How can I get my toddler to poop on the potty?

Tips for getting my almost three year old to poop in the potty? She’s doing great with peeing but seems scared to poop on the potty and wants to only poop in her diaper… tips and tricks?


Just went thought this with my 3 year old. She was beyond stubborn with the pooping part and demanded the diaper. The first step is to make sure they aren’t wearing diapers throughout the day. Second whenever they have to poop simply place them on the potty. My daughter would sit there and hold it in. I’d inform her if she would go that she’d get a treat. I also made a reward system that after 1 week of continuos pooping on the potty she would get any toy of her choice. This fight and stubbornness preceded for 3 weeks and resulted in her holding her poo for 4 days at one point. The doctor said that’s around the point where you should give in and give them a diaper. The key is persistence. Me and my spouse put her on the potty every single time she had to poo. We’d also use warm baths when she was refusing and she’d go back and forth from bath to toilet 3 or 4 times a night lol. After awhile she realized it wasn’t worth the fight and just went. We did a big celebration and rewarded her. Just get past the first one and it should be smooth sailing. She was reluctant first few times but after a week it was normal to her.

Ps. Another helpful thing is that some kids have a sense of attachment to their poo and don’t like that it disappears down the drain. Explain to them how they’re going to see their family of poo poo and going to the place all poo goes. Also mentioning that you and anyone else they look up to does it too, really helps

Good luck!

When my now 11 yr old did that around 4 it was because he was constipated. Idk if that is her case but might want to see if that’s the problem. He would pee all day in the potty but when it came to number 2 he would go in his underwear.

Silly answer but it worked for me. Tell her to fart into the toilet. My son was scared to “poop” but a friend suggested this and it worked on the first try.

Get her checked incase she’s constipated if she’s not let her use her nappy on the potty cutting bits away either each time she poos or after a couple of poos until the nappy is no longer hopefully she will be able to sit down and squeeze it out without a problem

Just allow him to use the potty or a pull up, my child did this for ages and one day just got it, she was fully potty trained by 4 and a half I just left her to do what she needed to do, adding more pressure to use the potty or toilet makes them more afraid to do it x

Following for advice also
My daughter jst turned 4 and she is the same will not poo on the toilet she sits and squeezes and holds it in
She will hold it in for days I have an app tomorrow with a paediatrician to get some advice from them also

Restoralax powder works great and no taste in the drink. Once a few easy ones can dial back on it again

Toilet seat and ladder you can buy them from baby shops

My lb was the same at the start so we watched a video on YouTube called poo goes to pooland an no bother since x

Paw patrol toilet seat was favored by my 3 year old . I’d sit on a small step stool in front of him while he went to keep him company as well. We tried the portable toilet/seats but he preferred this one with no issues. I realized it set the tone for him to be comfy without feeling like he was gonna fall in or be uncomfortable.


Does he go to daycare? That usually works, as soon as they see others their age use the toilet.

My daughter never would use it. She went straight to the normal toilet

Wait until he’s ready. Then, kid will just go.

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Just give him time. They hate poop in potty. All mine went to hide to poop in diaper. It’s normal

Does he have a toddler insert for the toilet?

Toilet paper in the toilet first, or add food colouring make it green or blue

My daughter did the same, but she poops these days, she is 4 , I didn’t force her, school has really helped her.

Offer him his favorite ice cream for completing the job.

Yeah adding a child toilet seat is awesome, also those plastic bath books :books: or fabric book for something to look at to divert from the fear. Then just throw book in the wash…:books::peace_symbol::two_hearts:

Allow them to sit on the toilet with the diaper on to go. Then once you take the diaper off and get them cleaned, have them help “dump” the solid waste into the toilet from the diaper. Try to make the point that poo goes in the potty. Sometimes kids just need that extra little step to build that confidence that they can do it and it’s really not that scary

My oldest son done this & I swear I tried every thing!! I ended up breaking down, running to the dollar tree and bought a bunch of little toys/snacks. Wrapped them & put them on top of the fridge, told him if he pooped in the potty, that he’d get a present & showed them to him. I bribed him yes, but it worked :sweat_smile: I’m about to start potty training my youngest & im dreading it.


Use a potty chair. The big toilet might scare him.