own big girl room? She’s been in mine and my husbands room up until just yesterday due to not having the space to give her her own room but now she just won’t lay down and sleep. I know it will take time but so far last night and tonight we have laid her down around 7:30 and she just plays in her room and won’t sleep. Do we just let her play until she falls asleep or do we go up and get her and put her back into our room for the night and try again tomorrow?

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Depending on the bed ( like a plastic toddler bed that’s easy to move) you could try to transition her by putting the bed in your room 1st so she understands that the bed means time to sleep and then once she realizes that move it to her room. Make it a big deal to move it and get her to help. Also starting a bedtime routine to get her sleepy before bedtime will help too. That way by the time she’s laying down in her bed she’s to tired to get up and play.

I would start out just letting her spend time in the room. Lay down watch a movie something calm and maybe nap in there with her

Explain it’s bedtime not playtime and put her back in her bed every single time it will take a few days but she will catch on

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Each kid is different, but I did a quiet time routine. Then if they fell asleep with me, kept transitioning them to their own bed.

Maybe get her a big cuddly stuffed something to cuddle in her bed with

I think you should explain to her she is a big girl now so she can pick if she would like you to read her a story before bed or what special thing would she like before she falls asleep