How can I get my toddler to stop touching my plants?

How can Ikeep my toddler from grabbign and knocking down my plants??? I try to keep them out of his way but i like where they are and he clearly doesnt as he always wants to play in them…please help! do I have to rehome the toddler? JKJKJK lol


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my toddler to stop touching my plants?

Try and put them in a high spot such as book shelves, higher tables, in rooms he doesn’t play in, or put them in an area you can block off with a baby gate, hand the smaller ones up as well

You might have to change your parenting style and start to set boundaries with the child. Children who have not thought boundaries on young age grow up not having boundaries as adults.


Plant something prickly Maybe? Learn the hard way… :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


I definitely suggest rehoming the toddler! Lol


Definitely re-home the toddler. Lol

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Squirt the kid with a water bottle… works with cats :joy_cat::joy_cat:


Step one take plants. Step two throw plants garbage can. Lol

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Maybe take some cuttings and let the toddler plant their own Along side you . Let them get involved. Then be firm and set boundaries. They will learn.

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What’s more important, the safety of yr child or where you like your plants…???


Unfortunately, gotta rehome the toddler :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

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Cacti and Venus fly traps are beautiful this time of year :rofl:

give him some plants of his own … . or just keep saying no. or u could move the plants :stuck_out_tongue:

Get him one of those sensory sandboxes or water tables, it might keep him busy longer and more fascinated with that than the your plant(s).

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Keep them out of his reach(: and coming from a mama of 6 …you might have to change your flowers for a while…

I think you already know the answer to this…:joy::joy::joy:

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I’d plant something new with the toddler. Let him watch it grow.let him Water it every day. If he is involved In looking after them he more than likely won’t wanto ruin them :crossed_fingers:

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Let him touch them once. Invite him. T
Or take him to a store like Lowes that has plants with big leaves that he can touch.

l Get paid over $105 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16491 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Slap his hands and say No,he’ll learn,


l Get paid over $105 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16491 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Get him a sandpit to play in with toys

Get a sand table or make one for those sensory sand boxes with toys mixed in sounds like he’s check out the dirt that should definitely fit it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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l Get paid over $105 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16491 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Just move the plants to where they can’t reach them


Put them up higher that’s all.


Spray him with a water bottle when he reaches for the plants. (This is a JOKE for all of you that read this and gasped)


Hes a kid. Its pretty and there’s dirt. Lol


Plant some of his own with him xxx

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Get some plants for him to help

Is it the dirt he wants? Or does he want the plant. If it is the dirt, get him some Play Doh. If it is the plant, get him an artificial plant.

We have plants and I let my two year old “touch” them but I’ve always stressed we have to be gentle and spoke about them like they were people LOL and can only touch… not pull etc and he’s surprisingly left them alone😅

Put them up higher or out of reach, my 2 and 4 year old know not to touch them but I also get them to “help” water and care for them so ignore them for the most part

I moved my plant on top of one of my cabinets lol

Some toddlers need the home proof done

Join a houseplant hobbyist group. They have all the answers :laughing:. As frustrating as it was I only used hanging and shelved plants when my kids were little. I have seen a few mums in plant groups be successful with creating a tiny pool garden for their little ones so they had something special of their own. It also taught them the value of the hard work that goes in to keeping things “nice and pretty”. One mum even uprooted a couple of her daughters plants so she could understand the emotion it provoked.

If you don’t teach them the meaning of the word “no” now,they’ll never learn what it means


Maybe not say anything now for a bit. If he thinks you don’t care now, it might not continue

Just told mine pretty dont touch. I never moved my plants, dolls, or anything up from them. That way when they went to other houses they knew not too touch. They would look,and say pretty.


I Get paid 0ver $110 Per h0ur wOrking fr0m h0me. I Never thought l’d be able to do it But my COlleague makes over $15550 A m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles
SEE M0RE Here…>>>

Get some fake ones they can touch that are their plants, mirror for them how gentle we are with plants with your own. Get them a spritz bottle etc. teach them to have a green thumb too

l Get paid over $106 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16550 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Put em up higher or get a plastic grid from the craft area. We used them for toddlers and plants growing up. Doesn’t help if they tip them over but stops the random digging

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Parents are responsible for teaching them what No means. It’s not that hard to learn them.


I placed a baby gate around my plant shelves and taught my DD that plants are living and should have gentle touches only.

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Does he have anyway to play in sand or dirt? Sounds like he’s interested in the dirt and how it falls.

Well my answer may be controversial but my LO is scared of spiders so I tell him there are spiders in the plants :sweat_smile:

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Girl when ya find the solution LMK bc…. I had one plant turn into like 7 because we kept breaking arms off of it :sob:

Honestly, I’d move them where he can’t see them until he’s older. Or where he can’t reach them if “hiding them” isn’t an option.

Ever heard the saying “Keep out of reach of children?”

U just gotta be consistent and stand your ground about it especially if u don’t want to move them. Good luck