How can I get my three year old to poop on the potty?

My 3yr old keep pooping his underwear. He pees in the toilet but WONT poop in the toilet. I don’t know what to do! I’ve talked to him nicely, say in the restroom with him for a while, told him I’ll give him a prize, I put him in time out, nothing seems to make him understand not to poop his underwear. I’m going crazy!!!


Stop punishing him. Quit pushing it, it’s a power struggle at this point.


My daughter was almost 4 when she started pooping on the toilet. She would poop in her diaper and then immediately ask me to change her. I wouldn’t change the diaper after she pooped. I told her if you don’t like how the poopy diaper feels, then poop on the toilet and you won’t feel that :woman_shrugging:t2: it worked.

I’m in the exact situation with my almost 7 year old daughter she’ll pee on the toilet but refuses to poop on it. I’ve tried everything you can imagine… regards, candy, stickers, small toys, special treat or outing, I’ve tried it all.

He will go when he is ready. I wouldn’t push it.


Personally I’d try the toilet instead of the potty , getting used to a potty then transitioning to the toilet can be stressful , it worked for mine , not saying it will work for others


Don’t put him in time out for not going potty :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: he will get it.


It’s a boy thing , he will get there my son did this until about 5 , he pooped in potty all the time when he was ready , don’t stress yourself out


My son did the same thing he knew he needed to go he just didn’t want to quit playing to go I was so frustrated and my mom put an etch a sketch in the restroom at her house and he started going

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Make him clean his own mess when he poops in underwear or floor. Use gloves and teach him, his actions have consequences.


He might not be physically mature enough yet,quit stressing ,your making him miserable and yourself miserable,he’ll get it


My two year old
Wears panties and knows to not
Pee in them but she asks
For a Diaper instead of
Going on the potty for a poop… no matter how
Long we leave her on the potty,
She will poop in her pull up right after getting off

Be patient he will. It was almost kindergarten but my son finally did. Don’t give uo

Omg girl don’t listen to these mush parents!!! Put him on the toilet and make him stay til he goes don’t let him go past this week doing that. You’re the mom if he doesn’t like it oh well he’s in your world you’re not in his.


It took my grandson a while to poop on the potty as well. He would pee but not poop. We could tell when he was trying to poop in his pants and would take him to the potty and just sit there with him until he did and then we would make a big deal about how he was such a big boy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sit him on backwards and wait

Please don’t put him on time out… no wonder he won’t do it

Some kids are scared of the splash that happens. It terrifies them. My oldest didn’t poop his pants, he just refused to go poop. He didn’t poop for 3 days. I finally put a diaper back on him & he went. We did this for a few weeks then he was ready to go in the toilet. Boys are stubborn critters. Good luck to you momma. :heart:

Look at getting something similar to this
For him

Give him something to do while he’s sitting on the toilet.

Put him on the potty backwards and give him some crayola washable markers. He’ll draw a bunch of pictures on the toiket lid and end up pooping

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Make him clean his own dirty underwear in the toilet. Did this with our daughter. She cried the entire time but never pooped her pants again.

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My friend gota smaller seat and put it on top of regular seat. Was only for her daughter. Helps with feeling safe not falling in. It will happen.

Give him back the pull ups, he is clearly not ready. It isn’t going to be eternal and they shouldn’t be scared to go poop because they’ll get punished for a biological function! Remind by all means daily and ask and offer, but give him the option of control over his own body. One day they’ll wake up and be ready and there will be no fight and no anxiety over something so natural. My first was so easy to train, my second refused, I pushed and pushed and it didn’t happen, then I saw my son hiding so he could poop. I cried. I was causing my kid to be scared of “having an accident” when it wasn’t an accident, it was just a normal thing. I was creating anxiety in him and I felt like absolute garbage. I hugged him, I apologized and told him he could come to me and I would help him get cleaned up if he had to go, but he didn’t have to hide nor feel scared to do it and no one was going to be upset or Frustrated with him over it. We both cried. Then after a while, he woke up literally one day and told me he felt he didn’t need the diapers anymore and that was it. He refused them and went on his own and there was no fight or nothing. He had his own time and that’s it.

It’s frustrating. Try buying him super cool hero underwear. Let him choose !!! Tell him that if he poops on ( superman ) you must throw them away. Worked for me.

My youngest would only poop in a diaper. I cut a hole on the butt of the diaper and had him sit/squat over the potty. He stood up after he was done, looked confused, and had no more trouble toileting after that :joy: