I have a 2 year old baby girl who is just so friendly, and loves to say hi to people and just have a full blown conversations with “strangers” at the stores etc. I’m just looking to see how did y’all handle this? I don’t have a problem with her saying hi to them. My problem for ex: today at the dealership my daughter went over to a guy and just showed him her toys and just had a full blown conversation with him. I was watching her the whole time, but honestly I didn’t like that. I don’t want her to be afraid of people, but I don’t want her feeling so comfortable with people she doesn’t know.
I think its great that your daughter is sociable it’ll serve her well as she gets older and she’ll have no problems making friends. As long as she is in your line of sight and you both feel comfortable then let her say hi. You can teach her a bit more about conversing with strangers as she gets older.
That’s awesome!! I’m sure you will always have her close by, don’t worry!
It’s normal for her age. Just make sure you stay with her at all times and it’s good for socialization skills which are very important at her age. By the time she is 4 or 5 she won’t be doing this anymore.
I would let her , it opens them up but always be close holding her hand an such. My daughter talked to everyone I was okay with it as long as I was right in hands reach . The world is huge to toddlers , let them explore you don’t want them scared of everyone.
My son did this still does he 18 now just have a talk with her she will start to realize be careful my son I swear he talks to everyone and everyone tell me you raise a very respectful young man
Congratulations on raising a normal person
I’m an introvert and my kids start more conversations with other adults than I do. Honestly when I see them interacting with people so easily I feel kind of proud of them. How wonderful to be a child and have no feelings of anxiety towards the world or the people in it. It makes me think about my own inner child and it makes me want to become a little bit more free. Just stay close by and I’m sure your daughter will be just fine.
You currently have a confident adventurous independent joyful child and you’re looking to squish that out of her? Why?
She sounds like a real sweetheart. Please don’t try to discourage her from being friendly. That’s a good personality trait to have and will serve her well in life. As she gets older you can educate her on how to be cautious. For now just be happy that she’s a happy and outgoing child. Let her spread her joy to others.
This this this was absolutely my daughter! But she also developed instincts. Some people would try to talk to her, and she wouldn’t. I tell her she can talk to them if she feels comfortable BUT mommy or daddy has to be with her and we don’t tell them our name, age, phone number or where we live… We don’t accept things from them and we NEVER go anywhere with them. (She had a habit of introducing herself with her full name. Even though when she started, she didn’t know the address or phone number, I just wanted it to go ahead and be known before she learned so she’s not surprised when the time comes).
As she’s gotten, she’s not nearly as social with other people unless we are at a park or library with other kids
She’s 2. She couldn’t possibly have a sense of stranger danger yet.
She talks to strangers when you’re there. You are her security. Her protection. There’s nothing wrong with a friendly little one. As she gets older you can have gentle and age appropriate conversations with her but for now just make sure you are always around.
As long as you’re watching your children to ensure their safety then it’s fine, let her socialize. My kids have always talked to strangers but i also always watch them like a hawk.
Teach her all the safety stuff as she gets older. She’s only two.
My daughter is 4 and the same and I absolutely love it. I find it harder to be outgoing, friendly and just talk to people and it just comes so naturally to her. I never want her to lose that so I encourage her to go be social and talk to who she wants to.
My daughter is almost 5 and just figured out stranger danger the last year or so. I’ve taught her it’s good to be polite and talk to people, there’s nothing wrong with that. But we don’t trust strangers because some people want to hurt you and try to trick you so they can hurt you. She’s a social butterfly but she knows we don’t leave with people, we don’t get out of a parent’s sight line, and we don’t take things from strangers without a parent’s permission.
Let her socialize! Kids need that for their development and in this world today some people could really use some kind words and conversations! But keep her close and explain to her that although we should be nice the people around us they are never allowed to touch her in any way and she should never follow them anywhere away from her parents or guardian. As soon as my kids could talk they were taught to scream as loud as possible if a strangers touches them, that no safe adult asks them to keep secrets, and to ALWAYS stay close to a parent in public.
Both of mine were like that at 2.
I’d just kept a close watch on them.
They I guess you can say naturally grew out of that and as they grew up, we talked to them regarding safety around strangers.
My oldest son was like this when he was younger, he is on the autism spectrum, they are not aware of social boundaries/stranger danger. My son would insist on getting a hug or hi-fi from the bus driver on the public bus system every time we got on, or got off, the pizza, delivery guy… so on. If he didn’t, he would have a full on meltdown from the rejection. Now he barely speaks to anybody at all he would even go up to people when we were riding the bus and ask them questions, he wants at three years old, walked up to a man of color and asked him why he was a different color, and I was horrified and started apologizing and trying to say you shouldn’t ask and the man was very kind and said it’s OK. He’s just trying to understand the world. And that is just the way his brain does work he wants to know How it works why it is the way it is some people are very understanding and others are not 
I think the easier focus is to teach them not to leave your side. Personally I didn’t want to scare them at that age in case they needed help. As they get older they grasp the concept of safety more and you can have more in-depth conversations
My kids were very chatty when young x then when they got a little older to under stand more i explained more details about strangers. My kids watched the Madeline McCann documentary which shown them the reality of being kidnapped xx
You stay with her and let her socialize. She’s only two so telling her about bad people is just going to give her nightmares. My daughter is four and she’s just now starting to understand we have to stay close to mommy to be safe. And she probably still does not understand why besides there’s cars. When my daughter does this. I always tell the person she’s doing it to that if she gets too much I do not mind at all reeling her back in because not everyone likes kids and not everyone wants to listen to kids talk and that’s fine because Sundays even I’m like that.
She’s just a social butterfly.
I’m 30 and fear people still because of what I was told when I was little about being too social. Realistically, at 2 I’m sure she’s never left unattended or watched anways so for now I’d just let it go. Wait until she’s old enough to actually understand.
I was like that at her age I even would tag along on random peoples arrands at times when they invited me and help I’m glad I’m alive and I’m quite the opposite now
I mean if your next to her no harm should come to her talking to everyone. My son did not say one word till he was 4 i would have loved to hear a tiny voice now he won’t stop talking lolol
You don’t stop them at 2 years of age as developmentally they are not able to understand. You protect them by being by their side.
I not only allowed it, I encouraged it. I smiled with my chilled, socialized with them. People teaching their kids to fear strangers isn’t the best idea- leads to social anxiety- the biggest threat to our kids are people around us we least expect so I was a present parent. I didn’t allow unrelated males to be alone with my children (come at me all you want but stats don’t lie- people need to stop letting all these “boyfriends” with their children- it’s not friendly strangers that are the problem here)
I don’t know what to tell you, my daughter would walk up to a stranger at the grocery store and be telling all my secrets
“Hi… did you know that mommy farted in the car and she’s never getting married”
You stay with her and let her socialize. My daughters were very friendly and talkative with strangers at that age. It’s normal behavior. When she gets old enough to understand you explain that she’s never to go with a stranger or go over to strangers without you or another trusted adult. Don’t make her overly fearful just cautious. You’ll probably also have to explain to her one day that not everyone is friendly or receptive to talking to her.
I let mine talk, I protect them they don’t have to protect themselves.
Don’t but teach her to be polite and respectful and that some people feel uncomfortable and so long as she is with you it’s not a problem
If you’re there I don’t see the problem
Kids don’t talk to strangers. (Period)
My daughter was the same way at 2… she’s 4 now and definitely don’t talk to strangers anymore. I just kept telling her if we dont know them we don’t just go and talk to them because they could steal her eventually she got it. I think it’s just one of those things that have to keep being repeated and learned
My daughter’s 13th and is still a people person, shes over social lol
How does that go in your head ?
Honey, don’t be so friendly with people…. Think about it for a minute.
Leave her be… let he love
People. Just teach her the
Dangers in “leaving with ppl etc.”. When she’s old enough for that conversation.
Just never take your eyes off of her.
One of mine introduced herself and started to give my name and address to a homeless man in downtown Dallas… she was 3 we talked about saying hello, but not giving out information.
Just let her know if she wants to talk to someone you don’t know she has to let you know and both go talk to said person. I think it is great she is very outgoing however she needs to have an adult with her when she does that. When she gets a little older then talk about why not when she may be able to understand better
My kid was/is like this. They’re also diagnosed ADHD. As an ADHD parent I was also this way. We like to talk, we over share and if someone keeps engaging us we will keep the conversation going.
Just keep monitoring her and try to steer her conversations away from giving too much info about herself and the family. Discuss the dangers of strangers in an age appropriate way with her. All you can do is guide her.
We have one completely opposite. She is Terrified of everything
This is normal and 100% she is going to be that lady who tells her life story to everyone waiting in line. Lol. She is an extrovert and that is awesome! Believe me, this is a blessing compared to having a painfully shy kiddo.
It’s the age. The age of innocence. Just keep the eagle eye on her. Just let her socialize
I know the world is a dangerous place for children but there are people like myself who have no grandchildren and i cant help myself i talk to EVERY child i can . Sometimes i give them money to buy theirself candy lol my advise is to NEVER take ur eyes off of her but she could be the blessing somebody really needs that day.
Maybe a better question is how do you engage with people atound you as successfully as your daughter. You are only strangers until you introduce yourself.
At this age, your child should never be in a situation where your not there while she’s talking to people. So I would let her talk to anyone that she wants. As she gets older you can have conversations about stranger danger but right now she can’t understand this concept. She will grow out of this. Guaranteed. But it’s not like at 2 years old she would ever be alone near strangers to have to worry about it. And if she is that’s bad parenting. Let her talk to anyone that is willing to converse with her as long as your there. She’s fine.
At 2 years old, she doesn’t understand that there is danger in the world, or bad people. No need to explain to her what she wont understand! Just keep her close. Don’t let her walk away from you in public! A couple more years, then you can explain “stranger danger” to her. Children are born with a pure heart, and that’s all they know when they are young.
So my daughter is like this. She just turned 4 and the first 2 years of her life were on lockdown so when she realized other people existed, she went nuts lol now 2 years after being off lockdown, she’s the same and it scares me to no end especially when we have had a few freaky incidents and twice someone followed us and it took my father and hubby to chase them off to stop it. It was scary.
But here’s what I do- I have a conversation with my daughter before we leave the house, or in the car, or before a customer walks in and explain that she can say hello, but the rest is not ok for grownup strangers to hear from a child and that she can be nice without telling everything to strangers. I also drill into her head about hugs, kisses and what is appropriate or not touching. And the biggest thing I do is drill into her what to do in certain situations should the worst happen.
I am ALWAYS with her, but anything can happen these days, so its best to just teach her now.
If you’d like me to video what I say and teach, pm me and I’ll show ya!
Don’t create a fear response. Just teach her to stay close to you and make sure you can always see her even if she is talking to someone.
Us anxiety driven people who can’t function in society were raised to be scared of people. Now we struggle to manage life and relationships.
My daughter who is now 4, will try to hug everyone. Her best friend is the Walmart greeter. She invites strangers to our home. I’ve talked to her about stranger danger. She makes me have unwanted (on my part) conversations with random people. I feel your pain.
Same my daughter . She even kisses and hugs them. I don’t know what to do. I talk with her about bacterias and disease but she doesnt care.
She’s only 2yo. She’ll never comprehend that. You as the parent need to take more control if you don’t want her talking to people then you need to keep her with you instead of letting her wander. She has no reasoning skills at this age so don’t feel like you can tell her and she’ll listen.
Hold onto your child better. She can’t get to strangers if you don’t let her
If you are with her what’s the problem?
dont be afraid to tell her the truth! there really are Pedos out there. There really are evil people out there. She really Does need to be afraid of certain people. Be as truthful as you can! She can be kidnapped! People Are deceiving! Its better for you to warn her about the truth than to find out the old fashioned way which is exactly where she seems to be headed
By all means, keep on with things if you wish to create some absolutely wild anxiety surrounding people as a whole (and this anxiety will absolutely carry on to later in life).
Rather than teaching that everyone is bad and should be feared, teach red flags (trying to get her to wander off, telling her to keep secrets, trying to give her food/candy without your permission). Teach good/safe adults vs bad adults.
As long as you are observing it and paying attention to what she is saying… should be fine … but definitely… no touching, definitely intervene before that. one of my kids is like that… I some time retrieve my child and apologize to who ever, depending on the person.
If we are a park and some one has a dog, I already know that we have to go there, tell the child to ask the owner if it is OK if they pet the animal, then I have to pet the animal 1st just to make sure the animal is actually safe to pet.
I would start by teaching her inappropriate behaviors as she gets older. It’s never inappropriate to strike up a conversation with a stranger. We were all strangers once. What you should teach her are behaviors to look out for that are risky. “Adults you don’t know should never try to get you to come near them, go with them, ask you for help” etc. further, adults you do know should never ask you to keep a secret from mom and dad.
Only 24% of kidnappings are done by strangers, 49% are done by family members, and only 2.2% of cases are unresolved.
Being able to interact with strangers is a rarity these days, as long as you’re teaching her about proper interactions and monitoring, I say don’t squash that.
Get a stranger danger book. Tbh I didn’t allow my son to walk (well run)around untill he knew stranger danger It was something I done while he was learning to walk he only spoke to people who asked me if it was OK, you need to teach her while being friendly is OK some people need space and not everyone is going to be qs friendly as she is,. It was just something I done straight away xx
When my daughter was two she would walk up to random strangers and call them Papa she thought everybody was her daddy or Papa she would say I love you and attempt to go give them hugs and I would stop her in her place I was consistent over the years with my children about stranger danger and our family has a secret password that only our family knows. When she was five and my son was seven my partner and I were at a park with them but sitting over on a bench when an older gentleman approached them both we couldn’t exactly hear what he said but my daughter screamed and ran towards me and she said that he said that he has puppies in his car and ask them if they would like to go look at them if that wasn’t bad enough he disappeared pretty fast but then we were along the water watching the sunset and when we turned around there he was standing there staring at us. We didn’t see anything we just watched him and then watched the sunset we went to go back to the car in the parking lot and noticed he was walking around our car. We had an LCBO bag instead of the car I think he may have been eyeballing it and that he was intoxicated. Ever since then my children take stranger danger a way more seriously and we are very strict especially where we live you got to be. I would teach her that it’s okay to be nice and say hi sometimes but that’s it because you just never know.
I think it’s more important to teach her what an unsafe adult is and how to evaluate that (this also includes family members that might be unsafe).
That way, instead of stopping her from talking to everyone (which isn’t the healthiest response and dims her light a bit) you teach her discernment.
That’s completely normal, just stay close to her. My daughter joined an older guy’s birthday party at a restaurant one time at the table next to us. We apologized and went to pick her up but she was all about screaming happy birthday, the family loved it and she was in no danger. She will learn soon enough that not everyone is friendly.
She’s 2. Keep her with you. How are you not able to control her walking to strangers? When she waves, put her hand down and distract her. I never allowed my daughter to talk to strangers because I never wanted her comfortable around them. Never know who’s a pedophile. Men and women.
That my dear is called a social butterfly and believe me, she knows who is a good person and who is not. Just watch closely and who she interacts with
My kids was an early talker and loved to showcase that to whoever would listen to her. People would recognize her and say here comes the talking baby. She would invite strangers to her second birthday party at ever store we went to. Just keep a close eye on her. P.s. my daughter is in high school now and all of her teachers comment on how quiet she is.
You will be able to explain this to her better when she gets a little older. For now, let her innocence shine through, be careful& watch, & let her realize not everyone is bad in this world.
my now 12 yr old would always do that she would say hi to the world now conversation she would try as we are looking at things in the stores.
You don’t. Your whole life involves talking to strangers. Teaching “don’t talk to strangers” is stupid and unrealistic. Parents literally send their kids to daycare, sitters, etc. who are strangers. Stranger danger is honestly one of the lowest risks involving people who might abduct or harm, anyway.