How can I get my toddler to stop sucking her thumb?

I have a 2 year old girl going to be 3 in November. I have been looking up ways to get her to stop sucking her thumb, But she won’t! I asked her doctor, her dentist , looked on the web at things to try. Maybe other mothers that had been in my place can help. It’s causing a bump on her thumb. If I see her with it in her mouth I tell her take it out, big girls don’t do that, but what else can I do? I tried band-aids, tape, sour, hot Sauce( she likes spicy), I’m lost!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my toddler to stop sucking her thumb?

Most likely your kid will stop when they find another way to comfort their self.


You’re going to give her anxiety and a complex :woman_facepalming:. She will grow out of it.


She’s self comforting. Chastising her is just going to make her seek comfort even more :woman_shrugging:t3:


Find something else she can comfort with. Only way to fix it is to replace it. It’s a habit at this point.


Bitter Aloe . U can purchase over the counter from a pharmacy . It has helped with the weaning process , nail biting etc. It’s a paste that u apply . Good luck momma :crossed_fingers:

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My 6 year old still sucks her thumb. I have one rule- if you are going to sleep, you can suck your thumb, other than that it needs to be out of your mouth. This is the only thing that has remotely helped. My daughter does not suck it at daycare or school. She will eventually stop

My daughter sucked her thumb until she was 12. Her dentist had to place a tongue guard in her mouth so she couldn’t. 3 may be to young for that but ask the dentist about it

Let her. I’m sorry it’s a coping thing. My brother and I did it. When they are ready they stop. It can be helping anxiety, and change. If it goes until they are much older it maybe something happened you don’t know about. Hugs to both of you


You have to replace the behavior.
So look for chewlry. When you see her sucking her thumb, replace with chewlry necklace, and say “you can suck on this”.

But it’s a comfort thing and she will grow out of it. She’s 2, still a baby.

Finger nail polish remover :100::100: also find another comfort/security habit.


It’s normal for a 2 year old. Sucking desire is still there and they do it to self soothe. She’s 2 :crazy_face: don’t do anything about it

Why are so many of the posts about people expecting kids to grow up too quickly? She’s only 2, stop belittling her for childhood behaviours.


My son use to suck his thumb, fingers didn’t matter like u tried a lot of different things to no avail. Then gma said dip his fingers and thumbs in vinegar. After doing that a handful of times we no longer had a finger or thumb sucking issue.

My doctor told me that my daughter would stop when she was ready to leave her be. It’s a security thing. She will stop on her own.


Leave her alone.
Why does it bother you so much?
Figure THAT out because your feelings are more the problem than her thumb sucking.

My 6 year old still does it and has that bump on her thumb. It comforts her so we leave it alone. She will give it up when she’s ready.

I find it strange that you are using hot sauce as a punishment for a 2 year old who is self soothing. Also, that literally considered child abuse so :grimacing:


Give her a Crochet Menke blanket my daughter puts her fingers and toes in the holes and loves the soft feeling

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Maybe a non toxic food color/paint/etc on the thumb? My great grandma did that with my great uncle when he wouldn’t wean from breastfeeding at 3 years old lol

My almost 13 year old niece still sucks hers


When my daughter used to do that, I’d tell her to get it out, and if she didn’t, I’d lightly slap her hand


Put hot sauce or something she don’t like on her tumb I dated a guy in his 30s still ducking his tumb I was the last girl he meet before he stopped bec that would turned me off

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We put a long sock on my daughters hand and arm with long sleeves over it so she couldn’t pull the sock off while she slept. It work great!


I was still sucking my thumb into high school. But what i lived through i don’t blame myself

Good luck! My daughter sucked her thumb until 10. She didn’t do it at school after like 1st grade but still at home when she was tired, sleeping or upset. Finally she stopped! We didn’t think she was ever going to & tried everything. We kept reminding her that she was getting older and that is a thing babies tend to do. Not kids her age and she finally started catching herself to change out of habit


I sucked my thumb till I was 16 :weary:


Leave her alone . She will stop
When she is ready . My FIL was president of the dental association and a dentist when my son sucked his and he told me not to say a word about it . My son didn’t go to kindergarten sucking his thumb and his teeth / bite were normal .

Does she go to pre school. More association with children that don’t suck their thumb may turn the light on for her and she will gradually stop on her own

My grandmother used aloe vera with her kids, it’s very bitter.

So I used to suck my thumb a lot as a kid. My dad used to put jalapeño juice on my thumb lol. But eventually I would get around it.
I went into kindergarten and seen a teacher there who actually had an amputated thumb and he scared me and said if I didn’t stop my thumb would fall off and showed me it. It freaked me out enough I stopped. Even though my mom said i still did it in my sleep but eventually stopped.

Try bitters,Soap, Tape gloves on her hands. Good luck


My late husband’s daughter is in her 30s and still sucks her thumb.

you can put on your nails it’s called no biting and it tastes nasty. It made me stop biting my nails. Walmart did caring it.:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


I’m 66 and when under stress I still do.

Pick your battles she will stop when she is ready. Don’t make it an issue and it probably won’t become one.


I would get a sensory toy that she can chew on. My son has a couple that hangs on a necklace as he bites his nails, clicks his teeth and chews on his tongue.

The sensory toy has helped a lot and the dentist has said that it won’t damage his teeth.

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Leave her alone. She needs that thumb for her comfort. No harm is done.


I taped socks to my nieces hands.

Just let her do it! She’s still a baby. It’s her comfort :heartpulse:


Honestly, why do you want to take away their coping mechanism? My mom tells me my 2yr old needs to stop and i need to be slapping her hand and stuff, but i don’t see a problem with it. Why take away what makes them feel better when they can barely communicate it to us. Just my opinion. :woman_shrugging:


They make a glove for this, ask your pediatrician about it.

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Nail tek is a great nail treatment line for several different issues, I think they have something for thumb and finger sucking also. Ulta carries their line, they use too anyway I haven’t been in awhile.

If her doctor and dentist have both told you not to worry, why are you doing your best to make your daughter anxious over something she will likely outgrow, if you ignore it?

You might try a bribe but she’s likely just going to hide the thumb sucking. Leave her alone.

Let her suck her thumb. She will quit when she’s ready.

Look up nip it thumb sucking device…it’s a brace that goes on arm to be help keep them from being able to put thumb on mouth

Omg it was horrible getting me off sucking my thumb lol so what got me to stop sucking my thumb was my dad taking my thumb out everytime he saw me he would lightly spank my hand out of my mouth and announce to the whole house “stop sucking your thumb” then after that I would try n sneak or hide myself from everyone to keep sucking my thumb and then who ever saw me sucking would go and tell him and he would do the same thing… I would even suck my thumb to bed so in the middle of the night when I was eating he would sneak in my room very quiet and slowly take my thumb out of my mouth and I would stay sleeping but without my thumb lol… eventual I just stopped but he did this for about a while year or more… Noth I ng worked for me the dentist didn’t work the chilies didn’t work nothing worked but that lol

Awww. Let her be. It brings her comfort. Don’t take that away from her.


I sucked my thumb well into adulthood. I eventually stopped. But it was like a security blanket for me. She’ll stop when she’s ready.


She will stop when she is ready. Shaming her will only prolong her thumb sucking. She’s two, she’s not a “big girl” yet. Don’t pile too much on her plate, just yet. Let her be a toddler.

Leave it alone it’s her safety habit her coping mechanism and her calming habit. It doesn’t hurt anyone. When she is ready she will reduce when she does it an how often she does it. Hell my grown ass kids do it in their sleep every so often still. It’s just a way to keep her feeling safe an comfortable and relaxed. My 21 year olds do it an my 19yr old when they don’t feel well an are resting. It’s the natural coping mechanism that everyone has as needed. She’s a baby still so leave her be.

Geez, leave her alone :woman_facepalming:


Well shaming her and telling her she’s not a big girl and hot sauce and all these things sound like child abuse. She apparently needs a visit for dcs! She’s a baby! Let her be ! She’ll be 18 and moved out before you know. Might as well alow her to be little as long as possible unless you are in a hurry for some reason :woman_shrugging: shameful you would do such horrible things to a tiny little girl for sucking her thumb for comfort. She probably needs to relax and release her fears of your trauma!! Smdh!!!

My eldest used to suck two fingers when she was little, thing is making an issue of this will encourage the child to carry on , so maybe back off about it and she will stop in her own time. Now my granddaughter used to suck her thumb and she was seven before she eventually stopped it’s a security thing and if your child is feeling insecure she needs her comforter… making an issue of this is making her more insecure.

I have a pretty gnarly bump that still to this day splits sometimes and bleeds. I sucked my thumb for many years and the only thing that helped was constantly remembering not putting my thumb in my mouth and a bandaid in case I forgot

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You used to be able to get a liquid called nailbite to stop biting your nails just paint on so when tempted to bite it tastes quite bitter,maybe something like this? But be prepared it maybe something she will continue to do,I know adults who still do it occasionally :kissing_heart:

My daughter just stopped one day when she was like 6-7 she didn’t even care what anyone said or did.


They have a nail polish you can use

I did sucked my thumb til I was 10 years old I finally stopped by using sock to prevent me to put back in my mouth. I have a special sock to keep my thumb away at night feel like I have a blanket on my thumb to secure me to sleep. My son is 9 and just recently stopped sucking his 2 first fingers last year he use tigers finger puppet to cover so he won’t suck on it again. It work as charm. I didn’t force him he came up with an idea and said I am big boy and I want to stop. So he did.

She’s 2, she’s not a big girl.


Bitter melon, it’s really good for you but tastes really bitter. You can get it at an Asian market, just rub a piece on her thumb. It’s pretty good when cooked or pickled and with a lot of other stuff but by itself it can be pretty rough.

l Get paid over $116 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19740 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

We played a game with our son called no more thumbs! Every time we saw him doing so we would sing and chant “no more thumb” while dancing around all crazy. he thought it was hilarious and laughed taking his attention away from sucking his thumb. After about two weeks it paid off and the habit was broke. That’s just what we tried as all “traditional” methods we tried did not work. We made it a game of sorts and had fun with it.

As a ex thumb sucker and even at 31 years old when I can’t sleep or when I’m stressed out I find myself reaching for my own thumb she’ll wing herself off it will become less and less just explain to her at home or by herself it’s okay

Leave her alone. She will stop when she’s ready.

Sorry to say, and this is from someone who sucked her thumb for about 6 yrs. You can put whatever you want on it, it won’t stop us. Yes I had the bump on my thumb but it went away. My teeth were straight, so no braces. Let your baby girl be. It’s a comfort thing. It could be worst, so let it be


honestly my daughter is sucking two of her fingers since birth. so much so that her skin is a completely different color and is depressed down.

We didn’t want to get her a pacifer because we didn’t want to have to take it from her. Now i wish we had because she will NOT stop. We do make it clear that she needs to stop, 99% of the time she listens but it’s so ingrained that she does it even when sleeping or sick - even if she can’t breathe lol

My daughter stopped on her own and I think it was due to being around other kids that mentioned it. My niece, on the other hand still sucked her thumb when she was tired or stressed as a teenager. I think letting the child decide when they quit is the best option; a lump on her thumb is not worth all the nagging and stress.

cut the nipple off. Then she will think it’s broken.