How can I get my toddler to want to brush their teeth?

Tips to get your 2 year old to like brushing there teeth every time I try she gets mad at me and won’t let me. I can’t hold her down then she’ll learn to hate it I just need some suggestions that will work. I’ve tried her favorite character toothbrushes


I am still struggling with my two year old too. But he likes the vibrating toothbrush better I’ve noticed. And when I let him hold it with me. I have to force him unfortunately bc he did have some work done and I don’t want him to get more cavities so we start out together and singing the brush your teeth song from Rachel and then I finish while holding him down🤦‍♀️

I tried but i failed so i just ask my one year old to do it himself because he don’t want me to do it for him, he did but started chewing the brush so every time im brushing my teeth and he is around i just show him how i brush mine and he just start brushing his teeth when i give him his brush.

They do things you do so start doing it together

I use a spin brush. I buy a training toothpaste and a regular toothpaste. I let my toddler go 1st with the training toothpaste, then i brush them with the regular toothpaste. Sometimes letting them do it themselves helps.

We do ours together. Sometimes, I let her brush mine and I brush hers. We play silly games in the mirror.

Keep to a routine, I found it was easier getting my kids to do it if they know it’s the next step in our night routine. We do baths every other night usually and opposite nights I just wash their face and clean them up some with a warm rag but brushing always comes directly after.

I tell my daughter that I have to get the sugar bugs off her teeth and/or name off the things she’s eaten for the day and say I see them in her mouth and have to get them out - example “omg did you eat a granola bar today??! I see it over there! Let me get it off your teeth!”
She thinks it’s funny. Sometimes I still have to hold her down

Tooth brush that lights up

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We bought little tooth hour glasses! In their favorite color! Goes for 2 minutes! Also they get to choose their toothbrush and we all did it at the same time until we got into a good routine. Now my 4&7yo brush before bed and myself hubby and 2yo brush a bit layer because we go to bed later. Make it fun, not a chore.

My son loves his gummy vitamin every morning so we used that as a reward.

I just sing songs to her. sometimes they hate it no matter what you’ll do, especially if they aren’t morning people - my daughter DEF isn’t. just like me. I don’t hold her down. But I’ll lightly hold the nape of her neck so she doesn’t wiggle around, and then sing ONLY when we are brushing. If we aren’t, I stop singing lol

Get her a battery powered one.

Make brushing her teeth a game!

My daughter and I brush our teeth together! She loves brushing with mommy but won’t let daddy near her teeth🤣
I let her try for herself while I brush and then I finish the job while she “brushes” mine.
She really loves trying to put the toothpaste on her brush as well

Try getting her to do it with the wiggle song

My 4 year old still hates it. I have to say ok I’ll just take away your tablet and pretend to walk away to actually do it, and she usually opens up cause she doesn’t wanna lose it

I figured out my child hates kids toothpaste and wants the adult mint flavor. I’d see pinpoint if the issue is with the brush itself, taste, or both

Find pictures of people with horrible teeth and show them to her saying this will happen if she does not brush them daily.

Maybe take them to the store and make it a big deal to pick out their toothbrush? :woman_shrugging:

I’m a dental assistant for 15 years now… as long as you can get them brushed is fine you don’t have to use toothpaste at that age if you do use obviously a kids bc it has more fluoride… I know it doesn’t tell you how to get the child to brush them just a FYI

Tell her there’s sugar bugs , show her pics of ugly teeth .
Or a sticker chart and at the week take her to dollar tree

Have her brush YOUR teeth. It’s literally the WORST. But if she can brush yours then you can brush hers after :laughing:

We did that and then when I was brushing my sons teeth I would set a timer (he would press start) and we would just go :musical_note: “tops on the bottom of your teeth-backs of the bottom of your teeth- fronts if the bottoms of your teeth. Bottoms of the tops of your teeth- fronts of the tops of your teeth” etc. :musical_note: we would always end with “smile teeth!” And have him smile and get those teeth and then do his tongue lol

There’s also a stupid yo gabba gabba song we did :see_no_evil:

We started like, first tooth. Now he rushes to brush his own teeth and he’s only 18mo. We also brush outer teeth with him so he sees that it’s a normal thing We all do

I keep to a routine n my 4 year old knows if you don’t I will n If you don’t brush you don’t get privileges and go right to bed!!

she brushes at night after her daily shower and mouthwashes in the AM and after most of the time after school. Hygiene is a non negotiable at our home.

Disney song Mickey Mouse singing brush your teeth

I put on the hacky smacky song on YouTube and get my son and daughter a little cup to sip in and we sing that song while brushing our teeth.

Hour glass, vibrating tooth brush, bubblegum toothpaste put the brush your teeth song on YouTube and let them watch it while brushing

They make light up ones and ones that play music. And brushing your teeth with them will help too. There’s plenty of kids videos for it as well.

Brush your teeth with her.