How can I get my toddler to sleep in his own bed?

I am at my wits end :sob:. My two year old has become terrified to sleep in his own room/bed. He will play in it all day but as soon as I mention bedtime he starts crying. The past two days have been the worst and yesterday he told me that there were monsters in his room so he couldn’t go to sleep :sob:. He has a night light with music, I’ve tried to “spray” the monster away, monitored his YouTube and TV shows but nothing seems to be working. He wakes up in the middle of the night crying because of the monsters :woman_facepalming:t4:. Is this a phase or should I be really concerned ?


Give him a flashlight and a play sword for the monsters.


My husband went in the closet, shut the doors and “beat up the monsters”.
It worked and he never had another issue.


My son used to wake up because he saw things in his room. Turns out the nightlight was casting shadows that scared him. We bought a little nightlight, that was more glow than actual light.

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Play soft classical music or white noise.

My son did the same thing when he was younger he kept saying the Boogeyman I got dream catchers to hang in his room. It you so bad I had to move his room but after that he was fine

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Ask him what he sees. Stay in the room with him, ask him to point the monsters out to him so you can “scare them away”.

No game mine is doing the same thing I don’t know what to do. Calling Dr. in the morning

I’d agree on asking about the monster. If it’s not a person he is describing, then I would personally, if he likes super heroes that is, make some makeshift capes, and have him come help yell at the monsters, then shut the door and “fight” the monsters so he can hear you, and that would probably fix it. Kids have nig imaginations and even if he hasn’t seen a “monster” on YouTube, he could probably still get the just of what it means. If he is describing a person, if that person is alive I would be questioning further, but if they are gone, maybe explain that they arent monsters but that are Angel’s watching him, or something comforting. My 4 year old still doesnt sleep all night but not because shes scared, she just loves cuddles lol. I have always had a “sixth” sense as a kid, I could see and hear things that “werent there” and I still do. I even have dreams about things that happen before they do, it’s happened since I can remember. Some people are just more in tune to that stuff, but he needs reassurance right now and that is priority :slight_smile:


Hope he will be okay and by all means please don’t put him in your bed. Buy a pac n play or a mattress for him to sleep on.

This is natural. They become more aware of things as they get older and their imagination starts to develop. We put nightlights in our son’s room and my sister-in-law’s friend gave him an oversized dog to “protect” him from the “monsters”. We also told him our big GSD was sleeping outside his door for protection.

my granddaughter loves the jesus knocking on door and angel pics no prob now she says Jesse loves and protects her


Burn sage bless the house could be a ghost spirit not all of them are bad but thete are some who are


Sounds like he might just be lonely. Two year olds are not built to be alone at night. Do some research on humans have been co- sleeping for hundred probably thousands of years.

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Go in the room with your son with you. With a stern voice tell whoever or whatever that is scaring your child they are not welcome in your home. They need to leave and never scare him again. I did this for my son and it worked.


I had to sit in my daughter’s room with her until she fell asleep for several nights. If she woke up in the middle of the night, I was firm in not letting her in the bed with my husband and I. I calmed her down, put her back in her bed, and sat with her until she fell asleep. The cycle eventually stopped and she was able to fall asleep in her room by herself.


Listen to the song: “Let Them Be Little” by Billy Dean. This song says it all.,:microphone::notes::musical_note:


Could be a real ghost. Ask him what he sees and if what he is saying sounds anything human like then burn sage or get yourself religious Mexican candles aka seven day spirit candles. Make sure you get the right color and read the prayer on the back before you get it, also read it aloud every time before you light it. PLEASE read them before lighting them or they will not work and you need to make sure you’re getting the right ones anyway. Only light one a day. For instance I went to smart saver (not sure if you have one where you live, if not go to a Mexican store) and I got one for vanishing evil, one to protect my family and my home, and one to give bad luck to whoever I named upon lighting. If it’s not a ghost you’re dealing with then I agree with the other moms, sit in his room till he falls asleep, give him a special stuffed animal or place something in his room telling him it will protect him and make him safe, or get him a dog. Good luck.


Well he was 4 but swore up and down the big bad wolf was in his closet, I got him big bad wolf spray and we would look in the places the wolf would hide before bed. Also left a nightlight in his room. If he woke up we would go in there and “check for the wolf” once it was all clear would read book and he was out.

possible nightmare phase and yes kids are super sensitive to spirits so sage might help


Get it blessed. And be aware. Kids are sensitive.


Many years ago i had problems getting my son to bed because he had a moo cow in it. After a few weeks i thought right had enough. I pretended to pick this moo cow up out of the bed. Told my son to come with me and we flushed it down the loo. Never had anymore problems.


I had snakes under my bed. So I just layed there and wet the bed cause I was afraid to get out of bed. Never told told my parents cause the morning snakes had hid.

My son is 4 and doing this with “seeing spiders”. Two giant eyes is all he can actually recall seeing but for some reason thinks they are spiders? I tell him there are no spiders and if he sees the eyes to come tell me. His night light helps alot. Wish I had advice for you!

In daylight things look different. My boy used to be afraid of a horse head at night because it looked different but was fine during the day. Ask him to point out the monsters or where he sees them and try to figure out what he might be seeing physically and then go from there


You need to tell him monsters aren’t real. “Spraying them away” confirms that they exist…


I would try smudging the house with sage it’s a rather easy process also sleep in there with him one night and see if anything weird is going on. As other people have mentioned children and animals are very sensitive to other worldly things


My 2 year old daughter went through this exact same thing recently, she would go ballistic, but she finally got passed it. I had to change the way I put her to bed, I stopped telling her night night and I love you for a while because it made her upset I kept her door open and her tv on for 30-60 minutes on a sleep timer, I would turn her night light on and light off an hour before bedtime so it wouldn’t be a “trigger”, started reading her lots of books and sitting with her in her room talking and reading for 20-30 minutes before walking out, and I put a baby gate up in her door way so she’d stop getting up and following us out of her room (luckily she can see in our room from her door way) it took a couple months but it finally passed and she’s sleeping normally again and I can ask her if she’s ready for bed and tell her goodnight without her getting upset, I still leave her door open and tv on for 30 minutes and shut her door when she goes to sleep otherwise our tv or late night snack runs to the kitchen may wake her up lol


Can you set a camera in his room

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I had the same issue with my daughter I got her a lava lamp and told her that monsters don’t like them because of the lava and the light is to bright for their eyes it worked until my niece came over and threw it on the floor now it needs a new bulb but if we leave her light on she will sleep in there.

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Monsters are common at this age. What the hell is a child your age on U Tube? Come on. Really… U Tube!!!

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my granddaughter was the same way her mom put a dream catcher in her room she sleeps great by herself now

I had this problem when I was a child because of a very active imagination and my mother would spray a little perfume under my bed and tell me monsters don’t like pretty smells and it helped some and when my own kids had the same I did the same as my mom and it made them feel better and they knew I would always be there if they cried and they eventually grew out of it.

Does he wake up completely? My son had night terrors & he’d sit up in bed & scream with his eyes open but unseeing & then lie back down & continue to sleep. Freaked us out but he’d be fine in the morning.

I remember my own “monsters in the closet” phase. Maybe let him go to bed later & really wear him out during the day so he’s exhausted at bedtime. More light helped me way back then.

Get a Squirt bottle and put a label on it. Have him squirt it around at night wherever he says the monsters are. As monster-b-gone spray.

I would be no help , we never shared a bed for this reason, baby always slept in their bed, if they need me I would go care for them in their room, when they were calm I would go back to my room


It depends on the kid. One was stuck to me all night for 7 years and the other one from birth didn’t like to be touched.
They move at their own pace and too much at once can backfire.


I would do one step at a time. Don’t do too much at once. My 7 year old still comes in with us in the middle of the night. We have a cot in our room he sleeps on. But some nights (like last night. Bad dream and added stress because had to get a tooth pulled this morning) he still came in our bed with us. I know it won’t be forever. We’re moving within a year. So I keep saying when we get settled in our new house I’ll push it more. :joy:

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Im doing this with my 18month old right now. I took him off breastfeeding first while he still slept in our room. Then when he got comfortable with falling back to sleep on his own (at first, he was mad and cried at night when he didn’t get the comfort boob to fall back to sleep to, but he got over it)
Now he sleeps in his room but he wakes a few times throughout the night. I just go lay with him until he falls back asleep.
Not sure if what im doing is the “right” way, but it’s working for us. :woman_shrugging:

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It’s so hard. I breastfed naps and bedtime and coslept til my son was 3. It is so hard to break. He still won’t sleep in his bed all night and he will be 4 in a couple weeks, he also still wants my boobs even tho nothing is there anymore :woozy_face:. If I could go back in time I would definitely do things differently knowing what I know now. Good luck momma :muscle:t3: we got this

Get him a bed on the floor put him to bed on it get him comfortable… when he wakes up knows you are right there will come to bed this will make more easier to get him to switch over but not adding a bunch of stress… my daughter turns 2 in August, we do this with her some night she stays all night other nights she wants more boob and comes to bed.

Mine are 20, 19 and 17. If they get lonely, sick or just need to vent, they still come lay with us at night. Cherish this, I only wish mine were still little.


Put a twin bed in his room and continue the routine where you lay down with him to comfort nurse to sleep and then when he’s asleep leave. If he wakes and comes to you, repeat the routine. It’ll be hard to stick with what’s difficult but it won’t be forever. Or you could do the opposite and break nursing first. Just not all at once.

I’m also speaking from no experience, I did not co sleep at all I just feel like it’s a gentle way to do that.

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My son is 7 and refuse to sleep in his bed.

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Helicopter parent incoming

Everyone will have their own opinions. But he is old enough to be using sippy cup to drink out of & you can still pump & put your breast milk in them But my personal opinion by 18 months they should not be using/drinking out of a bottle/ breast. So this is something you have to do. . Your choice


Give him a sippy cup or bottle. I wouldn’t want to go to far from my food source either lol. Try breaking him from breast. Then work on sleep pattern

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Should never have started it


Ahhhhh, I remember those days! Good luck!! Took mine til kindergarten to sleep in their own bed all night.


Geez for this suppose to be a page for moms suppose to be helping moms some of you are so judemental she’s asking for tips and advice not shaming don’t forget mama every kid is different its not to late sharing the bed with ur babies is something you’ll never regret :heart: I say take it a step at a time don’t over whelm ur self

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Maybe bottle or sippy cup start with breast milk in it and they have the ones with nipple like top

Put that child in their bed, lights out and good night. Repeat, repeat!! Let them cry, fuss whatever. Be constant, be stern… he will survive without the attention.

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