How can I get my daughter to sleep in her own room?

I need some advice, myself and my five year old daughter were sleeping in the same room for almost two years. Now we have gotten a bigger place and she has her own room, I’m on week two and have tried everything I can think of on how to get her to sleep without it being such a fight every night. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it 


Maybe get her to pick out things to decorate it.
I got nothing :woman_shrugging:

Give her one of your shirts that you have worn and a night light

I turned lullabies on my baby loved them until 8 years old and I’m sure she may still love them

Let me know when you figure it out . She’s 4 & still comes to my room at night .:joy:

It takes time. It’s new. Consistency is key just like everything else kids learn. Make sure she feels safe. Try making it fun…a new lovey to sleep in her own big girl room . Pick her own curtains and new bedding for her new room. I just went through this with my 4 year old . We had to share a room for a few months and she got so used to it but after about a month and letting her be in charge of her own decor etc she is fine.

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Shut the door with a child lock in the inside and a video monitor to watch. Baby proof room.

Go sleep in her room, when she goes to sleep go to your room. Leave her door and your door open. Small step but it will work.


We had to do baby steps by moving the bed out of the room until it was in there room

Good luck lol once you co sleep there’s no going back

It’ll take a while as it’s what she’s been used to for nearly half her life! Put her in her bed so she gets used to being in there but if she ends with you then so very it. She’ll stop in time

Get her Nice silicone touch light she can hold and sleep with , and make a chart For stickers For every night she slept In a room and every 10 nights or so she get 10 stickers she can use them as a “voucher” and get something Maybe chocolate bar Ír anything you know she likes.
Also If she Does come to the room, say ok you can stay For 10 minutes than we have to go back and you go back with her… will it be hArd? Yes but Its About creating new habit :crossed_fingers:

My youngest had a hard time going to sleep by herself in her own room. So one of us had to go and stay next to her until she falls asleep every night for quite a while… I cannot remember exactly for how long though, she’s 11 years old now! But after awhile on her own she switched to having stuffed animals and/or our cat.

You’re her comfort zone Mama :face_holding_back_tears::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s going to be a fight every night for just a bit. You have to have the willpower to outlast her. Keep putting her back in her room Every. Single. Time. That is the trick. When she comes out, tell her no and put her back, no matter how much she fusses about it. Tuck her in, rub her back or her head for just a few minutes, no longer. Say soothing words - It will be ok, you will see her in the morning, she has to sleep in her own big girl bed and you have to sleep in a Mommy bed and she can’t sleep there because she’s not a Mommy. Tell her you love her, kiss her and leave. After a few nights of that consistently, she will accept it and you will both sleep better. Don’t give in. If you do, even once, it starts all over.
Also, make sure you have a bedtime routine - baths, brush teeth, read her one story. And make sure you say the sequence to her so she knows what comes next - “time for you to take a bath, then you can brush your teeth, I will let you pick out a book, and you can go to sleep in your big girl bed”. Say it cheerfully. That way she knows it’s coming & she can’t avoid it.

This is why I have never started this with mine. They have always been in there own room since they were 10-12 weeks old. Once you start you make a rod for your own back.

maybe a night light of her favorite character ?