How can I get rid of hemorrhoids?

Who should I go to about hemorrhoids after having babies? I’ve had one since I gave birth to my first child, 3 almost 4 years ago. It’s external and very big. After doing some research I think it’s a prolapsed hemorrhoid but I’m not positive. Do I go to my gyno or my primary doctor?


My ob won’t do anything with them, had to go to my primary, he gave me meds, they went away for s little bit but came back. He recommended having them surgically removed

This will sound crazy…but I saw an RN post somewhere that they put SUGAR on them to get them to shrink! Worth looking into!

I had them really bad before I gave birth and then they came back after I gave birth. I iced them and they seem to go down. I also used preparation H to help as well. Mine were the size of a small gum ball. I still have lose skin but the swelling went down. My ob said she doesn’t recommend surgery for them because it is so painful and a long recovery time.

Yes go to the femal doc hun

Fold tucks pads and keep it there❣️ 24 hours u will feel relief call obgyn

OB is not going to do anything but give medications that you most likely have tried having them this long. You would need to go to you primary doc or GI surgeon. If you don’t have a primary care, it is recommended for most things. OB does not treat everything like most believe they should, they are a speciality

U can have surgery to have them removed.

I had to have surgery. Dr said it looked like a head of cauliflower. Very uncomfortable! Go to primary doctor.

They typically dont do anything. Have had mine for almost 16 years now

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Witchhazel on cotton ball

You can get suppositories for hemorrhoids, worked for me

Hydrocortisone cream and tux

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Assuming your gyno has seen in the last 3 years when you go for your pap, gyno should have addressed the issue. Either advise you as to what to do to have it removed, or what you can do to get some relief from being uncomfortable. I would definitely ask at my next appointment if I were you.

Make sure your diet is fiber rich, do not strain when you go to the bathroom. Do not take any pain killers as they make you constipated .
Invest in a sitz bath and do it at least 2x daily , especially after you go #2

See your primary Dr for treatment and they may refer you to colorectal surgeon for further tx
Good luck, they are not fun

I went to a surgeon and he “banded” mine …they jus fell off was a lil uncomfortable but there can be something done about them

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Warm bath Epson salt.
Prep h cream for butthole.

General Dr is fine to go to, sometimes they only truly go away with surgery

Go to a colorectal surgeon.