How can I get my toddler to wean?

Tori Weir some awesome suggestions!

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Just…quit. its more your habit because you keep giving into it. I give him a week and he is on to other things. If you are dried up sister he cant nurse.


Keona Mathews good tips…:heart_eyes:

Just stop and dont give in.

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The bandaid method! I had a boob monster and I used bandaids and we never looked back!! Best and easiest way I’ve ever weaned any of my babies

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While not physically harmful to breastfeed that long, nutritionally is is not needed as we have plenty of good food available unlike many countries. I weaned my kids by being “too busy” during the day to breastfeed and offered water, watered down juice or milk instead. At night I would stand by their crib and sooth without picking up for shorter and shorter times to allow them to learn to self sooth. While going cold turkey can certainly work I choose another way. It took a couple of weeks to accomplish.

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I bf our son for 18 and 1/2 months until I had to leave out of town for a family emergency and couldn’t take him into the hospital so that was our 3 days of separation to lead to him being weened. I am a sham and my husband works a lot out of town. Can you get away for a weekend?


Cold turkey, just like taking the bottle from a baby


I put a bandaid on my nipples and it creeped out my 12month old. He asked for it but showed him there was no nipple and dad would step in with a sippy cup.

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I went cold turkey. My pedi told me that it was a battle of the wills. You can’t cave just say no and be done offer other liquids and if he is thirsty enough he will eventually drink.

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You have to change his palette (taste buds) even if you express half breast milk mixed with cows milk a little bit of flavor won’t hurt it takes 2 weeks for your palette to change after that he’ll find the breast milk a displeasing taste slowly add more milk and less breast milk over the 2 weeks in the bottle cause the suckling on a teat is also a habit but you don’t have to take both away at the same time wouldn’t recommend a cup


I started going to sleep at night without breastfeeding and refusing if they wake up at night. After a few days of refusing they would stop asking

Just stop cold turkey


Put garlic juice/paste on your nipples tell him you have an ouchie on your nipples

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Omg I am going through the same thing!!!

I’m offline and can’t read the other comments but if no one has said it try giant Band-Aids over your nipples!!! I had a nuclear test that had to be done an don’t daughter at 2 knew about boo boos and band aids. well I put the band aids over my nipples and she would go to nurse and I’d tell her I had owies and no milk and she was so concerned that I was hurt that she would love me up and hug in me and I’d ask if she wanted big girl milk and she would accept. Never went back lol… Shocked the hell out of me cause she called them her “mine boobas” lol


I’ve heard people using the black charcoal mask and covering their nipples in it. I’m sure it’s not pleasant to peal off but if it works… just put the black stuff on and let it dry then let the kid see it on there.

I love reading these!! I am really going to try to nurse and give it my all with my last baby( number 5) but I am so afraid he will use it as a crutch

I went through this …my last baby was 2… just had to let her cry…yes it’s hard… but itll get easier…

Omg. I am going thru the same but she’s just turning a year. But won’t take a passy to formula or regular milk! Only thing I’ve found that she will occasionally drink is goat’s milk. It’s sweeter than cows milk, more similar to breastmilk. But that’s only when she will take it which is maybe once throughout the day!

Don’t allow it anymore. Why are you trying to put a 2 yr old on a bottle or pacifier? He can’t have what he doesn’t have access to.
I don’t think you’re neurotic but I do think you need to wean yourself more than the baby.


My baby was 19 months and I was done. First I started by cutting out day feedings. Literally I avoided all places we regularly breastfed and just everytime she’d go for it I’d distract her with something else and keep handing her the bottle. Yes the bottle. That’s all she would take at first but I figured I’d get off the boob then off the bottle. Then after a few weeks we were down to just night feeding and I literally had to screw up our perfect since birth schedule to get that done. I had to just let her go till she just couldn’t go no more and fell asleep wherever. Because she was so used to going to sleep with me and nursing till she fell asleep that was the only way. Occasionally she would try to nurse but I just distracted her and let her paint or play with play doh etc. After a few weeks she was over it.

Well at two I wouldn’t even try a pacifier or bottle because a two year old really shouldn’t have a pacifier or bottle
Just quit, don’t nurse the child anymore. My daughter had to quit cold turkey she was a little over two. I had to have surgery and couldn’t nurse anymore. She asked a few times, told no and that was that. I didn’t give in to the crying whining etc.


My MIL had this problem with my brother in law (by far my favorite story) she put a rope with a giant toy Mr Raisin around her neck like a necklace Everytime he asked to feed. “no waisin” is the longest running joke :joy:

In all seriousness, I hope you get some rest soon, stay strong mama

I wish I had an answer. My youngest was that way. He finally gave it up at 3 yrs and 7 months. :flushed:

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I just stopped cold turkey tbh. She was around 2 and a half years old. It was horrible and she cried for two or three nights straight- then completely got over it lol. I was so shocked at how fast she moved on. I wore a sports bra to bed just so I reminded myself to do it when I’d instinctively try to pull the boob out. It sucks to hear the crying and sadness but I just did other things to comfort her. We co slept though so it was easy for me because of that I think. Good luck!

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umm stop… You can get him off you by NOT picking him up and popping it out. Tough it out and let him cry it out.
Its not as if he is pulling them out on his own. You are the one giving in and letting it keep on happening. Toddlers get sippy cups. no more pacifiers or bottles.


My boy was hard to wean. At 18 months I had enough of him using me as a “pacifier” and I started telling him that it’s all gone. At 18 months he understood what all gone meant. Every time he wanted to nurse I’d just tell him “No it’s all gone, no more” and it only took 2 days/nights for him to figure it out. I’d recommend not replacing it with another habit such as a pacifier or anything because of the age. Once they understand it’s all gone they should stop waking through the night looking for it. Tough it out for a few nights, I know it sounds exhausting, but you’ll thank yourself later.

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Just stop giving him ur biib. Its really jot that hard. Be stern

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My gradaughter was 3 before her mother was able to get her off the boob. She got her nipples priced. Lol child was not impressed lol

Written by my wife:

So, my first I didn’t wean fully until right before she turned 3. She had issues with her stomach and it was a comfort thing for her. I started weaning her by limiting the length of time I would let her nurse. I also told her that by x day we would be done with nursing. I would decrease the amount of time until it was basically just 30 seconds. At that point we were at the point I told her we would be done and I started giving her water instead.

My second was different because nursing was making sleep difficult. She got to the point where she wasn’t falling asleep easily and I knew we had to stop. So I started with not nursing to sleep after midnight. She had to go to sleep just cuddling with me after midnight. Then 11, then 10. Then I started giving her a cup of water at bedtime instead of nursing her. I would cuddle with her instead and that worked well for her. She had just turned 2 when I weaned her. It took a few weeks with both, but it wasn’t bad. It takes time and figuring out what works best for you and your kiddo. Good luck!


My daughter was over 3 and i just started telling her that it was all gone and that she needed to use a cup now. She would still ask for a long time. I told her we could snuggle the same way…and we still do and shes 7 now.
Btw…Some of the people making rude comments about “just do this or just do that and its not that hard” ignore them. It IS that hard.


This post literally sounds like I wrote it. I’m having the SAME EXACT ISSUE.


Similar problem. My son is in the 5th percentile. I have gotten him to only get boob at night, but he is so resistant to stopping. I noticed if I give him a snack before bed, he doesnt wake up multiple times. I use to believe in self weaning, but my kid is not interested in stopping and I’m done haha so yea I feel you


I just got my girl off after a year and 1 month. She was biting me really hard making me raw and sore so i just stopped one day. I couldnt do it anymore because the pain. The worst night was the first one. They will cry and want boob but you just have to push through. I gave her the bottle because that is all she would take and that was if she wanted to. But i mean you will definitely be up for a few hours the first night. After that it gets easier. But your breasts will be terribly sore, thatll be the worst part. Just stop one day, and DONT give in. He is 2. He will do just fine.

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Look guys im going to tell you the quickest way to do it. Go cold turkey one day. Start from morning. When they start wanting boob go feed them solid food. Like in a high chair. That should do it. Of course have a sippy cup with either water, milk, diluted juice. Thats just what i did. The first night will be the worst. Of course not all situations are the same this is just mine. Distract them with toys, playing outside, baths. Whatever works…good luck :heart:


Maybe go on vacation for a week or 10 days and leave him with your husband or a grandparent without you there he will have to stop.


Stop. I know it’s hard to not be an on demand milk supply. But give yourself limits, him limits. My son, 19 months, demands milk a lot throughout the day, is given milk to go for naps and bedtime. He refuses sippys of homo milk. You just have to tell him no once in awhile, know it can be hard, but he doesn’t need breastmilk on demand every day throughout the day. Also when it was bedtime, I’d feed him, and won’t come back in to his room until it was 730am/8am.

I still feed him breastmilk throughout the day, but for meals I give him homo milk. He also takes cups of water if he doesn’t wanna spill it on the floor lol

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You breast fed that’s why.


Put mustard on your breast or something he doesn’t like

I took a week long trip. Came back and told my baby there is no more milk. I went and dumped it all. And we moved on

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Put something spicy on your nipple. After tell your baby mommy’s milk is bad… :see_no_evil:

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Just try and put bandaids on your nipples or lemon juice/vinegar. The toddler will stop. I stopped night feedings and that’s what helped. I breastfed both of mine till 15 months and 22 months


My daughtwr was over 2. My older kids were so much easier. My 3rd was fully addicted. I had to cut out the morning first…easiest…distraction just get movinf and go. Tell him the milk isnt there right now, i literally had to say they hadnt filled up till later etc. Naps and bedtimes were the worst to cut. Do yoy have anyone to help you that you could essentially leave for the night? It is so hard. Im sorry. Ive been there.

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Simple. Deny him. YOU handle his despare. Just do it.

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OMG I’m not alone sounds like I wrote this

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Just stop and ya can lay with him while he has water in his bottle or sippy cup his choice . Lol my first chose sippy cup but with his hand in between two boobs haha the hardest part is sticking to your guns and not caving . Good luck . My first was two years second I took off too early at 1 year and my third was 18 months . Second would only have banana quick in a bottle and third I can’t even remember lol

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My daughters only 3 1/2 months she’s on bottle transitioned easily I did breast milk for nearly 2 months but after she turned 1 week I had to start pumping she honestly wasn’t happy because of the bottles until we found one she liked. My daughter ate breast milk every 15 mins I never had a break and I could never stop pumping I produced an insane amount. We’re currently starting sippy cups since she can almost sit up by herself and is very happy with it. You basically have to go through the Strom before the rainbow shines

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Just stop. The issue is that moms say they want to stop but cant deal with the kid crying so they give in and before you know it you have an 8 year old still on the tit in 3rd grade​:roll_eyes::rofl:

Ps. I totally stopped at 6 months my kiddo took to the bottle and sippy really well.


Just gotta get up one morning an stop give him a sippy cup when he gets thirsty he will drink it

Yes he will cry an fuss a day or two but then it’s over lol

Aww shame. I completely get it, I was int he same boat with my eldest 2. The last one chose the bottle from 18 months. I got a few nursery rhyme books and short stories. Always read them to my son and made a fuss over the pretty pictures. He realised he was more curious than thirsty. I would start a book with much excitement, and slow down with every page, by the middle of the book I was reading in a clam and soft tone that lulled even my hubby to sleep. Kiddies followed the pics and was fast asleep before remembering mommy had milk. Within 3 months my milk dried up and they had to accept it was all gone now. Mommy will just humm or sing till their eyes closed

I think you are just going to have to tough it out until he gets used to not breast feeding. If he is sleeping with you start putting him in his own bed. When he wakes up go to him and check his diaper and lay him back down and run his back a little bit to help him settle down and go back to sleep There will be an adjustment period but don’t give in It will get better. If need be let dad go to him when he wakes up.

You could always try my sister’s method for weaning him: have another baby :joy:

I know it doesn’t solve all but I started my lo with vanilla almond milk because it has a sweet taste similar to what I would think breast milk tastes like. Just offer some.