How can I get my toddler to stop messing with the toilet paper?

How do you stop your 3 year Olds from messing with the toilet paper?? My daughter thinks it’s hysterical to unravel the whole roll and I put it up high but she can reach higher now. I’m so over her ruining the super mega rolls with how expensive toilet paper is. I don’t know what to do to keep it out of her reach.


Make her ravel it back up when she does it. I know some don’t agree but I spank when my kids act up. I warn them and let them know next time it’s a spank.


Methinks she needs a consequence for this.She’s too old for that business.


For everyone saying to supervise the child I personally have to disagree. IMO once my children were potty trained then they went and used the potty on their own. Besides get called for to help wipe lol until they mastered that. But IMO it’s called privacy. I.dont want to be watched going do you? And yes I’ve had this whole toilet paper issue with each child. I handled it a few different ways. We talked about it we did time outs I made them clean it up I even started taking away privileges.


Watch your kid in the bathroom?

I have a 4 year old, he will do the same thing if left unsupervised. I stop this from happening by being with him when he uses the bathroom. Or you could simply remove the toilet paper while the child is in the bathroom.

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Provide a consistent consequence. She’s playing a game because she sees no reason not to. Remove the fun.


I just shut the door . But I saw where you can put a rubber band around it and they can’t get it to unravel

My son used to do this all the time when he was first potty trained. I honestly just rolled it back up everytime lol. He had a very hard time understanding how much to use to wipe when he was learning, and I would obviously help him, but also wanted to let him know it was his private time and to give him privacy. I had no problem just re rolling it lol.


One day that toilet paper roll will never be unraveled like that again. Enjoy the giggling and exploring. Just roll it back up. It’s toilet paper.


Its loo roll, one day they will stop and you will miss the daft slightly annoying things they once did like messing with loo roll

Don’t leave them unsupervised? Lol

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Time out each time she does it and make it longer each time


Put enough for her to use where she can reach and hide the rest


Close the door and put a cover on the handle so she can’t get into there you can get a set of 2 or 3 for a few bucks at walmart


She won’t do it forever. Give her access to a much smaller roll, put the rest away. When she unravels it, make her help you roll it back it up and put it back. She’ll get bored of having to do that and leave it alone eventually. Give her a book or something else to do as well

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Saw a sign in a bathroom that had a horizontal line saying “only use this much.” Even if your child can’t read she can see the line. And you treat it like anything else. If you do this you’re going in time out for three minutes and tell her why it’s not a good thing to do.

Child safety door knob keep door closed and if she does get it time out give a warning like if you do it again you will have to go sit down in time out since she 3 have her sit for 3-5 mins also consistency is key

Just move it out of reach till she can learn not to mess with it.


Bathroom door stayed locked when mine were both 2-3. Key kept on top of frame.
My youngest is now 4 & I still have to occasionally lock it if the mood strikes her. She’ll be in there messing with everything.

Maybe pick up a 4 pkg of cheap paper near their reach and let them have that to play with instead? That way they don’t lose interest when it’s potty training time as well.

Stay with her and limit the time on pottie. Give her something to do. Read a story. So many choices.

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Having the kiddo roll it back up every time will probably take the fun out of unrolling it to start. If that doesn’t work, I’d move where it’s kept if possible

Children do these things as progress, it’s their creative mind, getting them to rewind is a good idea.

Yeah, my 3yr old grandson was on that kick for a bit, he just found something else to do to rattle me after stopping that​:laughing::face_with_spiral_eyes:


Can she unroll both directions? If not, turn it where the paper is to the back and unrolls by rolling up.

She loses the privilege of “being a big girl” and going on her own. She wants to be a big girl she needs to make big girl decisions.

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Smack her hand and tell her no and remove her from the bathroom and close the bathroom door.

It’s worse when a cat does it . Some kids go through phases. Some kids a fascinated by things like that.

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Leave a certain amt for her and put the rest away


Pinch the roll so it’s oval
It won’t roll as well
Less fun


Put a child proof lock on the handle.

Take it off the roll and put it up high until she grows out of it.

Babe just put one of them door things on the door to where she can’t open it.

Save it, give it to her for Christmas :rofl:

Get down to her level and firmly tell her that she is not to waste any more.

Keep the door closed, or put a hook and eye latch up higher then he can reach

Watch them lol she can’t do it If your watching her in the bathroom few pieces maybe but not a roll

My boy isn’t allowed in the bathroom unsupervised.

.supervision will literally fix all your problems


Put it up high til toddler grows out of it…

I’m smack her… teach her it’s not ok

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Good luck my 6 year old granddaughter still does lol

Squash it so it cant roll

Keep the bathroom door shut

I can honestly say never had that problem. If I had I would make them roll it up and say don’t do again.


Shut the door when I go out and shut off lights. I’d go as far as hiding it if I had to

keep it out of her reach :woman_shrugging:t2:

A 3 year old? Discipline her!!! Who’s in charge here?

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:woman_with_headscarf::star_and_crescent::palms_up_together:t4:right, You,d have to be in there, with her

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Watch her when she goes to the bathroom? I assume you are still helping her wipe?

Ground her or try some other punishment.

Simple stern no everytime she goes near to mess she’s three so should be learning to listen

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Shut bathroom door or put it up high

I keep the bathroom door shut unless we need to be in there lol

My son does this he will stick the whole toilet paper in the toilet :woman_facepalming:t3: I put a lock on the door that he couldn’t reach and when he has to use the bathroom I give him a piece and take the roll away lol. He’s 2 and just learning to potty train.

Yeah so we recently remodeled our entire bathroom after my son did this for months and then one day took the toilet paper holder peace that pops in and out and threw in toilet oh yeah it was bad flooded the entire bathroom cause you know their was enough Toilet paper in their mixed in to wipe our butts for a month!! After the entire house and bathroom was floored we started using squares pre ripped and ready to go for each use the rest was locked in cabinet in kids bathroom once they were old enough we put it back to normal but yeah the struggle is real my 7/8 year old still play mummy ect but they don’t flush anything that’s not suppose to be flushed anymore :woman_facepalming:t3:

Do some arts and crafts with a roll, she’ll tire of it!!

Put it in cabinet where she can’t reach it

I bought a stick on tp holder and put it sideways up high

Give her a small amount to use on the potty. And remind her every time that she only needs XYZ amount.

Put the rest back on the roll.

Keep her out of the area where it is. And keep eyes on her. I heard someone say she had “mommy grounded” her kids. Which means they werent allowed to play or be out of her sight anywhere she went in the house for the day because they cant be trusted.

Top shelf ?? Get it down when she needs it ?? Take the unrolled TP … put it in a box with HER name on it ?? Switch to tissues in a box ?? ( Kleenex )

How tall is your 3 yr old ? Are we all just stupid now ??? Holy F …