How can I get my toddler to stop following me?

Heck, I have a 12yo that still follows me :rofl:

It’ll be over in 16 years, then Youl be following them. Queue lion king music…it’s the ciiirrrcle of liiiife

Wait for them to be teenagers

This post makes me sad….obviously a 1st time parent….you DONT! It’s what they’re supposed to do…it’s how they learn! I feel
Sorry for your child!

Brain development. They dont even know they are an imdependant person until they are around 3.

all these people clearly have a mound of help apparently…:roll_eyes:

divide toys between certain days so you can swap them out rather then having them all available at once and baby won’t get bored w them as easily. give them something they don’t normally play with essentially.
turn on a bluey compilation of all the lil songs, veggietales compilation of silly songs with larry, or sesame street song compilation on youtube.
crayons and paper, comes off of stuff easier than pen or marker and they can learn some fine motor skills that way as well.

just a few ideas since sesame street helped my daughter learn to talk some as well.

My daughter is 4.5 and she still follows me. So honestly I’m helpless in advice for this question lol

I let him follow like a little baby duck :pleading_face: why wouldn’t u want him to follow his momma?

Stop spreading your legs is a great start

Uh…give it a few years. That’ll solve it.

Is this a serious question :thinking: don’t have kids if don’t like them following you around. You are their mom they love you, and they are TODDLERS. That is what toddlers do.

Why do you want him to stop following you, he wants his mummy

When you realize they love you, and they need you: you won’t feel so frustrated.

Start by telling them they have to stand in the doorway to the kitchen while you get one thing.
The one thing can be anything.
High five when you come back.

Do it at the bedroom with them looking through the crack by the wall. In and out - go for 3-5 seconds.
High five at the end.

Later (assuming your partner is around to supervise them) once they’ve determined they’re not missing anything, start using the bathroom with the door closed.

*why do I mention having your partner before moving to closed doors? Bc toddlers can get into ANYTHING within 3 seconds. I’ve lived it. Multiple times.
Just trust me on this :joy:

Get them to stop? WTF kinda question is that. You don’t you suck it up you choose to have a child now you got to deal with everything that comes with it

Stop letting it get on your nerves. Your kid thinks you hung the moon and wants to be just like you. This is how they are learning. Redirection…