How can I get my self on a better schedule?

A little about myself: I work full time, go to school online (associates for information technology), and I am expected to clean, cook and wrangle three kids 10, almost 5, and three as well as breastfeed/ take care of my 7 month old. I don’t get a break. I get up between 5-6 am to get the oldest up for school (autistic, high functioning) get him off to the bus, then it’s a race to get the middle two girls breakfast and nurse, change the youngest, clean up, and get myself dressed and read for work. I also have to wake my husband (multiple time) after he plays video games throughout the night to watch the kids while I’m gone. I try to get some schoolwork done while I’m at work if it’s not busy. Come home and it’s kids, cook dinner, baths and try to get everyone to bed by 9.(hubs retreats to the room as soon as walk in the door and doesn’t come out except for smoke breaks) then I have to try to get schoolwork done and little man to sleep before I’m too exhausted to do anything else but sleep. (Last night I also messed up my assignment for game program and turned in barely anything and have to restart it all over again. Any advice on a better schedule? Or tricks to make my days easier?I am 27 year old mom of 4.10 year old son is my bonus child.