How can I get my son to stop peeing on me?

tips on getting my son whose potty trained to stop peeing on me. he hasn’t had any issues until the last 3 weeks. he knows how to aim down into the toilet but refuses with me. does perfectly fine at baby sitters and with my bf


Have him sit down instead.

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Quit going in the bathroom with him


He doesn’t respect you he need consequences for that bs he knows exactly what he’s doing.


Do the same to him and see how he likes it?


Your bf (unless it’s his dad) shouldn’t be in the bathroom with him. I only ever went in with my son at a store, at home he went in dropped and peed and he was told if I ever find any outside the bowl he will have to sit and pee. And he was always respectful of the rules. You are the issue.

Sit him backwards on the potty and put a cheerio in the toilet for him to aim at


However you are responding to him doing that…is encouraging it to continue.

I always had my son sit down, they’re way too young to not make a mess


My kids both won’t potty for me and do for their dad, my husband. Not sure what gives but you’re not alone

Make him clean up the mess, he won’t like cleaning.

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Make him go in the bathroom by himself. If he’s potty trained he should be going in alone

Put cheerios or fruitloops into the toilet and then get them to aim at them

Tell him you don’t want to get peed on so you’ll wait outside and let the toilet monster eat him. Just kidding, don’t do that