How can I get my toddler to leave her stitches alone?

Hello! I just was wondering if any of you have dealt with toddlers with stitches on a toddler and how to get them to leave it alone. My daughter had to get 5 stitches in her index finger and the only care instructions I got was to keep it clean and dry until she gets them out in 7-10 days. I’ve never had stitches myself so I have zero idea what I’m supposed to do. The ER doctor said she didn’t need to keep it covered after a few hours but then I’ve read to keep it covered the whole time to protect it. I feel like it would be better to keep it covered completely to keep her from touching them but wouldn’t that build moisture by leaving it covered? How frequently do I change it? Etc. I have no idea

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Suggest putting a band aid someplace else just to draw attention from it. And move bandaid around everyday to a new spot. So that they focus on that and not finger area


Keep it covered during the day, so she doesn’t mess with it. Uncover it before she goes to bed.

I kept a bandaid on my sons and it healed just fine

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Put liquid bandaid over it

Get a finger sleeve for it

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