What to do when your 3 year old refuses to swallow medicine!? He won’t drink juice or eat anything that has the medicine in it and he spits it out when I try to give it to him. I am at my witts end. He only has a low grade fever and it hasn’t gone over 101.0 and it only got that high once but I don’t want him to get dehydrated. That’s my concern. I brought him to after hours clinic and they said he has a double ear infection so that’s why he likely doesn’t want to drink out of his sippy. Help!!
Use a drink he doesn’t get often or has never had. He won’t know what it’s suppose to take like. Had to do this with my son a few days ago. Orange juice is what we used.
Mix it in their drink. Only way I can get my son to take any meds.
Grandson was the same way.
Finally put a cookie in his mouth immediately after he swallowed the meds.
If the fever get to 101 or above you need to take her to a Doctor
Could go this route. Or mix it with a small amount of yogurt.
Try mixing with chocolate syrup
I either mix my daughter’s (if she doesn’t like the med) in something without her knowing or I bribe her with a treat. Reeses mini cups she loves. Also she gets a little extra kindle time.
I don’t have kids so Idk but I think if you tell them it’s your special drink and they can’t have any would make them want it everytime my mom had coffee or even a wine cooler we weren’t allowed to have any, obviously but guess who snuck it… all 3 of us it even worked with her ice water
moms drinks always tastes better…
When mine had some medical issues when he was younger the ER doctor suggested cherry 7up to hide things. It mixes well with pedialyte and even meds.
Chewables and put antibiotic in a yogurt drink like the dannon ones.
My daughter is 2… she just broke out in hives the other night after trying a new snack. She has never enjoyed liquid medicine so we got chewable Benadryl & told her it was candy it did the trick! then she asked for more
syringe and either get him to push the stopper down into his mouth or if that fails, just shoot it down the side of the mouth, not down the throat cause that can cause it to be spat but out
Make it into a popsicle. Kids never turn down popsicles. You can melt a popsicle and then refreeze it with the medicine in it.
Bribery. Always go with bribery. When my 8 yo was 3 he would not take meds. I told him he could have some soda if he took it and it worked like a charm.
I put it on a spoon with sprinkles. That works every time now my 3 year old will go to take her medicine and will ask for sprinkles on top if I forget.
International delight coffee creamer. It is thick and hides the taste of most medicines
At 3 he really doesn’t need a sippy cup. My daughter started using a straw cup at 2, the munchkin ones were what we used. She’s 4 now and uses these kids straw cups we got at Costco. Try sprite. Poor some sprite in a cup, hide the medicine if you can, put the medicine in the Sprite . He’ll think he’s getting a special soda treat