How can I get the hospital to let my baby stay with me?

Birth Question for those who have had to get readmitted to the hospital after birth due to PreEQuestion for mamas with other kids that hubby needs to stay with and with parents who are giving you only a couple days for the birth of your child solely and really no other village that you can rely on to watch your kids. My hospital doesn’t let the baby stay with me if I am on magnesium. What would be some alternatives to allow baby to stay with me? I am trying to breastfeed.Really praying I don’t get preeclampsia again but just trying to prepare in case I do.


That happened with my first two babies. With my third I asked to stay and extra day for that exact reason. Since we hadn’t been discharged she was able to stay with me while we got my pp pre-eclampsia under control.

With a history of post partum preeclampsia I’m surprised that they would discharge you so quickly. I would start by asking to stay longer and not be discharged so quickly. I had it with both of my children but was not discharged until day 5 (C-section) and it was under control.

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Wouldn’t let mine stay after complications from c section because I was placed on the “sick floor”

A lot of hospitals won’t allow it
As it could be a contamination issue for other people in that room
Would it be possible to pump some milk into bottles so that the father can feed bubs
And you can have your baby visit you

I’d try to establish a sitter for other kids so hubby can be with you I had newborn I had hubby and him with me because I breast fed but I couldn’t have done it without hubby I wasn’t able to even pay attention on mag

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That happened to me. I had to get readmitted 1 day after discharge. They said there was no way baby could stay with me. I told the hospital staff I was not staying without my baby because I was nursing and didn’t want her introduced to formula. I told them I would self discharge if she couldn’t stay. I honestly didn’t realize how sick I was though. BUT it worked. They let her stay as long as hubby was there to help. But looking back I should have just let her stay with Dad at home and let the Drs take care of me. I think I was just panicking.

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I am not fully understanding this. But as M/B RN, if you have to be readmitted for whatever reason, no one , sorry even your baby can not stay with you, It is due to liability. Now if you get sick or have to stay longer after giving birth, the hospital will not D/C your baby, meaning the baby can stay with you, unless you are admitted to ICU. Now if you are readmitted, & breastfeeding they should set you up with a breast pump. As for storing the pumped milk they should give you a small portable refrigerator for you to put the milk in, Now if you are on meds that are not good/suitable for the baby to drink, you can still pump & dump, to keep the milk supply up. Also a lactation nurse should also see you during this time


They let my baby stay with me I had preeclampsia then after I delivered I had eclampsia and was on magnesium and they let the baby with me the whole time.

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They admitted me back into labor and delivery so baby could come with me. But I had to have my mom so that she could help me with baby because of the magnesium

Nurse here and I hate how everything has become so complicated. I feel for you. A few years ago, no problem. Now as a nurse there are several factors, hospitals are a steaming pile of ick. Disease, viruses, bacteria. Its a hospital where sick people are.All of these reasons have a huge potentialto harm your baby. Staff is so thin they do not have the extra bandwidth to care for a non patient. Insurance companies run America and hospitals are a corporate machine all about profit over patients.

What about hiring a nurse aid to stay with you at the hospital? So the baby can stay ?