How can I get my toddler to listen?

Time out? Slap his hands when told not to touch the things. You’ll need to do consistent time out so explain why he’s going to time out and put him on a chair or step or a spot on a floor and if he gets out you take him back and repeat the process but each time u take him back to time out you don’t say nothing and once he’s done 3 minutes in time out without leaving time out you get to his level and explain again why he was in time out and give him a hug. And each time he doesn’t listen you do the time out again at the same spot. This also goes for the store etc too if he acts out at the store and touches thing and he does it after being warned you find a spot at the store on the floor or a bench and you put him in time out. Time out doesn’t happen only at home. Once he sees you guys are consistent and he has consequences like time out he will understand if I do this and mommy/daddy said no I’ll go to time out. But like I said you need to be consistent the whole time


Put him in the corner facing the wall each time he acts up… Works well


Going through this myself with a headstrong toddler. But my kiddo is on the spectrum (autism) and usually adhd comes along with autism. Depending on the severity of the behavior I’d say get your son checked out.


Ugh, I see you and feel your frustrations mama :heart: I have 4 kiddos and this is definitely the age where they begin to “test limits” and push buttons :face_exhaling:

Just like Ashley Riley suggested, slap hands or flick, time outs! She couldn’t have explained it more perfectly!

As she said too, consistency is key! It may take time and test your patience, but it’ll be worth it :heart:

Take a deep breath and don’t be afraid to put yourself on a “time out” to collect yourself as it can make your mind go bonkers :heart:


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move important things till hes older n keep on doing punishment time out ect

One child proof your house. Take him to a park . Let play for awhile tire him out.


Have him checked 4 adhd…those are some signs of it


You’ll have to childproof your house for now. Put up valuables so he can’t break them. Other things, you’ll have to give his rear a little swat and sit him on a chair in the corner and make him sit there for a few minutes. You’ll have to keep doing that until he gets the idea that when you say no you mean no. When he comes out of the corner, try to interest him in his own things. Tell him he is allowed to play with those things. If he continues to be stubborn, take him to his room and put him to bed. Don’t say anything except to tell him to stay there.


Redirection, don’t give him trouble say “hey let’s do this” or “hey look at this toy” haha it may work but good luck, parenting is never easy


I would try to find something else fir them to do. Even now with my grandson. Toddlers done like to be told no. Now, if they are doing something that is a legit safety issue, like running into traffic, then I ran up behind him, grabbed him, made a loud noise, swung him around fast, and told him he almost got hit by a car. He was 3-4. I said you never saw that car coming. There really wasn’t a car, but he didn’t know that. I scared him!! Then later on, he said mommy, thank you fir saving my life, and he never ran off in the parking lot again.

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3 year olds are not capable of even being defiant, they are learning. Negative attention is still attention, he may just be looking for attention. Seeing people talk about their kids this way hurts my heart. He clearly just wants some attention.


He is a preschooler and needs to touch and explore. Set him up for success and make an area that he climb and touch and build and dump and pour!

Watch some Super Nanny videos, the naughty spot technique works wonders if you’re consistent. You must be consistent every time though

You need help and some parenting classes
Toddlers are gonna toddle my dude

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Child proof area child is in.
There’s things my son isn’t allowed to touch I say no an get him to sit on the floor. When he moves to get up I say nope an sit him back down… few minutes I let him get up an play.

Tell him what makes u happy “toys away”. Or I like when u play with ur toys “praise them”.
When they touch things say it makes u sad. They get the hang of it.

Find different activities to keep occupied - drawing, playing outside, reading books together, dancing, blocks, etc

You can’t, try again when he’s 33 :rofl::rofl:


I gave my daughter her own little toy/play area. I showed her that that was HER stuff and she needed to be gentle with others things (I didn’t say ‘gentle’ as much with her own stuff). Also, I did natural consequences for the touching/destroying our stuff. Also being a bit ‘annoying’ about it. teaching phrases or little song that’ll help him remember. I’m also a believer in “mention then redirect”.

“You were TOO ROUGH with mommy’s music box and NOW it’s broken. We have to be GENTLE with other’s things. Now, here are YOUR toys and books. Let’s play with those instead.” And just repeating those. and if she still goes in that area after that first redirection. it’s an immediate no.

You need to redirect the behavior to what he can do, and what he can climb.


Put things up/away, child proof, gates, locks, section off areas that he likes to climb on, and pray that he grows out of it because mine still hasn’t lol.

You can have him behaviorally assessed if you believe his behaviors are more extreme than others.

Who is the parent ??? Your punishments aren’t working, obviously. What does he care for?? What doesn’t he like?? These are your first steps. Also, it seems like more park time is in order.


There are ways to manufacture the behavior you expect from your toddler but it takes consistency in your daily routine until he demonstrates that he understands his role and what is expected.
Simply put
When he’s repetitive you have to be repetitive


Redirection. I’m not sure why people on here act like a 3 yr old has the same listening skills as an 8 yr old or older.


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You can’t, try again in a few years lol. But in all seriousness it’s normal and most kids are ninja Godzilla monkeys at that age.


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Watch super nanny! :slightly_smiling_face:


Child proof, patience, and love

Hes 3…what were you expecting ?
Put dangerous things away till hes old enough to listen and remember.

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Unfortunately welcome to the threenage years. But don’t listen to people who say you can do nothing. This is the best year to start enforcing more rules. Time outs, calm down times, and lots of positive reinforcement. When all a kids hears is NOOOO. And DONT DO THAT. Why don’t you ever listen?! It’s a big change hearing YOURE DOING GREAT!!! Mommy is soooo proud of you!! Here’s a big hug!
If he’s climbing on something dangerous you can try a timeout for three minutes since he’s three years old or even start at 1 minute, just to get the idea of a
timeout started and then work up to 1 minute per year old. Then ANYTIME you notice he’s being safe or playing nicely over compensate with positive words abs praise especially at first. So if you ask him to get down and he does say good job!!! Nice listening! High five! Or give him a hug. Or if he’s playing calmly say wow I love how calmly your playing great job I’m so proud of you! Keep it up.
If you don’t want him touching things explain too instead of “don’t touch that!” Say those are mommy
And daddy’s special things. Here’s somethings you can play with and switch it out with something else.
Just somethings that have helped me that I’ve learned from behavioral services. Hope helps!

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Get your child tested for ADHD

You just described my daughter to a T. She is now diagnosed with Autism and ADHD. These kids are wired differently, start reading up on techniques per se for neurodivergent children and see if these approaches get different responses from your daughter. Next step is paediatrician for assessment and support.


It’s normal. BE GENTLE ON YOURSELF!!! YOU ARE NOT FAILING!!! We are all still learning, you’re learning and so is she. Learning is frustrating. I go through it everyday. Just give everyone a little grace, including yourself.


It is common for a 3yo to have a short attention span… they are still learning the world and don’t know how to communicate the things they are thinking and feeling a lot of the time. I wouldn’t be doing kindergarten work just yet. The issue with textures might show a possible sign of high functioning autism. Perhaps consult her primary doctor and see what they think… it might just be her personality and inconsistent parenting (you said you have tried everything)… changing what you do makes it hard for them to adjust to knowing what your expectations are. One day something is ok and another day it isn’t… can be frustrating for them.


Are you giving simple and exact instructions? Sometimes they get overwhelmed with general instructions and need more specificity

She literally 3….
This is very age appropriate. It’s hard but I don’t think she needs to be evaluated or see a doctor… this is all very normal toddler behavior. Try educating yourself on age appropriate discipline and self regulation.
“Toddlers made easy” is a great podcast to start with. You can listen when you do things like dishes, laundry, or even while you play with her.


So while some acting out and exploring boundaries is 100% normal for a 3 year old, it very much sounds like you are describing my daughter to a t. I would start with mentioning your concerns to your pediatrician (because I am not a medical provider, I cannot tell you what exactly to do). For us, our provider had me do a week long tracking- I wrote down the time and what she ate when, I created a box for tallies for “inability to complete task” in the three areas that were most difficult for us (tv shows, games, meals), I tracked sleep and how often she was waking in the night, any new words or phrases, etc. Having all of that prepared when I brought her into the pediatrician helped us narrow down next steps.

All of that sounds very normal for an almost 3-year-old. Terrible twos and terrorist terrorist threes and ferocious fours :joy::joy: my husband is 40 and he doesn’t like the way a lot of shirts feel around his neck and he’ll change immediately after putting it on. Some people just have issues with like certain textures and stuff.


They are 3, that’s how 99% of toddlers are.
We don’t raise kids so they listen to us we raise them so by the time they are on their own they are decent respectable people.

The child is 3 they are doing their one job which is to be insane.

My son is on the spectrum, some days are harder then others.


Shes literally 2 years old! Why are you expecting kindergarten behavior from a toddler? I’m confused. Typically children start kindergarten at 5 or 6 right? She’s just learning what she likes and dislikes and doesn’t know how to communicate it like an older child might. Relax and let her be a toddler.

I feel like you just described a Toddler…which your child is a Toddler so.:roll_eyes:

So she’s not even 3 yet? That’s every toddler that age I’ve ever met. There is nothing wrong with your kid, dont let people too quick to diagnose put a label on that baby just yet. But I am curious about how she is 2 and in kindergarten?

I think you described every three year old I know :tired_face::heart:


She’s not even 3??? Go get a fish or something if that’s what you’re expecting from a three year old

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Mine never sat and watched a full movie till they were about 5. Children arnt meant for sitting still they wanna move and play.


That’s 100% normal. Some take a bit longer than 3 even to grasp listening/following directions. Give yourself some grace. Yes it is absolutely frustrating, harder still the more they speak, but at the end of the day, they are still toddlers. And they just simply don’t have the full capacity to self regulate their emotions, and it’s even harder, when we as parents struggle to remain calm in their storm. As far as the textures, may be worth talking to a specialist to get tested for autism or other possible causes. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about and the sooner you know, the better you’ll be able to care for her. Some things I’ve found to help in the midst of a meltdown, take her outside or get her in water (bathtub, little pool, or even a puddle) idk what it is, but both of those things help my son and he gets very big emotions sometimes and he does not want to be held or anything when he’s mad. He’ll just walk around stomping his feet and/or cry yelling no and he’s not even 2. When he’s inconsolable, those things help.


She’s having a hard time paying attention, textures cause her to spiral… talk to your doctor about getting her tested, it’s very possible she’s struggling because of autism/ adhd/ learning disabilities. My son has a hard time with a lot of textures (he hates jeans), I have to remove any tags from all clothing before he’ll wear them, he was in feeding therapy for months to help him with food cause he wouldn’t eat anything but plain white rice or McDonald’s nuggets… Testing can also help you see how she learns best, whether she’s on the spectrum or not. My son is a visual person, he learns best by seeing things. I can repeat myself all day but a lot of times it won’t stick if there’s no visual. This info has been a total game changer for us! Also, kids are like fairies… when they’re experiencing a big emotion, that’s the only emotion they can focus on. They’re learning how to handle these big emotions and you’re the teacher :heart: you’re absolutely not failing as a mother, you care enough to ask for advice and to try every method you can think of. Just because you haven’t found the method that works best for your child (every child is so different!) doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means you’ve tried that many times and still haven’t given up. You’ve got this :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


You can’t from now til adulthood and then they will say " ya know mom I should have listened to you when I was such and such age" :rofl:

Kindergarten at almost 3?? What??

This must be your first kid :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

If she has a shorter attention span than most 3 year Olds and sensory issues I would definitely bring that up to the pediatrician. It sounds like she might have something going on that she may need OT for. (I’m definitely not diagnosing her though, I’m not a doctor😂) but if she does get a diagnosis it could open doors for some resources for you as a parent as well

Cut out food with dyes and lower screen time and see if that makes a difference. She is also still very young so take that into consideration.


Kids especially the little ones are constant non stop and into everything because the world is non stop. Imagine being dropped off on another planet with a blank mind, being taught their language and learning how to walk. Would you not be out and exploring? They have little sense of danger, no sense of time. You’re looking at her behavior from an adult perspective. She’s just a kid. If you were saying she’s like intentionally destroying stuff or harming herself I’d feel differently but you literally just described every 3 year old. Mine all but refused anything but underwear/panties at that age.


I agree with the ones saying you need to see your ped and get Evaluated, sounds like something more than typical 3 year old behavior

They don’t call the “terrible twos” the terrible twos for the fun of it. It’s typical for that age; they are learning to try new things, have little impulse control and are able to express their desire to do certain things and not do other things. Help her understand the appropriate responses with patience and love, hide your frustration and ire. Momma, this too, shall pass.

I wanna know what 2 year old is in kindergarten


What does the pediatrician say?

Where is a 2 year old, soon to be 3 in kindergarten?!?! Maybe that is part of the problem, too much sit still time and not enough running and playing. Sounds like a typical 3 year old, my daughter is 7 and has the attention span of a gnat. The texture thing I can’t attest to but the attention span…you’re not gonna get more than 15-20 minutes of one activity before boredom kicks in.

Our daughter (now 9) had the same exact things going on. She has been a spit fire in her own world since she was born. She is now diagnosed with ADHD and is getting evaluated for ASD in a couple weeks.
I know how hard this is for everyone and how frustrating it can be! I’d suggest getting her evaluated if it is causing strain on your family/relationships.
Hang in there!

She’s in kindergarten at 3? My son started showing signs of autism at that age. Some similar to what you described. Read about the symptoms of autism and or ADHD. Talk to her doctor about it. The earlier it’s detected, the easier it will be. My son was 5 before we got him help. I was in denial that anything was wrong. He’s 9 now & he’s doing so much better.

Get an evaluation from her pediatrician. She could be autistic or something else :purple_heart:

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From my experience I very much feel it’s worth seeing a paediatrician. Sounds like a possibility of a level of autism, ADHD, odd .

Sounds like a toddler lol


Unless specifically concerns sounds like typical behavior for 3 years old, just gotta go with the flow however consistency in discipline is important and will make life much easier in later years

Cant sit still for 2 minutes? Is this a joke? She’s frigging 2.
Your child is childing correctly. I think you just gotta try to stress less. How much of whT you are concerned about here is simply due to how you think others will react or think? Or is it because you feel they are a child and should just obey because youre an adult? You wouldn’t be at fault, that’s how most of were raised.
Bc spoiler, your toddler doesn’t give af about either of those reasons, they are just trying to figure out the world.

With toddlers it’s all about making them feel like they made the choice if cooperation is the goal. But again, toddlers, so it’d not going to work every time.
Staying calm and regulated and trying your hardest not to let the behaviors trigger you is most important. They learn from us how to react to situations. I’m dealing with the backlash of this with one of my girls, (6yo) I was a yeller for a long time and it’s showing in her. She is 100% responding to me the way I unintentionally taught her to.
Calmness, understanding, and trying to put yourself in their Brain space.

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Everyone talks about Terrible Two’s but I swear it goes right through to the 4’s, getting worse each month!

ADHD take her too the Dr … My son was about 3 and his sister was 4 when I had to get them tested

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Yes my 3 year old son is the same he loves playing in the garden or parks I know can’t always do that but getting Disney plus has helped has shows he loves and lots of movies he picks and watches

If she’s struggling with clothing textures, see if you can find clothes that she likes. There are websites with clothing that don’t have seams or tags. If you were wearing something super itchy, you’d be grumpy, too. Don’t give her a list of instructions, she may fell overwhelmed or not understand them, ask her to do one thing. When she does it, praise her. Then ask her to do the next thing. If she isn’t understanding 1 step directions, you might want to bring her to get a speech and language evaluation to see if there is more going on.

As for the frustration, I wonder if she has other sensory issues that become overwhelming for her. You might want to get an occupational therapy evaluation done and specifically ask them to do a sensory profile. Kids with ADHD, ASD (Autism) and gifted kids often have sensory issues and there are things you can do to help with it.

Make sure to get some respite and take care of yourself. Good luck, mama :heart:

This is about the age I saw ADD in my son. He was tested at 5 but I had to push for it

She’s three,try either or questions,like put on your shoes or stand in the corner,or eat your food or no tv,ipad,tablet etc

Yes has she got ADHD I would get her tested if possible.

If it was me I Will give her time my God the Child is 3 yrs old.There are even 50 yr older who cant and Will Not follow rules.

Normal behaviour lol they are still very young and learning x

Make sure it isnt food related….celiac can cause behavioral issues.

Have her tested she may need early intervention with therapist it may be autism or adhd best to catch early but toddlers are each different and learns at own speed I learned threw working with intellectual disabilities checking them out early is the best thing you can do to help them if your having concerns

I had four they don’t listen trust me

That’s pretty much normal for a 3 yr old.

She’s two!!! Everybody has experienced this! She’s not much past being an infant, can’t reliably control her bladder or use a fork. She can’t focus for long periods because she literally can not. No “method “ can fix this, just time, and lots of it, like years! Have you ever been around small children? Do you know any other mothers? Chill out!

Its normal at this age…

Congratulations. You have a threenager.

Good luck with that :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Sounds like she could be on the spectrum… Have you talked to her doctor?

Typical 2 year old normal behavior. Time out and taking things away that she likes and don’t give in.

Oh for Pete sake people she is 3. You are expecting to much from her.
She is acting like a normal 3 year old.

She’s 3… It’s normal. No need to get her tested for ADHD… let her be and try to be more patient

Read about child development

First off, THATS A NORMAL TODDLER :rofl:
A 3 year old is all about movement every minute they are awake.
Its your job as a parent to teach them how to behave. They dont know what your “big” words mean & at this age BARELY understand what no or punishment is…
So chill out & work with your child at age appropriate levels & quit expecting them to just know & do, because they dont…

She’s 3 you idiot , she’s not supposed to have a long attention span , stop trying to treat her like she’s older. Your ridiculous, she needs new parents

The only way you’re failing is by not having the kid evaluated

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Get rid of food with dyes and no gluten. You’d be surprised. I’ve been a pediatric nurse for ovr 33 years and seen this work miracles. Also, active not tech or lots of tv

You don’t. The toddler is in charge of all things

Young one, sounds some what “ normal” behavior. Her “attention span “ is typical. The brain is like a muscle- it has to be taught, trained and properly developed to perform properly. As far as “textures” it may cause a sensation that she has a problem with. You are not failing by any means, young one. Try being proactive not reactive- talk with her and listen to her. :v:t4::feather::sunflower:

My oldest daughter was this way. She had ADHD. I refused to put her on medication so I done a holistic diet approach. I stopped buying or allowing her to eat anything with artificial colors (especially red) and reduced her sugar significantly to almost none. The most sugary food she got was multi grain cheerios and peanut butter.
I also added more omega fatty oils to her diet. I started using refined coconut oil (because unrefined taste like coconut and she hates coconut) in all my food preparation and cooking. I would add a little bit to anything I could to increase the omega oils content. I can add a little bit of that to almost anything that is hot or cooking.
After about 6 months of this she was much more calm and focused than before.
Keep in mind… not every mind works the same and some people are just high energy, busy body.
But, the easily frustrated along with lack of ability to focus is a classic symptom of ADHD.
Those meds make them docile and sleepy.
I work as a substitute teacher and have seen how much of an effect that stuff has on kids and I would not recommend it unless it’s a last resort to get an older child to the point of being able to focus on studying and learning.