How can I get my ex and boyfriend to meet?

I don’t know why everyone even keeps asking if there are kids involved. This question is ludicrous no matter what the circumstance is. My ex and my current spouse don’t ever need to meet regardless of the kids my ex and I have. My ex and I can co parent with absolutely no involvement between the two guys. If there are no kids, leave your ex alone and focus on your boyfriend. It’s weird to try to push a relationship with your ex onto your new boyfriend even if you are trying to remain friends with the ex. Clearly it’s uncomfortable for your boyfriend. If there are kids, leave both guys alone about meeting and co parent with the kids father. Your boyfriend isn’t obligated to have any type of co parenting relationships with your kids father. This is a train wreck waiting to happen.

Why should they meet? What would it achieve? He is exactly that, your Ex.

If there is kids involved its called coparenting…especially if they play sports or other extracurricular activities


If its the childs father then yes they should meet every parent NEEDS and SHOULD know who is in their childs life. Not knowing who is around your children a majority of the time is just irresponsible!

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This is a Mom Blog. I do not understand why people are thinking there isn’t any children involved. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:. Why would she ask the question here when there are other relationship blogs or pages :woman_shrugging:t4:

Why ? The past is the past or are you wanting your ex to see how great the new one is?

Assuming there are kids involved? otherwise why would you even be concerned with the 2 meeting?

Unless there are kids involved… there is no reason for them TO meet imo…

Unless you and your ex do not have kids together, you don’t need them to meet.

why do they need to meet unless you are planning on marrying??

Why exactly would your current b.f want or need to meet your ex?

Why do you want them to meet, do you still love your ex?

Why do care about him meeting your ex?

I hope u have kids together. If not y do they ever need to met

Best way is, cheat on one with the other!

If there are no kids no reason to meet.

Wtf do they need to. Sounds like you still care about your ex’s approval which makes me think your not over him. You shouldn’t care what he thinks so long as your happy. If it’s kids related it’s still none of his business. Unless it would negativily effect the children. Maybe ask yourself why do I care so much for his approval?

  1. If there are no kids then you shouldnt be concerned about your ex. 2. TALK to them. If they dont want to meet then dont force it. Doesnt matter if there are kids involved or not. They dont have to meet or know each other.

Why? They don’t need to meet

Invite him to a threesome…:joy::joy::joy:

What :joy: for what reason? Cut your ex off

My wife of 13 years has never met my ex-wife, even though I have a child with my ex. They have spoken on the phone a handful of times. Seriously, it’s not a necessity for good co-parenting for them to meet. If they’re comfortable with it, good. If not, don’t press the issue.


My kids dad still hasn’t met my bf of 2.5 yrs. My bf and I both have kids and ex’s…we both still co parent solo for now. We also are long distance. It works how we do it for now. Once we live together it will be different…but honestly no point in pressing being uncomfortable if we don’t have to

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The only reason for them to meet is if you have kids together with your ex. Other then that why would you want them to meet? Might only cause problems

That’s kinda weird…unless you have children involved…


Unless you have a child together, there is no reason for them to meet. Unless you are playing some kind of game/trying to make your ex jealous etc. and that would be horrible on your part.

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Unless there are children involved, don’t bother. Your lives are on different paths. If you have the same circle of friends, it’ll happen naturally

Why do you give a hoot if they meet? You co parenting?

They’ll meet eventually…why push it?

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Trust me they don’t wanna meet. What is the reason you want them to meet?

Why is the meeting important…

Why do they need to meet?

Why would you want them to?

Why should they meet?

Unless you are trying to make your ex jealous, idk why you’d want them to meet. :tipping_hand_woman:

Why do they need to meet though… more info needed on this situation

Must they meet
As for me it’s not important for them to meet, according to your husband he’ll feel like you’re molesting him in the presence of your ex

But like why tho? Lol just asking

Why tf do they need to meet? Are there kids involved. This post is missing so much information

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Fuck sake I would never want to meet my exes Mrs I couldn’t control my dirty mouth

Y do they have to meet

Why do they need to meet. Unless kids are involved.

They only need to meet if you have kids with your ex… Other than that, no reason at all for them to meet. Could definitely cause drama & resentment from the new boyfriend if she has anything to do with the ex, outside of any children involved.

My ex and i can be in the same room and be cordial it took time but we got divorced not the kids

Why would you want to?

How is this an advice page???